
January 6th, 2012 | 214 Entries

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214 Entries for “dozen”

  1. a dozen dead half rotted piece of shit roses. a dozen days of endless waiting. a dozen weeks of crocodile tears.a dozen dead memories.

  2. A dozen fingers and a dozen toes. Frozen, she stared at her new daughter. What, exactly did this mean? Two hearts? One kidney? A malformed brain? Surgeries, for sure. Her husband looked down, then stared at her. Did he think it was her fault?

  3. A dozen eggs are great. But you really only need one. Even an empty carton is useful. Think of all the things we enjoy in life. If we multiplied them by 12, we might truly realize the abundance upon us. But we don’t need 12 of anything. All we need is ONE to realize that we already have what we want.

    by Shelby on 01.06.2012
  4. there were twelve buns in the bag. And one for luck, a bakers’ dozen. They felt warm against Emilie’s chest as she carried them home, looking forward to splitting one and spreading it thickly with butter. Her mind raced ahead to the log fire and the hot chocolate which would accompany it.

  5. “It is going to take a lot more then 2 dozen long stem roses to drag yourself out of this shit hole buddy.”

    “yeah I know, but at I gotta start somewhere… right?” Alton sighed, staring down the barrage of multicolored flowers that over-crowed the small flower shop’s floor. “Now, what do you think? White? Red? Is there an apology color flower?

    “Dude, I say cut your losses and go with one yellow one…. and give it to that chick over there… I mean she is never going to forgive you. You just don’t get over it after someone does something like that.”

    “It was just a joke…”

    “Yeah well tell that to her Grandmother.”

  6. There were a dozen or so gorgeous gemmed rings lying on her antique wooden dressing table. This collection was the pride of her life. Each ring she had purchased for herself to commemorate particular milestones. She had never married, but even if she had, she would have never consented to wear a wedding ring from her husband. Change and variability were too important to her – in fashion and in life.

  7. you call for
    a dozen angels
    to watch over thee
    and follow for eternity
    until the day come
    your wish be undone
    and you walk through fire
    down strait to hell

  8. eggs
    bakers dozen

    by :Poopman on 01.06.2012
  9. About a dozen times I day I check my email, then Facebook, the WOOT, then Yahoo…my life, quite simply, revolves around the Internet. It is almost painful to be off the grid. But this is how I make my living and the only social interaction I get.

  10. A dozen roses lay on the table. Jake took one up with his fingers and held it out to Hayley.
    “What does this symbolize?” she asked.
    “Our first-born child,” answered Jake. His eyes dark, he threw it into the fire. Hayley’s eyes went wide with shock, and she stared in horror.
    “What?” she gasped.
    “There’s a price from returning from the dead, Hayley,” Jake whispered. Hayley looked down at the remaining eleven roses and frowned.

  11. Dozen

    They say that families are cheaper by the dozen. Don’t you believe it. Though I admit, we didn’t *quite* get there since there are only 11 siblings in my family. But it’s not cheap. It IS full of hand-me-downs, though. I’d know. I was the youngest girl. :-(

    by on 01.06.2012
  12. There is a dozen ways to overthrow the government. You could start a war, end a war, or just throw your country into one. You could kill the president, make himself kill himself. You could do anything you want really and truthfully. But the easiest way to overthrow the government is to talk. Just talk about how incompetant they are and how much they miss.

    by Ash on 01.06.2012
  13. A dozen is a group of twelve things, like a dozen eggs, a dozen pairs of shoes. My mom has more than a dozen pairs of earrings. We have more than a dozen notebooks. We buy eggs by the dozen.

    by Damaris on 01.06.2012
  14. a dozen donuts
    Were all it took
    To remind me
    Of his look
    At the bakery
    He glanced across
    The crowded room
    Then he was lost
    I wish I knew
    Where he has gone
    I won’t forget


    by Kristen on 01.06.2012
  15. It would have been fun to have a dozen children and live in a great big house. I can just imagine how I might have dedicated a big part of my life to that. But we had a little house, and we stopped having children when we ran out of room for them. And when we ran out of money, too!

    by Carol Bailey Floyd on 01.06.2012
  16. A dozen roses? Thats corny. A dozen thought spinning im my head as I wonder where my life will take me. Thats probably more accurate. I don’t know what Im going to do or where I am going to go, a dozen paths are open to me.

    by ZoeZoe on 01.06.2012
  17. you’re sitting there,
    reading your book,
    twisting a strand
    of glossy hair around
    your finger
    while i sit here
    and watch
    a dozen
    thoughts and
    feelings are running
    circles through
    my mind

  18. I looked at the dozen children on my doorstep, looking at me expectantly.
    “I’m sorry,” I heard myself say, even though my heart was melting at the sight of them. “I don’t buy girls scout cookies.” They all sighed and began to walk to the neighbors. Why do these children always come to my doorstep? Never bother the lady who’s forty and still single.

  19. there are a dozen eggs in a carton. There are a dozen birds in a tree. There
    are a dozen tomatoes in the grocery store.

    by suesue on 01.06.2012
  20. A dozen donuts with red, blue, green, and white frosting sat in a cardboard box on the coffee table when Derek got back from work. He grabbed a maple old-fashioned and let his incisors close in on the sugary dough and hardened sugar, savoring the flavor of the American delicacy. When he was halfway through the donut, he found a note beside the box from his wife, Tracy.

    “Enjoy these diabete donuts. They’re a symbol of my looooooove. XOXOXOXO”

    by Belinda Roddie on 01.06.2012
  21. I’ve counted a dozen freckles on your shoulder, and I’ve tasted each one. Honey sweet and smelling like the sea. We meet up after Christmas and you look bronze compared to the paleness of my arms, my middle. You still love me though, you tell me it at least.

  22. Cheaper by the Dozen. Never read the book. Then again, there are plenty of books I never get around to reading. They are started and stacked up on shelves in random orders. Cheaper by the Dozen would just end up there too.

    by Brianna on 01.06.2012
  23. what a dream to eat every donut I could buy without a calorie to hold me accountable. Yet I sit here counting ever last bite, even chewing without swallowing, since I have no self worth until my belly leaves me.

  24. A dozen roses are a pleasure to receive anytime of the year, red yellow or peach. Send them to me and I will gladly display them on any table or desks to enjoy.

    by Sheila Good on 01.06.2012
  25. My mom buys eggs by the dozen. The movie “Cheaper By The Dozen” is very weird. A dozen is twelve things.

  26. i went to the store and i bought a dozen eggs a dozen is 12 just incase you didn’t know

    by clarebear22 on 01.06.2012
  27. A dozen is the same as 12. Well if it’s a bakers dozen it is 13. I love the movie cheaper by the dozen cuz’ its funny!(;

  28. dozen is a amount that is 12.

  29. I go to the store and buy a dozen eggs for frying.

  30. I wathced on tv today a person eat a dozen egg omlet. Omg It was freaky he ate dozen egg omlet, two slices of toast, and 1 pound of hashbrowns! And he ate all of it!

  31. I just went to the store yesterday to buy eggs. I forgot to check to see if they were all intact before I bought them. Lucky for me, they were. I didn’t realize how much I actually use eggs until they were gone. I feel like they sit in my fridge for months, unused, and then I eventually have to throw them away…

    by Katharine on 01.06.2012
  32. Dozing on pool tables; written–smeared blue fingers on green felt.

    “Wanton whiskey.”

  33. Dozen, there are a dozen and four students in our year dvd class.

  34. A dozen can be thirteen – baker’s dozen they call it. Hemma loved buying donuts on Wednesday mornings, baker’s dozen day at the local corner bakery. She ate two on the way home and froze the rest. Two a day for six; one for the day she headed back to the bakery again.

  35. in my family
    there are half a dozen “kids”
    including my stepsiblings
    I’m one of a biological set
    of a 1/3 dozen
    I don’t know what my parents were thinking
    Like that
    In this economy I’m surprised
    At how people can have kids at all
    Let alone have 20+

    by ellie griffith on 01.06.2012
  36. I’ve found that there are only a few, a chance handful, that I would take with me and never look back. It’s those few that pad the walls of your heart, that make you feel like God know what he’s doing when he throws you to the wolves. Just a handful, to love and to hold, to grasp on to like they are your world. The baker may tell you that there’s simply not enough, but for me, they are.

  37. Like 12 eggs or 12 thing is a dozen.

  38. More than a dozen years passed without the longed-for baby, the child who would turn their lives into the happy bauble they had wished for on their wedding day before the drudgery drove away the golden years they had been given.

  39. She put the dozen muffins into the oven and shut the heavy metal door. Steam fogged the bakery windows, and the outside sky had turned the purple shade that foretold dawn in an hour or so. A few drunken stragglers from a wild Friday passed the plate glass, some looking hungrily into the windows. They didn’t see her.

  40. the reasons i have to stay may be outnumbered by those which tell me to leave. i could choose one of a dozen options of where to go and who to love but for some out of this world reason i just want to be here with you.