
May 30th, 2023 | 12 Entries

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12 Entries for “balance”

  1. The line stretches, she takes a breath, arms out, slightly swaying, one foot in front of the other, gently placing, imagining clouds instead of the chalky sidewalk beneath her.

  2. I teeter on the edge. My loopy long legs dangle in the night sky, untethered. There’s no harmony to be had here. No simple, solidifying base to hold on to.

    by charcola on 05.31.2023
  3. you on
    one side
    me on
    for a
    like a

    by Em on 05.30.2023
  4. You took her life, without a thought. Your selfish thirst quieted her screams. She was kind, innocent and stood for all the good in the world. Sadly, you have crossed my path now. I am her shadow, her balance, her vengeance. I am all that you fear in this world, the darkness to her light. Although taking your life will not restore the balance, It will satisfy me for the moment.

    by cathy on 05.30.2023
  5. a balance beam. Fall one way or the other and you die, falling for forever, eternal doom. DEATH BANG CRASH. you are dead just like me…

    by Kelsey Scrivet on 05.30.2023
  6. harmony in a chaotic world, balance often remains a sought-after dream. it’s not merely the juxtaposition of opposing forces, but the profound understanding of their essential interdependence.

  7. In the heart of the forest, I learned balance. The trees taught me patience, the wind, acceptance. The river, in its flow, whispered the secret – balance is not a state achieved, but a rhythm lived.

    by mellowtonin on 05.30.2023
  8. Balance is elusive. It’s an enigmatic ghost that eludes the grasp, laughs in the face of plans. It’s the sweet spot between too little and too much

    by Jaz on 05.30.2023
  9. Each feather poised, each breath counted, the tightrope walker inches forward. Balance, for him, is not a concept but a tangible, life-affirming reality – a whisper between existence and oblivion.

    by human_esque on 05.30.2023
  10. a duet of light and shadow, a delicate choreography between giving and receiving, the waxing and waning moon, the ebb and flow of the ocean, the dance of the day and the night.

    by arlo on 05.30.2023
  11. I am so tired. I have carried the world on my shoulders for my entire life. I have always been the one to fix or take care of all the chaos. With my mother I had to be the adult, working full time at age 14. With my spouse I make the money, cook, clean, and take care of every detail. I need balance in my life, I need help, yet none offer. I walk the beam alone while everyone watches and enjoys the show

    by Cathy on 05.30.2023
  12. What you don’t understand is there is good and evil in every aspect of life. There must be balance. Take from one to give to the other, and chaos will pursue. There is always balance, that is not a choice just as consequence will not be a choice. There is always a cost, regardless of the motive.

    by cat on 05.30.2023