
September 14th, 2011 | 458 Entries

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458 Entries for “account”

  1. It’s amazing how little
    we take into account.
    Millions of things
    move around us
    influencing our lives
    in such slight ways
    and yet we let their presence
    slip by, unnoticed.

    by zoezoe on 09.14.2011
  2. I make fake accounts in different social websites. I talk to people that I wouldn’t talk to and people that wouldn’t normally talk to me talk to me. I get to know these people. Or at least the people they created on their computer. I learn who these people are in real live. For example, I found the most popular girl in my school in a social website for geeks. She has a fake picture that isn’t even her of a blond girl with freckles and glasses. She says she’s never had a friend in her entire life except for online.I found my 52-year-old math teacher at a social website for rappers around the world that get to talk about themselves and their music. He has a picture of a black big guy rapping in front of a huge crowd. It’s fun to see what these people wish they were. Or at least think they know what they want to be.

    by Rukia on 09.14.2011
  3. If there is any money you have, put it into an account. Lots of people are very worried about the amount they have in a personal account, but they shouldn’t. Lots of people use the phrase “personal relationship account” this is when you do something nice for someone, you put some more fake money into your “personal relationship account.”

    by Helen on 09.14.2011
  4. As I waited for the man to activaite my checking account, he stared at the amount of money in my hand. No average teenager has this much cash. I mean, I am holding $50,000 here! I follow his glance. “14 years of hard work, school raffles, and saving up,” I say. I can tell he’s not convinced. I’m not either.

  5. An identity online. It could contain secrets, confessions. You could be the same or completely different. Your tongue is loosening and you express yourself. You don’t feel quite as alone anymore. You’re not alone here.

    by Imogen on 09.14.2011
  6. A bank account is a place where people store their money. I hate spelling account, and am not going to be an accountant. Account is a very strange word

    by Diane on 09.14.2011
  7. i have some money in a bank account. probably 400 bucks maybe. i want so badly to go, draw out that money, and run. run to new york city, and start over, born again new and alone. i want to drop everything ive ever worked for and start over.

    by Amy H on 09.14.2011
  8. Eating Juice stops every time we go near 6th and Wakarusa is depleting my bank account rather quickly. This is quite depressing, as my friend Diane would say. However, they are just so dang good! Oh, dear.

    by Lily on 09.14.2011
  9. the account. no one knows the amount thank goodness. i am constantly afraid of what that knowledge could bring. people would flock and i would have to hide. my life would change. i cant have that i must be careful, no mistakes this time. i will get it done no one will ever find out what i have.

    by mee. on 09.14.2011
  10. the eegs!bogdan was throwing a whole three months of eggs against the wall!
    “son!”she voiced steadily, “give an account of your actions.”

  11. eating Juice stops every time we go near 6th andf wakarusa is depleating my bank account rather quickly. this is quite depressing, as my friend Diane would say. However, they are just so dang good! Oh, dear.

    by Lily on 09.14.2011
  12. I just activated my account! Yay! Ugh….what a dumb first word.

  13. My bank account is quite low. What shall I do? I ask myself? EAGADS! I shall have to clean 100 houses in the next week to re-supply my ACCOUNT! What shall my family do while I clean 100 houses as MY house will surely be a mess by the time I return.

    by Shawn Bay on 09.14.2011
  14. I love going in the bank, all the clacking of the keys and exchanging of money. My account has long been filled with money I didn’t want and promises he couldn’t keep. I’m sick of all the money he gives me.

    by Taylor Jane on 09.14.2011
  15. My account is running out of money, because of spending habits and the lack of self-control. Maybe there are classes for this sort of thing? I should really get a job so that I can fill up my account and therefore be able to spend more. What a vicious cycle!

    by Chander Parris on 09.14.2011
  16. something I have with the bank. It manages my money through credit and is a revolutionary thing.

    Something I have with many different stores which require a card such as autozone, wal-mart, costco, Verizon, Metro PCS, and many o

    by Doug on 09.14.2011
  17. Here is my personal account of the Sun in in Spring. It’s tied up in a box with a string.

    by cp on 09.14.2011
  18. We are all accountable for our actions. That was always something my mother taught me. She would often mention it when i had done something wrong and tried to place the blame on my younger sister. I remember hearing her say it a bunch of times, and that’s what made the advice stick.

    by Michael Wagar on 09.14.2011
  19. My account is minus thirty dollars today. Spent it on two tickets for my best friend and me to go to a Plain White T’s and The Summer Set concert. It is going to be such a lovely experience.

  20. My bank account is not my own. I pretend it is. It is easier that way, living a fantasy. Like a princess with mounds of gold to spend. Able to simple have what ever whim I desire. It is easier that way.

    by Jessica Holzer on 09.14.2011
  21. I just opened a bank account for the first time. It’s really weird cause now it feels like I’m growing up. Well, I am growing up but I mean I don’t know if I’m ready to. I’m turning 19 in like 4 days it’s crazy. I still feel like a kid even though I’m not. I’m not ready to grow up.

    by Katie on 09.14.2011
  22. I have a bank account myself that my parents had help me start at a young age. Since that time I have developed two more. My accounts keep track of my money savings and spendings. I guess it keeps me accountable

    by Michael Wagar on 09.14.2011
  23. she didn’t account for the fact that she would fall in love. cheesy, yes, but terribly true. she had her life planned out–ivy league college, maybe a part-time job at the coffee shop on university avenue, life as a programmer forever after school, maybe google or somewhere kind of fun if she was lucky–and then in waltzed this slickass bastard in his slickass accountant suit and his slickass degree in accounting and oh jesus, she wasn’t even religious and she wanted god to deliver her from his green eyes.

  24. her version was so different from his – her account of fantastic swirls of tales and magnificent wonders so strange compared to the black and white, pragmatic reality that he insisted on keeping.

    she liked her fantasies much better than the harsh world he lived in.

    by Nuard on 09.14.2011
  25. Well, I already wrote about this word. I really don’t want to do it again. So I guess I’ll just waste time with pointless sentence such as these. Account is a boring word to write about.

    by Emmaleen on 09.14.2011
  26. On account of my boss being a sexist jerk I have no job. Therefore my bank account is nil too.

    I need to hold people accountable more often.

    by L on 09.14.2011
  27. Account, like a bank account. I’ve never had a bank account. I always wanted one. Then again what would I put in it. I don’t make money. It would be a pointless, empty bank account. That would just mock me and my poorness. Boo, I don’t want an empty bank account after all. I should get a job. I was going to over the summer, but I decided against it. It would just take up more time. Right now I hardly have any time between band, drum line, friends, homework. Time and money- two things I don’t have. Wow, my life sucks.

    by Emma on 09.14.2011
  28. i dont ever want to be an accountant. that would suck. pam’s pretty cool though. i love the office. one time i watched every office episode in like a week.

    by Maria Delsin on 09.14.2011
  29. it was a mill of tapping fingers and you could almost hear their minds whirring, like machines. the vast room buzzed with activity as dark-haired and dark-eyed men sorted through files and conversed casually about the day. it was the buzzing of a thousand bees around a day-to-day change. it was the passing of money from hand to hand, only casually, as they all glanced around with ripple-quick eyes.

    by Jessica on 09.14.2011
  30. It is on account of my daughter that I am a proud mother. I am the one to whome she would be giving and account, but today she was admitted to a psychiatric unit of a local hospital and she did not give an account to me. What is she afraid of — How can I spend a whole afternoon with her and have her not come clean with me. is it on account of my superiorty of perceived holiness that she will not do that. If sh eonly knew the horrible thoguths i have had and that she is not alone.

    by on 09.14.2011
  31. money debt, it’s empty and baren. lost and found save my time save my mind

    by ann on 09.14.2011
  32. my bank account wont be like this forever! A huge change in my life is about to occur!!!! joing deca in my highschool which when everyone sees me doing it they will think im out of my mind! but im growing up, something all these drug addicts in our school should be doing!

  33. We are now being held accountable on a student by student basis, and for some reason, I now have more special education students in my classes then ever before. Coincedence? I don’t think so. I’ve been on the blacklist for years now, and she’s finally starting to stack the cards against me to get rid of me.

  34. I don’t haven account on this site, I do have a stumbleupon account though. That is how I found this site. I have zero dollars and eleven cents in my bank account. Accounts are ways of keeping track of your personal information. You can also be held accountable for your actions, which means you are responsible for the things you do, and the consequences of them.

    by Tom on 09.14.2011
  35. My account was hacked. How did that happen? Why did that happen? Who cared about the details of my life enough to hack my account? Was it a practical joke? A stalker? Someone wanting the gossip???

    by on 09.14.2011
  36. On account of you I am not writing this story the way I had planned, but with your phone call came a litany of reproofs that I should have lobbed back at you instead of letting you eat into my psyche with your red pointy clown teeth that should have been filed back ages ago when I had the chance.

  37. My account at the bank is frozen because my mother passed away and the account is in her name, too. I don’t know what to do! I don’t have any money and my boss won’t give me an advance.
    To make ends meet, I applied at Michaels. The woman there smiled at me but didn’t hire me.

    by maria holt on 09.14.2011
  38. which account are you talking about, it could be my bank account, facebook account, or even email account…. or an account of my education. which ever it is, it represents my status in that given domain

    by mide on 09.14.2011
  39. The overdraft limit had been set.
    But all of that meant nothing to Robert, since he needed to be held accountable for the balance set in stone.
    All things must equal to zero.
    One figure must cancel out another.
    Through life there is death, through death there used to be life.
    Now there is just more death.

    Alas, creating the budget for the end of days is tough.

  40. I ave finaly got an account for the intranet of the Uppsala University (Sweden), I can now access to course literature and to lessons of basic swedish course (I am an exchange student from France-Germany) !

    by Gawel Anna on 09.14.2011