
September 15th, 2011 | 446 Entries

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446 Entries for “average”

  1. just a day of my life as antone elses. the average amount of fat americans. wow that was average.

    by andrew on 09.15.2011
  2. An average life.

    That’s all she wanted. Wasn’t it?

    Sure, it was wonderful, having your photograph taken on every street you walked on. And okay, it was pretty great having hundreds of men vie for your attention day and night. And she had to admit that it was lovely being able to buy whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted.

    But when did it end?

    She wanted an average life. And she was going to get it.

    by Salina on 09.15.2011
  3. One word. Is it enough. Time goes fast. Keeps ticking. What to say. What to write. A legacy. Of what. Desire to be remembered. Time. What to say. Love.

    by fernanda on 09.15.2011
  4. Average. I’m anything but average. And so is everyone else. Averages don’t exist in anything but mathematics. There’s no “normal”. No “sane”. No “regular”. Just you. And just me.

    by Mine Mind on 09.15.2011
  5. The average size of boobs is like a C. Now personally I like D’s better because they’re bigger and more squishy. Now who’s with me? I know you are, you almost have to be. Right? Boobs<3 Squishy. Soft. Fun. And yes, I AM a girl. I'm bi. Get it? Got it? Good(:

    by Lindsey on 09.15.2011
  6. Most things are average. Some things are exceptional and some things aren’t worth it. For the most part I am glad most things are average. I couldn’t live in the stress exceptional can bring nor could I live with the loss that nothing brings.

    by Beth on 09.15.2011
  7. average kids just put the pen on the paper and start writing, like im doing now, and that’s the difference between a young writer and an average kid. A writer puts his pen on the paper and starts telling a story.

  8. The sun sets, the sun rises. On average life is good. The time ticks by slower than it has in a while. The world had lost some of it’s colour, but all in all, there is nothing to complain about. Other than losing most everything material. All things are replacable. Well, most things. My heart, not so sure.

  9. When something is average, it is mediocre. It is not great, but it is not bad. Like when you are averaging your grades; you take and add them all together, divide by the number of grades and you will get your average grade. It won’t be the best, but it won’t be the worst either. Average athletes probably won’t make the team.

    by on 09.15.2011
  10. I’m average. I think like an average girl, I seem like an average girl. I think I look like an average girl. Nothing special. I used to think I was different, but everyone’s the same. Everyone’s pretty average, with only a few exceptions.

  11. The sun sets, teh sun rises. On average life is good. The time ticks by s lower than it has in a while. The world had lost some of it’s colour, but all in all, there is nothing to complain about. Other than losing most everything material.

  12. Despite years of practice, his performance was best described as fast-approaching average, and he knew it — however, he had the resolve of steel and morale through the roof and never even considered quitting.

  13. The medium of what people consider ‘normal’. Unfortunately, its usually the ‘average’ people who lead the least interesting lives. But if you have no desire for adventure and just want to live life passively, sure, go be average.

    by Anony on 09.15.2011
  14. Are you average? Its what we loathe. Isn’t it? Nobody wants to be average. Really in every person there is a bit of genius and nobody makes you average. If something becomes average, its because its been neglected or worse yet subdued and the genius has been buried.

    by bella on 09.15.2011
  15. i feel average, i feel like there isnt much to me more than there is to everyone else. do we all feel this way? what is average. what is different. if we all feel different, then arent we the same? average. like math class.. i hated math class. i was never really any good at math. perhaps because i felt average.

    by amy on 09.15.2011
  16. Average. A average man wakes up, walks to his kitchen, turns on his water, pours a cup of water, for a cop of tea.

    by Teknique on 09.15.2011
  17. You say you’re nothing special, but I say differently. I see everything in you. I see something grand, something beautiful, something worth fighting for. I hope one day you will see it too. You’re not ordinary, you’re incredible.

  18. I’m not average. Nothing about me is. I’m incredibly above average, actually. I’m going to one of the best photography schools in the country. or rather, a school with one of the best photo programs. That should say something. And everyone here is insanely smart. I mean, it’s a tech school mostly. But I’m going here. Suck it bitches.

    by Jessica on 09.15.2011
  19. Ganimède futailles
    Pluton les vècres de
    Mélly domeur zeitu

  20. blan boring non exciting normal human non over achiever not failer ok compliment or not a compliment

    by roxi on 09.15.2011
  21. Mediocrity you are not. Better than those who do nothing, but missing the mark of those who excel. Is it not better to be a C student and friends, then an A student all alone?

    by smattc on 09.15.2011
  22. Average. “Normal.” He never subscribed to that whole notion of living. Where he saw people being reserved and mild mannered, he just naturally did the opposite. There is no one that is truly normal or average he thought. Everyone is extraordinary in one way or another. Everyone is weird, strange, and silly. Some just never let that part of themselves see the light of day. The world would be a lot more interesting of a place if they did.

  23. God uses average people to accomplish more than average things. It’s really an amazing thing to think about. He just wants willing participants, to give up our own egos

    by HLB on 09.15.2011
  24. everybody is just average… always average… i want to be so average that i’m special in my averagy, if that’s a word. i hate being average. so i’m average average. that’s special. strange i always think of special when talking about average.

    by Charlotte on 09.15.2011
  25. When did being average become so bad? Sameness, normalcy. Its the common denominator.

  26. I’m not this at all. In my opinion, being average is one of the saddest things to be. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m not unique or interesting at all.” If I were average, I’d have to kill myself twice. Write something, sing something, draw something, love something. Don’t ever be average. If you’re average, I don’t want to be your friend ever.

    by Clay Parker on 09.15.2011
  27. i am average
    i am kind
    i am one
    of a simple mind

    i believe
    in me and you
    and I have hope
    for the average two

    by Kari on 09.15.2011
  28. no body is average. everyone in this world is different, so how can you compare them? average is something you are when you dont know what else to be. so buck up, do something new, and dont be average.

  29. average grades, average jobs, average lives, lived by average people. God has asked us to stand out to be salt and light inthis dark world! What are we doing wake up church, wake up and share your lives and God with others. Jesus loves you. You were made for a purpose. You don’t have to be average!!

    by Anne on 09.15.2011
  30. So what is average? Average is a value that indicates the most frequent point between two extremes. An example is temperature. Weather forecasters give an average temperature for the season. The average temperature is the number obtained by adding together all the temperatures for a time period and dividing by the number of temperatures added together. An average grade is obtained the same way

    by Cyndi on 09.15.2011
  31. I feel like I’m an average person. I get average grades. I have average looks. I do average things. When i was younger I partied a lot and had a lot of friends. I felt like my life was interesting and fun then and always different. Not average like it is now. I wish i could go go back to that.

    by Cait on 09.15.2011
  32. something regular, mediocre. an estimate.

    by Nabil on 09.15.2011
  33. the average of something is the sum of the things divided by the amount of things you want the average of. average could also mean the norm, or like what everyone else is doing. the average person consumes blah blah blah a day, etc. it could also mean a grade in a class.

    by meghan rutherford on 09.15.2011

    by SUE on 09.15.2011
  35. There are three averages in life that matter,
    1)the average speed it take to recognize an idiot,
    2)the average speed to get laid,
    3)the average speed to get out of there before the next morning…

  36. I don’t like being in the middle. There are only ups and downs. THe middle, the average is a place where you can whine about your downs . I don’t like being average.

    by Ros-Marry on 09.15.2011
  37. On average we don’t undersand one another. On average we misinterpret one another’s words. Maybe one day we will be above the average and respect each human they way all should be respected.

    by Eric on 09.15.2011
  38. what I’m not — how too many people treat themselves and the job they do — normal — not special — pants that are too long on me — what I strive for those I love not to be — mundane — boring — every day —

    by amy on 09.15.2011
  39. average is normal. normal ways of answering the average. is average mean or median? or is it harsh and cold and something that no-one wants to be. i want to be this.

    by on 09.15.2011
  40. “Average” – Something we all went to be more than, yet we all crave to be it none-the-less. People crave fitting in, even if they say that they want to be different. Average is one of the most paradoxically used words, it’s hardly ever used appropriately.

    by beforethebirds on 09.15.2011