
September 24th, 2012 | 361 Entries

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361 Entries for “before”

  1. Before we moved I lived in paradaise. I hadn’t yet turned five. I remember because my fifth birthday was a tawdry affair in my aunt’s dark living room. There was a gift. It was a nice gift.

    by ariel4thou on 09.24.2012
  2. before he left the house, he thought he had made sure to turn the gas off. When he returned home hours later, he found the house burning.

    by Mitchell Brown on 09.24.2012
  3. What comes before…influences what comes after. If we ignore what we have already witnessed or experienced for ourselves then we are likely to repeat the pattern. And that can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending upon the desired outcome.

    by paulie aragon on 09.24.2012
  4. Before long these muscle relaxants would have seeped through my cells; sapping me of my energy. But before that happens I will

    by anna on 09.24.2012
  5. There had been no before. No beginning. it had always been that way. She couldn’t remember nor contemplate a beginning. If there was a beginning there had to be an end. That was not an option.

  6. Before I woke up I was dreaming. Dreaming up a different lifestyle. A lifestyle where we are all part of the same whole. A lifestyle where we live in peace.

  7. Before we kissed that first time, I wondered how you felt, how we would fit, how we would live. I wondered how time would flow if I felt your hand in mine. Before we touched that first time…

  8. I don’t remember. All I know is what is. I close my eyes and I see your face. I try to think of a time when you weren’t there, and my mind goes blank. It doesn’t matter. There is nothing really worth remembering before you anyway.

    by on 09.24.2012
  9. Before I met you life was extremely different. I was unaware of how intense emotions can be. My life is beautiful now that you’re in it. It is also tragic because you are not mine

  10. before i didn’t have so much to do.

    by kd on 09.24.2012
  11. Before. Before what? time? Space? Life? Mine, yours? who’s exactly? The word opens up any topic of discussion…. what do you want to talk about?

  12. Before I met you I thought I needed something. Before you came into my life I felt my life had a hole. Now you are here and I do not know. I love most of the things you have brought into my life. Yet I think I invented you to be the perfect soul mate–you don’t really exist, do you?

    by Diane on 09.24.2012
  13. before there was everything there was nothing. funny thins is that out of that nothing, everything came out. i did, you did, we all did. nobodies, acquaintances, friends, best friends, lovers. but why do we tend to go back to the nothingness after the end…

  14. before i knew them things were different, now its perfect. now im whole.

    by awkprep on 09.24.2012
  15. there was before. before him. but it’s weird, because now it’s after. and now that it’s after that means that it’s harder to remember the before. before gets forgotten. it’s easy to remember today, and now, and yesterday. but what about the week before last? or the year before that?

    by Maggie on 09.24.2012
  16. before i was this way
    there was you
    i was different like i said
    but you’ve stayed the same all this time
    i love you for that. i love you for everything you are.
    i didn’t love anything before.

  17. Before my life.
    What was it like.
    How are we supposed to know what happened befor time?
    Religion is stupid.
    Before what?
    I wonder.
    Wonderous word~
    Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
    I have hours… Only lonely… My love is vengeance. That’s never free.
    My war. Yeah. You’ll be seeing me on the news soon.
    Be looking for “Audrey Taylor: We are free.” – U –

    by Audrey on 09.24.2012
  18. Before I can play Boreder lands I have to wait for my little brother to go to his fathers house or his friends house.

  19. before there was a time
    there was an era
    in which the times were unparalleled
    and the fruits were both organic and sumptuous

    those were some time to be cherished

    but they are no more
    there is only dust
    there is only the remains of many tons of
    manufactured chemicals

    by Felix on 09.24.2012
  20. Bevor du gehst, sollst du den Schlüssel vom Schlüsselbrett nehmen. Und wenn du dann gegangen bist, werde ich wissen, dass du wiederkommen kannst. Dass es nicht von mir abhängt. Du wirst die Wohnung betreten können, auch wenn ich dir die Tür nicht öffne. Das beruhigt mich irgendwie. Aber vielleicht will ich ja dann wirklich nicht mehr, dass du hier reinkommst. Egal, ich kann immer noch das Schloss austauschen.

    by EliEli on 09.24.2012
  21. Before meeting him everything was different. I was unaware that emotions could be so intense. I did not understand how one person could change everything. My life was simpler then, but now it is beautiful because he is in it. It is also tragic because he is not mine.

    by Victoria on 09.24.2012
  22. Before I was on Stumbleupon I would waste hours on FB. Now I simply waste hours on here. At least Stumbleupon is more productive. I hope to be productive every day… a productive waste of my time.

    by Gina Jenkinson on 09.24.2012
  23. Before she left there were things to take care of. She wanted no regrets when she looked back on this period of her life. Selling the house was part of it, setting the record straight with those women was another.

    by Katherine on 09.24.2012
  24. before sunrise before sunset

    by Katie on 09.24.2012
  25. Before this I felt fine. I was happy and carefree. But then something changed. Wait, no, everything changed. I no longer feel like myself. I’m just a prisoner trapped in a lifeless body with no where to go. I cannot escape. Everyday is a more difficult challenge. One that I am not willing to face.

    by Lucy on 09.24.2012
  26. Before tonight, he had only thought of her as a person he knew, someone who bossed him around and got in his way and thought she knew everything. Before now, he had never seen her as anyone different.

    But that was then. Now he saw a beautiful young woman whose compassion for people around her was shadowed only by her desire for justice and goodness; someone who had opened her life to him and helped him when he needed it most; someone he respected, admired, and appreciated.

    Someone he couldn’t live without.

  27. Before I move into the new chapter of my life, I need to understand the holes in my soul . . . fill them . . . and forgive those who made them, even if they were made by me.

    by Sheila on 09.24.2012
  28. the car came before the bus

    by prady on 09.24.2012
  29. the first thought that comes to mind… really… you want me to write the first thing that pops into my head when i see the word… before… well ok… you asked for it… so here goes… does anyone need to use the bathroom ‘before’ we leave… yes you can tell that i am a parent… and no one ever needs to use the bathroom before you leave… but they always have to go about 2 miles down the road…

    by Michael on 09.24.2012
  30. He turned off the radio before the song escalated.

    Before she silenced her tears.

  31. i think abou things i have done and if i did something different or didnt say something would that have changed my life. or if i should have said something or done something would my life be effected much. before and after… so much can change

    by carla on 09.24.2012
  32. the sunlight lingers on my skin, an afterthought. it was delicious before and now there’s the aftertaste. their smiles, dazzling, after hours and inside, something I’ve been chasing ever since.

  33. Before the sun stretched over the mountains. Before the birds began to sing their song. Before the moon disappeared into the background to shine it’s light in another world.
    Before I left, I knew I needed to say goodbye, although I really didn’t want to.

  34. Before I left, I quickly grabbed the empty bucket. The berries looked especially fresh today. I wanted to pick them before the birds gathered them for the winter. Yes, birds need food, but my husband really enjoys my blueberry pie and I’m sure he would appreciate it tonight after out fight the day before.

  35. What came before is always important to know. The history of everything, be it arts, world affairs, personal relationships – whatever, builds on itself. Cause and effect isn’t just some abstract concept, its visible in the history of EVERYTHING.

    by dandan on 09.24.2012
  36. Before the storm, they had lived in a small red house with a small blue door and ivy climbing up the side. There was an orange cat who had decided he belonged to them, or perhaps they to him, and would come to the porch every morning at precisely six a.m. for cream and a bit of fish. Annie had insisted that his name was Timothy, and that he was their guardian angel, and Morgan had never objected. They had had grand adventures together, Annie and Timothy, tumbling about in the garden and murmuring to each other in that secret way that cats and children do. Then the water came rushing into the house and up around their ankles and poured down into their throats, and who could hear a small cat meowing over the rush of water? We really must forgive Timothy, for he tried his best. But a cat does have survival instincts.

  37. Before I left I quickly looked for my keys. I could not find them. MY heart beat picked up as I was frantically looking for them. He would be home soon and I needed to leave before he arrived. I can’t live like this anymore. I don’t know if I can live like this anymore.

    by Emma on 09.24.2012
  38. we went to the beach we had toast and it was great. it was wheat bread. i just sneezed. and before i sneezed i heard a ruffle from behind me. before i got to work today, i decided to get some iced coffee. i didnt see any one i knew. thank goodness. but i did wake up to my lovely boyfriend next to me and my pitbull!

    by kaymarie on 09.24.2012
  39. Before I knew you, I didnt know what love felt like. Before I knew what love was really like, I didnt know you. Before we met, I was dead inside. Before I was dead inside, I was dying to know someone like you. Before I wanted someone like you, I had someone that was nothing like you.

    by Felicia on 09.24.2012
  40. You know, before I was mature, life was more fun. Before all the bills, the stress, the waking up and going to work, even when you really don’t want to. The lawyers, the restraining order, the deployment, the PTSD, before all of this happened to him. Life was more fun before.

    by Kaitlin on 09.24.2012