
January 16th, 2012 | 201 Entries

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201 Entries for “bellow”

  1. I’m not sure what bellow means. I think its some form of screaming. In that case. I want to bellow. I need room to bellow. I have no where to bellow and its just very sad. I need to scream where no one will hear me just to get it out.

    by Olivia Piper on 01.16.2012
  2. The man’s lungs pumped like bellows as he raced down the path. Running from what, his past, his present? He wasn’t sure. He just knew that he wanted to be away from it, and away from it right now. The winding path and gnarled roots never stood a chance.

    by Robbie on 01.16.2012
  3. Don’t scream at me, don’t fight or hate or any of those things. I’ve always loved you, and you threw it all away. Please don’t be mad, I only wanted to see those tears of mirth drip from your granite cheeks. I only wanted to see you be so happy that it hurt. So thank you for loving me. Thank you.

  4. Bellow my skin lies a shattered heart. It is a heart holding onto a vivid memory of a lover from another life time. It feels like that but in reality its much more simpler than that. I think of her too much and I can only look forward to letting her go…

    by Jona on 01.16.2012
  5. The bellowing dragon blew his fiery hot breath to warn the intruder. Who was it? Sir Gawain! Oh, there is Beowulf too! Party! They all bellowed together.. not really sure what bellow means…

  6. my natural volume is always at, what a writer would lovingly describe as, a bellow.
    i’m really stinking loud.

    i gotta work on that.

  7. I bellow in the streets, I bellow in the sheets. Like a lion, I am proud and strong. I do not lie defenselss but stand up for myself and my voice; my roar. And none of this weak shit. You’ll be able to hear me miles away. Cup your hands to your ears no more saints.

    by Alexandra on 01.16.2012
  8. Bellow, looking up. Looking up at the heavens, at a mirror, at a pool. Reflections of a former shadow, a nymph, a sprite. That energy that rises, peace and laughter – things I have not remembered since drifting down…down…below.

    by Rebekah on 01.16.2012
  9. Worms oozed from the sponged earth and moaned
    as the sun slid itself overhead
    the helpless, crisped squirmers.

  10. there are bellows, used to flirt with fire, build up their egos, make them roar. do you have one next to your fireplace?

    by MJ on 01.16.2012
  11. He bellowed down the ski slope, “I CAN’T STOP!”

    I laughed at him, because he was right, he couldn’t. He was this close to tumbling head over snowboard and the best I could do was get out of his way.

  12. Underneath it all lies a stillness. We figure it must move anyway. The ruckus jostling on Earth; We think we are gods. Soil in our genes we wash with our tide.

    by Susan on 01.16.2012
  13. bel·low definition:

    1. To make the deep roaring sound characteristic of a bull.
    2. To shout in a deep voice.
    To utter in a loud, powerful voice.
    1. The roar of a large animal, such as a bull.
    2. A very loud utterance or other sound.

    by Cutiee on 01.16.2012
  14. Zas leaned out from the upper story balcony, almost losing his footing as he bellowed out to the crowd below. “We’ve been compromized, OI OI OI Boys to you stations!” His war cry rallied the miners and spurred the mulling chaos into action. Tavis scrambled to grab a hold of Zas’ coat and pull him back to safety before the rash leader tumbled to his death.

  15. I’ve lived a lot of places in my life but it was the year I spent living below a regular looking student that I will nevere forget. Strange noises I would hear echoing from his apartment late into the night. During the daylight hours he was quiet as a mouse. His car was always in its spot.

    by Annabel Crowe on 01.16.2012
  16. To bellow is to sound, but to sound from the soul. An extraction of passion. A collapsing of presence. Bellow away.

  17. Bellow from deep within your lungs, stand up for what you believe in? Um… Sorry.

    by Modgy on 01.16.2012
  18. “What are you doing in my room?” James bellowed. You can tell the difference between a yell and a scream and a bellow. Yelling is when your angry. Screaming is when you’re scared. Bellowing is when you need to be heard. But bellowing is mostly empty air, like letting go of a balloon which wasn’t tied yet. It makes a noise, but it also creates a wind.

    by Delilah on 01.16.2012
  19. From his examination of the map he could tell it wouldn’t be quick. To get there would take much more time than they had. And it would take much more work. To get there, as he could tell by looking at the map, would, w/r/t the dissemination of information (and with apt corresponding abstraction (that is, of equal quantity and quality)) require not the whispers they’d so far had, but bellows, bellows.

  20. below the belly of the beast
    he had bellowed forth his breath
    full with width
    glutton of breadth

    a tornado wind escaped from pandora’s voice box
    a vocal event
    unbequeathed of expression

    by Phil on 01.16.2012
  21. A loud shout from a pair of lungs. A tool for sustaining fire. Pressure to maintain a burning flame, in both the hearth and in battle.

  22. Far down someone was crying. I shielded my eyes against the darkness, but still i could not see.
    “Hello?” I called. “Is anyone there?”
    Just a long low moan returned. I began to wonder if it was my own voice twisted by the rocks of the cavernous cliffs.

  23. I shouldn’t try to write with a fag in my hand. Bellow is a big word. It almost sounds noisy.
    It reminds me of open mouths and older men. I don’t think I could bellow because it isn’t very ladylike.
    It reminds me of novels about earlier times. Ladies wearing headscarves bellowing at their children.

  24. The preacher stood at the pulpit bellowing his sermon to the masses, braying his message in strong terms, quoting scripture after scripture to the hoards of empty souls.

  25. The cavernous underbelly of the car p[ark made every whisper bellow; bouncing off the walls and resonating echoes. Cars rumbled around like avalanches in distant valleys, slowly and constantly falling; like avalanches rolling down a hamster wheel.

  26. Father’s voice shook my bones as I trembled, out of sight. His oncoming steps forced me to my feet as I ran down the hallway and ran into my bedroom door. I fumbled for the knob and threw myself inside and pushed my small back against the door. The knob twisted underneath my arm and I screamed. The door opened and my bare feet slid across the floor.

    by Kris on 01.16.2012
  27. I can hear her consistent bellowing from my room
    I wonder how her limbs must feel
    I wonder if her pupils dilated

    by Yasmeen on 01.16.2012
  28. You’re calling my name out at the top of the bottom of your lungs with all of half your heart – bellowing like you think I’ll hear you above the smoke and fire and the ash.
    You’re pathetic, sometimes, lover.
    But sometimes, what you really need to learn is how to call without your words – forget all the preschool, kindergarten stuff; words break down what needs to be kept up. Call me with your images, and then I’ll come.

  29. he let out a loud billow as i bite him after he twisted my wrist. usually i liked it when he acted a little rough with me. usually it turns me on but there was something different about him tonight… he wasn’t acting quite right.

    by on 01.16.2012
  30. lions and oceans bellow and roar. thunder and lightning bellow with the majesty of something so beyond human control. bellow is pain and fierce emotion and everything intense.

    by Allegra on 01.16.2012
  31. the opera has always been a favorite of mine. i’ve only been twice but they wonderful. once when my father had a mission following the conductor of the orchestra and another when my mother had a role in the show to get a backstage view on an ambush on a member of the audience. but this time was different. this time i was with Ky. and this time was for pure pleasure, not on a mission. the lights dimmed and the curtains parted. a man in blue velvet tunic stepped forward and bellowed a string of low notes. a woman entered on stage right in a red velvet dress with golden lining, joining in with a string of high notes. i looked up at Ky and smiled

    by Alibay on 01.16.2012
  32. deep and thoaty, the voice of a bull from the mouth of a man, he shouted. we shook.

  33. you can bellow if you want to.

    by sandra on 01.16.2012
  34. His deep, bellowing laughter got on her nerves. In fact, most sounds that came from his body annoyed her – his laughter, the way he wheezed and coughed after his morning run, the sound of his voice – entirely too loud – when he talked on the phone. Unless he was rhythmically breathing in his sleep or making sounds of pleasure while he was coming, she preferred not to hear him at all.

  35. The fire warmed his legs and feet. The roaring pain in his neck warmed the rest of his body.

    As he sat there on the wooden bench, Jensen let out the most ethereal bellow ever uttered from a human mouth.

    The whole barn was stilled. Even the animals were stopped. Even the mice. And ants.

  36. bellow my mellow…i don’t even know what bellow means! does it mean a boy is yellow with envy and fever? no, no, i’m sure it means to shout through your diaphragm to get that wonderful, gutteral sound. bellow with all your might!

    by christina on 01.16.2012
  37. The lines from are bellowing at cattle,
    sluggish hide heaps.
    His eyes reflect a dust-veiled trail.

    by Kim on 01.16.2012
  38. The sound shook right through me; it was unlike any noise I had ever hear before and it was one that resonated with an abstract horror. It reminded me of the gutwrenching screams the females in horror stories let out, just when they find the killer hiding behind the bushes…but this was no film, it was real, and the sound of his scream is something I will never forget, and hopefully never witness again.

  39. It started deep in the gut. A gurgling noise that soon began to grow, gaining strength and power as it moved through my body. By the time it passed through my lips I figured my anguished bellow would be powerful enough to reach the ears of many men. Yet, all that came out was a rush of hot strangled air. I couldn’t muster the strength to scream, her death had stripped me of everything.

  40. It started deep in the gut. A gurgling nose that soon began to grow, gaining strength and power as it moved through my body. By the time it passed through my lips I figured my anguished bellow would be powerful enough to reach the ears of many men. Yet, all that came out was a rush of hot strangled air. I couldn’t muster the strength to scream, her death had raped me of all my power.