
July 6th, 2011 | 386 Entries

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386 Entries for “cast”

  1. My friend broke her leg in first grade. The teacher told us we could all sign her cast if we wanted to but that we should take turns, and not all go over at once. The place to sign the cast was on the floor, over by the window.

    – I had no idea what a cast was but eventually I went over to sign it and almost jumped out of my skin when I saw that my friend was attached to it.

    * I was expecting to see a card, or a box. Not the person I thought was miles away!

    by Noisy Quiet on 07.06.2011
  2. The cast was ready for the last show. They knew this would be the last time they would perform together, and there was a sadness that hung in the air. Matthew was the first to speak. “Well, this is it friends. It’s been fun. After this… college, and for some of us the big time.”

    by Karen Greenberg on 07.06.2011
  3. I find that casting a fly rod is the most relaxing thing I can do. There is nothing like the feeling of becoming a perfect metronome. The muscles of my arm and fingers working together – muscle, tendon, nerves, and bone all come together to make a wonderful motion of bliss.

    by Bill on 07.06.2011
  4. A group of people in a movie? In a play? Something to wear when your body is broken? A part of a boat? Or is that a mast . . . . O_O A line? A life line? Last life line? Who wants to be a Millionaire? I want to be a millionaire so freakin’ bad . . .

  5. He cast her aside like an old shoe. “I’m not happy,” he said. Like everyone has a right to be happy. Who the hell ever said that? And why should his happiness come at the expense of hers?

  6. She used to be part of the in crowd, until she was cast to the outskirts for wearing the wrong colour skirt with a salmon blouse. She was upset for weeks, until the unexpected happened. Chloe (the most high one) wore red jeans with a magnolia t-shirt. Now life was sweet again. Life was really tough on a five year old.

    by mariesdaly on 07.06.2011
  7. My friends are the cast of the film that is my life. And I couldn’t imagine this movie without them. :)

  8. off from all of it, sail away, into the sunset, into something other. Tides and moon pull, the endless roll of the ocean. Castaway, an island, a fantasy tropical island, a palm roofed shelter two steps from the beach…..

    by georgie on 07.06.2011
  9. I am nothing but a worm in life. All I leave is a cast of a man. Soul departed, back to the earth.

  10. I once fell done and broke my leg, and the doctor had to put me in a cast. It itched like mad and my family slapped me upside the head whenever I employed a ruler (or any nearby object) to itch beneath the hard plaster. My adventurous spirit did not adjust to being tethered to a chair, for the cast kept me from running around with my friends.

    by Leah on 07.06.2011
  11. A cast is a thing that gets put onto you when you’re an idiot and do something stupid. Also a cast is a group of people that work together on a movie or a play. Also a cast can be another word for a mold.

    by Theresa on 07.06.2011
  12. I am under my husband’s spell. After all of these years, he remains my Truelove. My Enchanter. It’s his cologne, his deeply-toned voice, and the way I have to look all the way up at him. He’s a giant redwood and his spell sheds down on me like leaves.

  13. He was a little boy, perhaps his height reached your waist. You looked at his little arm cast, expecting him to tell a story of some sort. You got no story, but he did smile at you and asked if you would sign it. You obliged, with a smile. You didn’t understand how he could be so happy when part of him was broken.

  14. I stand at the end of the jetty and hope against hope that this time it will be different. The waves crash higher and still I have nothing to show for my efforts. The final cast will determine whether I am tonight’s hero or a continuing disappointment.

  15. I was cast aside like trash. It hurt, but it was freeing. I couldn’t happen but smile at the sight of the house I had lived in for all of my 17 years. It was a burden that had been lifted off me. I looked ahead of the path in front of me…

    by Justyne on 07.06.2011
  16. she casted her eyes up to the horizon. it looked like rain. the clouds were churning and her damp clothing were whipping wantonly in the gust. the tense muscles on her shoulder were slick with the humidity and the rushing warm air seemed to hold her immobile. her favorite dress had snagged onto a branch when a cool droplet smacked against her cheek.

  17. cast a word that describes the actors in a film or movie,also is a basis of differentiationg pe

    by Sachin on 07.06.2011
  18. she cast her net wide. not only because she knew this is essential for success, but also because she was a social butterfly. to say she was working her networking connections would be giving her too much credit, she never thought of it that way as it just came natural to her.

  19. Cast aside those doubts; think about the sun. Think about a positive role. Think about change. Think about a new adventure, new seas, new sights. Unlimited possibilities. Never entertain anything less. Think about change and growth. Think about happiness. Think about relaxation. Think about planning. Do it.

  20. the cast was a stark white, whereas the bruised flesh under the layers of glue and gauze was an utter contrast. he could not believe she broke up with him, when his head had been resting in her warm lap. bones were broken! bitch.

  21. i have been cast
    in this performance
    and cast into
    this life
    who was auditioning when lives were being handed out?
    i know i didn’t audition
    but they gave me this role
    and i think
    i’m going to quit
    i hate the cast
    myself especially

  22. it was just the right distance, with an arc that epitomized grace. It would be impossible for the rainbow trout to resist its perfection. He was at one with nature, and distant from the cries of the city.

    by Ken Ranweiler on 07.06.2011
  23. I cast my line out into the ocean in order to catch some fish, but they weren’t biting that day. So I drank beer and sat on my boat and thought about how the fish were smarter than me.

    by Anne Highley-Smith on 07.06.2011
  24. “your status cast will be set in fifteen minutes.i will leave you alone to say goodbye.”

  25. She cast her eyes down. At last he had told her the truth. She wished she hadn’t asked. If only she could take the question back. For a long time she had suspected something was wrong, and today she finally asked, “Do you still love me?”

    by Carol Bailey Floyd on 07.06.2011
  26. the people you spend a long time loving and caring during a show that happen to become some of your closed friends that you love and never want to go away. people in a show that act dance or sing. your best friends and family for that time.

    by audrey on 07.06.2011
  27. when i broke my arm i realized i would be stuck in a cast for about six weeks. six weeks of itching, six weeks of living with the same several signatures scribbled on my arm. six weeks of a dull pain that i could never quite get rid of or touch, not like the way a paper cut stings or a bruise is tender. the cast meant something more serious, and i wasn’t prepared for that.

    by liz on 07.06.2011
  28. Cast out into the desert, Kayln had no choice but to move forward and to hope that somewhere in the direction she headed some salvation waited. She had one small bag and her wits to keep her alive, and she hoped it would be enough to keep her alive.

  29. it keeps a broken bone together. it sheds light on a stage and changes you forever. you can fish when you do this action. it can bring you satisfaction. there is a range of characters placed together. Fear and sweat can be the scene. When it is your first play. Sing the song of stories long ago. Or heartbreak and sorrow. I am not sure where else to go. A little boy lost or girl gone astray. There is no secrets when you watch the play.

    by Rachel Gilliard on 07.06.2011
  30. cast aside once again, when should i give up? i’m already getting on abit, maybe not got another chance at a good one. not sure i can be arsed. dieing cold and alone; cant be that?!

  31. The cast sighed, wishing the script to go away. It was somewhat miraculous they all had the same thought; Janie was sure at least Jake would enjoy all the death and gore the script demanded. But no, he looked annoyed as well, and she wondered why.

    by Madison on 07.06.2011
  32. “We’re a cast in a play, my dear. We each play a lead role but to everyone else we’re just extras.” His eyes turned slate-gray, as exposed as I’d ever seen them, as truthful as his words.
    “That’s a sad philosophy.” But I silently agreed. “I’ve never been a lead role, though, not even in my one life.”
    “Then it’s time you start.” He rose and left me to wonder whether my life is my own or not. It’s always been acted as though not mine, as if I was a piece to be moved around to make sense in the current scene, a prop, if you will. I am moved in the dark so I can’t tell where I’m going.

  33. a cast of characters
    a cast for your broken leg
    a cast of washington and lincoln sit in museums
    a cast of thousands to be yet casted

  34. Who cast me in this role? I’m pretty sure I tried out for a different character. Someone brave enough to go dance in that spotlight. Someone not me.

  35. They signed the plaster moulding of the cast for the bronze horse, the same way you might sign a cast for a broken wrist, but they made a whole to-do about it, and cast one another in roles, announced a casting call, cast about for lofty words and finally cast off shore where the boat promptly sank and the cast of the bronze horse sank.

  36. and he was cast away on a dark and stormy sea lamenting the loss of the life he once knew and the love he had lost. Angry he stormed about the deck cursing the gods as tears streamed down his face, melting into the rain that fell from the sky.

    by Xianna on 07.06.2011
  37. I cast my line into the sea. I doubt I’ll catch anything. The wizard cast a spell on me. I would catch no fish for the next 3 years, she said. I cast the dice anyway. Twas a strange cast of characters gathered at the beach.

    by Josh on 07.06.2011
  38. Our life is supported by a cast of thousands. Not everyone in the world plays a part in our lives but those we really come in contact with do. And those unseen people who pull the strings and make the world go, do also.

    by paulie aragon on 07.06.2011
  39. He tossed the net out into the sea with a practiced, easy motion. A flick of the wrist, a movement of the arm, and the net was cast, ready to catch the fish and flotsam and debris and crabs that teemed in the river’s depths.

    by on 07.06.2011
  40. The die was cast. We all waited with hopeful eyes. We knew fate was only a moment away.