
September 19th, 2011 | 511 Entries

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511 Entries for “celebrate”

  1. loving someone, cherishing life, birthdays, anniversaries, being who i am, christmases, holidays, parties, fun, laughter, love, children, child at heart, parents, spouses, freedom, shelter, basic human rights, being in canada, deafness and being proud of who i am.

    by Amorena Bartlett on 09.19.2011
  2. I already wrote about this word, aren’t there more. I ended the minute thinking about a wedding. A dramatic, frothy, white dress, green leaves (summer), dancing joyfully to “O Sole Mio” even though I’m not Italian.

    by April on 09.19.2011
  3. joy, rejoice, party, drink, laugh, entertain, dance, sing, stumble, hop, eat, gorge, live, love, fall, twirl

    I am going to celebrate my graduation.
    I am going to celebration my wedding.
    I am going to celebrate the birth of my first baby with my husband.
    I am going to rejoice at the site of his/her face.
    I am going to celebrate at my party.

    by LeeAnn Kafer on 09.19.2011
  4. a party, a chance to be with people that you love and enjoy their presence. To get recognition for whatever you have a achieved, and to drink a beer and eat a hot dog :)

    by abby cowan on 09.19.2011
  5. Contrary to popular belief, Quistis does let her hair down every once in a while. In fact, once they come back from defeating Ultimecia, she drinks champagne with the rest of them.

    Irvine was just mad that she wouldn’t give in to him as easily as Selphie and Rinoa had.

  6. People should really celebrate more often. Celebrate life, love. Celebrate all of the opportunities you’re given everyday. We are truly truly lucky. Why not celebrate?

    by amholg on 09.19.2011
  7. celebrate today, dream about tomorrow. cliche.

  8. Llega a su casa y no se detiene a prender la luz. Se dirige a su refrigerador y saca una lata de té helado. Se deshace de su abrigo y de su bolso, y camina hacia el balcón. A lo lejos puede ver las celebraciones que siguen en la plaza central, y se sorprende con la ruidosa explosión de los fuegos artificiales. Sonríe y abre su bebida. El congelado brebaje golpea su garganta y le regala un escalofrío a su espalda. Se sienta en el suelo, cierra los ojos y escucha el bullicio de la gente en las calles de la ciudad. Se siente bien ser por fin libre.

  9. I wonder if it is normal to feel depressed by Kool and the Gang. I mean, it was probably never their intention to make anyone feel bad because of their body of work. But whenever I hear that tell-tale DOO-DOO-DOO-DOO doo DOO doo do, well, I get in a *mood*.

  10. celebrate..i celebrated today. you know what i celebrated? the sprouting of willyum’s fourth nipple. wow i’ve wasted like all my times thinking about what i was going to write and now it’s lame. i was gonna celebrate my 74 on a physics test but nah willyum’s nipsies are far more important. so anyways, yeah, that’s what i celebrated.

    by austitties on 09.19.2011
  11. i like to celebrate the good times. the third operation completed successfully this month, the birth of my baby scorpion, the swelling of my rash going away. these times bring a tear to my eye, i just need someone to love.

  12. party, lights, lanterns, happiness, laughter, that tingling feeling you get whren you’re having a good time with people, a reason, new circumstance, balloons, bright colors, wedding, white dress.

    by April on 09.19.2011
  13. Oh, I didn’t realize that I would be typing into this box. I wonder if it saves it. I wonder if I could have my students do this. Um, celebrate… I think that everyone should celebrate daily. I like to celebrate the small victories that happen on a daily basis. As a teacher, I have to. It’s the best way to keep kids moving in a forward, positive

    by Katie Seitz on 09.19.2011
  14. I didn’t feel like celebrating that day. Sure it was my birthday, but I couldn’t help thinking of all the other things wrong in the world. How could I stand to get presents from friends when children in other countries are starving and have one pair of clothes?

    by Lee Tucker on 09.19.2011
  15. Celebrate this day, you vile insect, for this day is the first day of the rest of your life. This is the day I have given you. Remember on it’s anniversary that I let you live. I let you survive one more miserable trip around the sun. Pray, that I do not come back to claim the life I should have taken today. Celebrate, for tomorrow, I may change my mind. Tomorrow, I may collect, and you will have nothing.

    by Raymond Masters on 09.19.2011
  16. You have a party going on right her. It’s a celebration for everyone to hear. I dont really remember the words to the song? Does anyone? I should remember because i had to play the stupid thing in Band when I was in seventh grade but I sucked so I played cymbals instead

    by Tanya on 09.19.2011
  17. celebrate people. celebrate friends. celebrate thoughts. celebrate knowledge. celebrate opinion. celebrate argument. celebrate love, for it is beautiful. celebrate life.

    by Cassie on 09.19.2011
  18. the joy of your love
    the birth of a baby
    a 10 year reunion
    a firemen’s safety
    a 50 year anniversary
    a 10 year reunion
    the baptism of a baby
    your child’s communion
    a big bonus
    or a promotion in your career
    party how you want to
    it’s your life, my dear

    © L

    by lauren on 09.19.2011
  19. I like a celebratory life, generally I spend my time being happy and feasting. Celebration is an essential part of life. I am looking forward to the holidays and the christmas smells. Yum! I am in the spirit!

    by Aiyana Shalom on 09.19.2011
  20. Celebration is when people have fun together for some reason such as a birthday or an acheivement. People are usually happy and celebration causes dancing and music and stuff. we all love celebration. It’s fun times. It makes everyone happy. People love celebration like I do!
    everything is happy when people celebrate. There is usually dancing and lights and happieness. I should stop saying happy…

    by Chey on 09.19.2011
  21. “Hoorah!” they cried, joyfully. Today was the day he was murdered! Regalia of beautiful sorts was donned upon the town, and wine was passed all around. It was a glorious day, and Ms. Moppet was out.

    by Tyler on 09.19.2011
  22. birthdays weddings winning sex

    by jared on 09.19.2011
  23. Its Christmas time and the sun is shining over the world and everything seems bright and happy. Friends and family are everywhere to celebrate. Carollers sing Christmas carols at our doorsteps and we cook biscuits to give out to our neighbours. The world seems happy.

  24. To be proud. Honour. Accomplishment. A gathering together of people with a similar mindset. A holiday. Happiness. Showing love, support, and pride. Making a proud moment known. Joy.

  25. We opened up champagne, beer, and some incredibly cheap wine.

    “Hooray for the Oxford comma!”

    “Thank you, chaps. You are good, distinguished, and cracking,” said the comma.

  26. Sometimes it is hard to find things to celebrate about. Life doesn’t always seem worthy of celebration. We tend to reserve celebrating for birthdays and big events. I would like to find more reasons to celebrate rather than just special occasions. I believe it would be rewarding to look for the big things in our everyday lives.

    by Lynae on 09.19.2011
  27. Happy joyous occasions when good things happen to people. Everyone celebrates differently, I guess. I haven’t been to a party in 5 months. Though I can still celebrate by getting shit drunk sometimes. I find that amusing, though it is a little pathetic.

    by Bri on 09.19.2011
  28. Every day should be a celebration. We should celebrate being alive, having family and friends, having a roof over our heads, having enough food to eat. A celebration doesn’t have to be something big – doesn’t have to be a party or involve streamers or confetti. It simply has to be recognition and happiness that we are live and that life is good. I know, easier said than done.

  29. Celebration is a great way to enjoy life. You can celebrate weddings, anniversaries…or just celebrate with a few drinks to have a good time. Celebration has been around for many years and I’m sure that it will be around for years to come. Life is more amazing with it, and it is more happy. :)

    by Kimmi on 09.19.2011
  30. To be proud of an accomplishment and making that known. A gathering between people with a common mindset. A proud moment. A holiday. Happiness. Showing love, support, and pride.

    by Kristen on 09.19.2011
  31. it was the celebration of the decade, at least for this kids. they were finally done. twelve years slogging through the tortures of elementarymiddlehighschool were at last coming to a close; they were going their separate ways, some better than others, some easier than others.

    one thing was for certain. the neighbors thought the party was one HELL of a celebration.

  32. We were there to celebrate, but then he came in. I did not know what to do, say, or even think. All I knew for certain, was that I was terribly, irrevalibtly angered with him and at the same time so in love with him it hurt to breath, to see his shining face standing there, looking at me.

    by danielle on 09.19.2011
  33. celebrate. celebration. happiness. joyful. having fun. doing something to remember. to be happy. to kick back. to rest. to relax. to share your joy. to share in others’ joy. to be one with others. to be there. to be. to be. to celebrate. to live. to be happy. celebrate.

  34. Celebrate the grip of his fist against your neck and the clench of your things around his waist. Celebrate the breath that you share and the moans and whimpers that fog your ears. Celebrate the sex. Celebrate the climax. Celebrate human nature and instinct.

  35. A time to commemorate something special. In the US tradition, it is typically a way of encouraging us to push more money into the broken, oppressive, Capitalist system. It is also a way to brainwash us and convince us that we have a superiority over other nations. Celebrate–propaganda.

    by MM on 09.19.2011
  36. I celebrated my friends 16th birthday last weekend. It was one of the most fun things i have ever done. We went down to Chicago in a limo, and enjoyed each others company. I want to do that again for my birthday!

    by Katie on 09.19.2011
  37. they threw the red up into the air, throats open wide in ecstasy. their feet jittered in anticipation. they were on a high of excitement, disbelief, utter love: it was what coursed through their veins. it felt rainbow. it felt like fire. it felt like dragons were crawling swimmingly through those hearts, those craniums. they sighed and danced a little more.

  38. Strobe lights, etc. The black-neon dichotomy of late-night stereos and bass that rattled your heart. This was release, this was ecstasy, contained in those trite red cups that everyone toted around the flashing room, sipping out of discreetly and surreptitiously, proud of their infidelities, and in the corners men came onto women and tried to fuck them through their clothes, their members slipping like serpents over seas of denim and into basins of pleasure.

    by Jake Bittle on 09.19.2011
  39. what do i have to celebrate? good food, water, shelter. family. education. music. life.

    i have much to celebrate but it is much easier to complain.

    i celebrate being a selfish creature. i celebrate being human.

    by MJ on 09.19.2011
  40. a great time for family to get togeter and party like on birthdays and graduatons. but you can also pary with your friends which in my opinion is way more fun. LOLL

    by Emily on 09.19.2011