
June 21st, 2011 | 528 Entries

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528 Entries for “cells”

  1. cellls hold people in , cells divide and conquer cells are rude and interfering , cells are life and for the living , cells are fascinating and each one is different

    by crousseau on 06.21.2011
  2. He sat in his single cell and realized why the rest were empty. It was the darkness, the silence, the loneliness of realizing that no one could hear you, even if there was anyone in the other cells. Turns out the rest weren’t empty, but he was.

  3. we’re all made of cells. isn’t that a weird thought? these tiny things combine to make one huge body, an intelligent being that lives and breathes and thinks and loves. its humbling to think about

    by Kaitlyn Trotter on 06.21.2011
  4. cells make up the body. my body is made up of cells. hair cells. body cells. everyone has cells. cells are something that everyone has in common. go cells.

    by olivia on 06.21.2011
  5. cells is what is a cell? im just thinking about frog eggs. now i don’t know what to write.. but 60 sec was longer then i thought. its not a nice word really. cells.. sounds like something cold and slimy.

    by Camilla on 06.21.2011
  6. Are where we store the dead. The thoughts that don’t quite make it descend into atoms and support us. Survival of the fittest meme. Not gene. All those half ideas that never make it because the stronger ones come to mind first.

    by Daisy on 06.21.2011
  7. cells. prison. That’s really the first thing that comes to mind is a prison cell. That’s one place I know I don’t even want to be and I won’t ever be. I’m definitely a “follow the rules” kind of person. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything that I shouldn’t do… Or I have.. and just haven’t been caught.. haaa….

  8. Cells are on your body and have small pores. They are yellow and tan and fall off when you do normal things like touch something. They are also inside your body. There are white ones and red ones and they make puss. There are also prison cells.

    by Chelsea on 06.21.2011
  9. cells what hell
    man my brain is quite impelled
    by the rhythm and the rhymes
    melodies that it tells.

    by gerald on 06.21.2011
  10. I hated learning about cells in biology. But, there are so many different types of cells. Prison cells, spreadsheet cells, body cells. I don’t like any of them.

    by Abby on 06.21.2011
  11. It started as a simple science experiment. Combining the cells of newt with the cells of a baby panda. It seemed harmless and quite frankly, she really expected a disasterous failure. But week after week, the cells stayed alive…growing and replicating themselves. Two seemingly unrelatable organisms thriving to turn into what? Only time would tell, nothing viable, she was certain, but the cells would mature and turn into something…

    by lisolette on 06.21.2011
  12. Cells are the most interesting thing in the world. You van go places with them and they are in your body. I love them so much. It is the coolest thing ever. Come as you are we are all fans come as you are there are no seating plans. I am almost done!!!!! (:

    by Emily miller on 06.21.2011
  13. Little cities. Built. Lost. Added. Dropped. Change. Infinite. Unfathomable. But always the same. Make up the thing I love the most. Beautiful.Soft.Lovely. Then turn to dust. Your perfect face.

    by MBF on 06.21.2011
  14. Cells are the basic unit of life. They are the tiny microorganisms that make up all the tissues, organs, and systems that make up you body. Cells contain a all of your genetic information as well as the organelles needed to carry the directed functions out.

    by Sierra on 06.21.2011
  15. In a cell is one place I do not want to be !

    by Noreen Walsh on 06.21.2011
  16. Little things really. Cells. What do they do? Stem cells, jail cells. All pretty stupid. But maybe not. I just have existential ennui.

  17. When Donna, a small town rookie cop, single handily brought down the Gullavannia cell in Milwaukee it changed the way the entire FBI looked at organized crime. Prior to that awkward bushy browned haired women we would of never guessed that the real head of the underworlds actually operated out of good old boys homes in the mid-west, not midtown Manhattan, and that corn was their new drug of choice, not dope.

  18. Once, there was a little cell named Panther. Panther was the smartest cell in his region of the arm, but no one seemed to appreciate him. He could do wonderful things, but the other cells only laughed at Panther for being different. One day, Panther decided to change this.

    by Hannah on 06.21.2011
  19. All alone, or atleast that’s the concept. You wish you were all alone it would be ten times easier to concentrate, but really….youre just in youre little cell at work. You hear laughter and tons of phones ringing endlessly and all you can do is wish that you were alone but no, someone had to invent cell, or cubicles….whatever.

    by Kelsey Brown on 06.21.2011
  20. Zellen. Kleine, miese Dinger, in denen sie Leute einsperren. Ok, auch die Dinger, aus denen wir bestehen, heißen so. Doch ich rede von denen, mit den Gittern vor den Fenster. Die in den Gefängnissen. Wo man aneinander geklotzt wird mit Schwerverbrechern, selbst, wenn man selber nur einen kleinen Verkehrsdilikt begangen hat und einfach nur im falschen Land mit dem Gesetz aneinandergeraten ist.

    by Kyshi on 06.21.2011
  21. dividing, multiplying
    Hospital scenes and people crying
    Tears that fall
    Parents to call
    Hearts sighing
    Thanks for trying.

    by overembellished on 06.21.2011
  22. in school we learned that cells are biological building blocks. but to me, they’re simply units that hold things. they can be good or bad of course, it depends on context.

  23. cells. has something to do with some monk who discovered them in wood or something? hm i should have payed more attention in ap biology. instead, we ran around with taxidermy owls and gave each other head massages. probably didnt help that i came to that class baked out of my mind every day.

  24. cells divide quickly, in little petri dishes, in plants, in my body. they’re tiny and when i think about being made of so many little pieces, it makes me feel less real. less whole. it makes me feel less human, but at the same time, MORE human, because they all work together to make something so complicated that actually works.

  25. cells are interesting. i mean, i guess they could be if you’re into science and all. for me, though, they’re not. i don’t have any want to be a science major or teacher or anything like that in the future. i’d rather be a star or something. but where would i be without my cells? i guess ya gotta love them.

    by Rachel on 06.21.2011
  26. Cells are all about science. i HAD AN EVIL SCIENCE TEACHER WHO ATTEMPTDD TO TEACH ME ABOUT CELLs. I mean, it was kinda awful. i don’t care about germ or zygote cells. like seriously? who does. not me for sure. the end. no really. i don’t know. i hate cells. yeah.. not liking them at all….. never will.

    by Lea on 06.21.2011
  27. telephone, bed, dark, black, missing, i dont want to be there, technology, body, biology

    by Dogus on 06.21.2011
  28. Cellphone. My mind turns directly to mobile phones. Because I work with them. Because we communicate with them. the cells that make up live. That we communicate with. Fascinating how work reflects on your everyday thoughts. Still. I do believe it is the future. The phones that make the cells that make life.

    by Emelie on 06.21.2011
  29. Each person composed the same,
    Down to the cells.
    But how then are we different?
    We’re different because of choices;
    Choices of how to live,
    Choices of who to be,
    Choices of who to befriend,
    Choices of life or death.

  30. they are in my body. i feel them moving, regenerating. quickly, creating an arm, a leg, dying to give me eyelashes and longer hair. in my body they are round and messy. in plants, cells are organized and beautiful. all the organelles fit into a neat hexagonal structure.

    by Sophia on 06.21.2011
  31. nucleus. i think i may have spelled that wrong. maybe prison cells? i can’t imagine that those are very much fun. it doesn’t seem very enjoyable to be stuck in a small room with a smelly dood. i don’t like smelly doods. only sometimes, if its in an endearing kind of a way. like dirty hippies. people always call me a hippy, but i don’t think i am… because i bath! pretty often!

    by Rachel on 06.21.2011
  32. Sydney was looking for LouBoutin shoes, a certain kind, red glitter colored heels with peep-toes. She watched tv, and the news said that…those shoes were LOCKED up in prison… in CELLS! “omg.” she said, and went to the prison to ask about those beautiful locked up stilettos. “Hello, I heard about the locked up LouBoutin shoes, may I see them?” “Are you sure you would like to visit the cell? Those shoes are very vicious, naughty.” “Yes, please.” The prison guard walked Sydney to the cell, the cell was chained up, with super heavy weights. The shoes just sat there, and Sydney was very confused… why were the shoes locked up? They were very beautiful, very glittery and shiny against the light. “I don’t see why they are so vicious.” She said. “These shoes were locked up because no one could actually fit in them, and it would bite the back of your heel. “What size are they exactly, sir?” “They are size 7 1/2, but no one seems to fit in that size..” The prison guard told her. “Well, I fit well in 7 1/2 size shoes,” Sydney said, excited! “Would you like to try them on?” he asked. “OH, certainly!” Sydney smiled, very excited! The prison guard nodded and unlocked all of the chains and grabbed them cautiously. Sydney grabbed them and put her 7 1/2 size foot into the beautiful red glittery shoes, and they fit PERFECTLY!!! “Woww…” the prison guard was very astonished! “These LouBoutin shoes..they are beautiful.” Sydney explained. “Would you like to have them?” The prison guard asked. “YES! Thank you!” She smiled. “You may have them, have a wonderful day.” the guard smiled and walked away. Sydney walked out of the police station, and everyone stared at her shoes… and clapped! Sydney smiled and had a nice day.

    by Sydney on 06.21.2011
  33. Predict what will happen tomorrow?

    I don’t know what will happen tomorrow. But I don’t need to. Why predict the future? Create it.

    by Anthony on 06.21.2011
  34. Every inch of my body ached. But I had to act like everything was fine. I looked at the blinding lights and heard the chattering. I saw nothing past that. I tried to look for the others, but I was caught in the crowd. Questions were thrown at me; cameras flashed and permanently caught my miserable smile. I was truly alone. Thinking about going home after the dinner and having no one to talk to emptied out all emotion but isolation. I waved awkwardly and looked up out of the lights’ reach. The night sky looked back at me, feeling the same thing as me: empty.

  35. Cells are the building blocks of any living organism. Organism can be multi-cellular eg Human or uni-cellular eg Amoeba. As the number of cells increase, so does the complexity of the organism.

    by Jess on 06.21.2011
  36. Cells are parts of all living breathing organisms. They make up all of us. We are built out of cells, so small we can’t see them. Invisible to the naked eye.

    by becca on 06.21.2011
  37. Cells: the building blocks. One of them could make a bacterium. A trillion could make a human being. A billion human beings, a nation. Just like that, complexity is born: an sum of many parts, to make a greater whole.

    by Anthony on 06.21.2011
  38. Prison. Body. Mind. Sleeper. Celluloid cells. Cold cells. He sells stuff. He sells stolen stuff and winds up in a cell. A cold cell. Drip. Drip. Drip.

  39. i like to think of nonsense… it wakes up the cells.

    the cells in my body that are almost completely water. its amazing. and through my energy i honestly believe that they are happy cells. that they wake up in the morning excited to see the sun and the clouds. and go to sleep at night stoked to dream in a far away land.

    by on 06.21.2011
  40. he couldn’t see.
    it was dark.
    he could feel cold.
    that’s all there was.
    Cold and stone walls of the cells.

    by Jamie Anne on 06.21.2011