
January 17th, 2013 | 246 Entries

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246 Entries for “choose”

  1. That’s what life is all about, isn’t it. Choose this, or choose that. We have to decide for ourselves for if we leave the choice up to others, do we hen really live?

  2. Choose? How does one even decide what they want? When I look at him and when I look at you, all I ever think is “choose”. How do I choose? You are the opposites of one another. And yet I long for you both. Choose? I can’t possibly choose.

    by Kait on 01.17.2013
  3. Sometimes you have to learn to live on your own,
    That you’re not worth any less alone.
    You can be so much more than decoration,
    Slung on his arm like he’s your salvation.

    by on 01.17.2013
  4. I can choose to do it or not to do it. It’s entirely my decision. If I don’t want to do it, I don’t have to. That’s the beauty of it. Nobody can force me. I am free to do what I want. I can take my pick. I can choose.

    by Weltenschummler on 01.17.2013
  5. I choose to be a great wife and a loving mom to my dog and my cats. I choose to be happy in life and not worry about the petty nonsense that I am apt to react to. I choose to follow God with my whole heart and mind, and not with my ego. I choose to love tirelessly. I choose to make my husband infinitely happy. I choose to be happy. I choose to be free. I choose to be me.

    by Chelsea Ryan on 01.17.2013
  6. Choose, she said. You’ve got to choose. It’s either me or your career. You can’t have them both. I won’t stay home wondering if you’re coming back, she went on. It isn’t right and you can’t expect me to do that.

    She wasn’t making it very easy, but I knew how I had to answer.

  7. I choose to think about people as tricks and games. This doesn’t matter to me because I have real people in my life who care for me as I am. What you think about me is your choice but I am my own person. This is who i wish to be, because when I am me I am free.

    by Jennica on 01.17.2013
  8. How can you ask me?
    Choose what exactly?
    this mind has never known a damn thing
    and never will
    what do I choose
    when so many thoughts spill?

  9. I choose to think about life in an awkward way. I look at it as a game to most. I is fun but sometimes things get complicated when discussing it with other people. Others sometimes dont think the way I do, but thats okay with me. I have my friends, and they are just like me. Except they dont think the same way as me either, were just all different and similar at the same time.

    by Jennica on 01.17.2013
  10. You chose what little game to play, so I went along with it, and in the end, I bit my tongue and made my choice just as much as you did. But instead of tears and sobbing or red-hot anger – the things that usually become of this business – I felt something that I didn’t expect. I felt…blissful.

    by on 01.17.2013
  11. Choice, it’s what makes us human. Choose every chance you get. It’s the thing that keeps us from being mindless robots. Choose, be you, be unique.

  12. I couldn’t sleep, so I stuffed the earphones in to block out the silence. How could I say that I chose this, not him? I was the one holding the power, controlling the story. Don’t think for one moment that it was your choice. I pulled the strings, and in the end, I cut them. Don’t you ever forget that.

  13. Don’t make me! I don’t want to just yet. Besides it’s really not up to me anymore. He chose for the two of us. I would have chosen differently. That’s the tricky thing about these kinds of things. When they choose differently than you what is left for YOU to choose? It’s been decided on and chosen for you.

  14. Choices are a very important part of life, unavoidable sometimes, and can pull us either way. good or bad choices are inescapable and inevitable. wise or unwise, everyday we make choices

    by Alanna on 01.17.2013
  15. Choose. I choose to be happy. I choose to be sad. It’s what I choose. You can choose what you want to eat, read, see, and be. Just choose.

  16. there’s a hot, aching knot of tension behind her breastbone. it’s been a long time since she’s faced something like this. for years she’d had something of a lucky streak, the scattered bits and pieces of her life falling neatly into place without her having to struggle with them as she normally did. it looked, though, like her good fortune had dried out, a trickling spring that disappeared in the summertime, leaving nothing but a narrow bed of shiny-smooth rocks. and she knew, even as she began packing up her essentials in a spare duffel bag, that her choice was really no choice at all. her path was carved in stone. the only options available now were to walk it with dignity or to be dragged along, screaming. and she screamed for no one.

    by on 01.17.2013
  17. “Choose your weapon.” I think…..well, wet noodles are unweildy and I don’t really want to pick anything that will actually hurt somebody. I know! A water squirter! Like you use for cats. “Ffft Fffft, be nice!” “Ffft-Ffft, too rude!” That will work.

  18. I choose to be me, not you her or anyone else.
    i know you think i am a wannabe, but all i want to be is me,
    it seems like i copy, pretend, and defy,
    but in reality, i am scared to be different and i don’t know why.

  19. I am starting my life over. I have failed at this so many times but i have come to realize…I loath the person i have become. I have heard the opinions, although i feel they are not as fully truthed as I would of liked..There is still partial truth. I am taking opinions of people who have general disgust of me. I am choosing to revamp…and instill more Godly practices in my life. In the past I have found the closer I walk in the words of God, life flows more abudantly and beautifully for me. Things are tattered and barely recognizable..I choose to change this NOW, although i feel i should work on the relationships i have tarnished, I wont. I am in a new place with new people…to start OVER. My journey begins today. I welcome you to do the same.

  20. There are two options I have lying in front of me, taunting and menacing. “Choose,” he whispered darkly, hissing into my ear before backing away. It was my decision. Between a rock and a hard place, I made my choice.

    by babs on 01.17.2013
  21. They stood before him. He knew that it wasn’t really a decision he had to make so much as an acceptance of the life he would lead from here on in. One would be perfect. Everything he could ever accomplish and be proud of. The other was her. He took her hand… and chose.

  22. Sitting in straight back chairs, we stick to the wood, our thighs slipping slightly as we move. I hear a chink of ice, the glug of liquid and I can’t help but lick my lips.

    “Choose a card,” he says, but I can’t think. It’s like a green house in here, and all I can think of is a glass of cool, cool water, swimming pools and airconditioning. But the slap of cards and clink of chips on the mahogany brings me back to the reality of it all. I’m in this to win, or not at all.

  23. Journey

    by Gloria Wolcott on 01.17.2013
  24. It’s simple, I choose to write!

  25. Choice is what life is all about. Free will. My decisions will affect the world–maybe in a small way, but if you believe in causality, that choice will go on and on. Forever.

    by Erik Leiden on 01.17.2013
  26. I will not choose the job everybody wants me to, or the one who gives me money. I will choose the one that makes me happy, no matter how much I will be paid. I just want to be happy.

  27. Everyday we have to choose,
    what to eat, what to wear, what to do, what to feel.
    Sometimes choosing what to feel is hard and
    other times feelings creep up on you like the wind
    blowing you to and fro. Choose activity, choose energy,
    choose other people, choose the sky and the snow.
    Fight for your right to choose.

    by Robin on 01.17.2013
  28. A little boy sits in front of his lunch. Peanut butter again for the fifth day in row, crusts cut off, plain white bread, strawberry jam…. Or he sees little Tim corners across the playground dangling upside down from the monkey bars. It woulda be so easy to go grab him and hold him there till he gives up his lunch. Tim always had awesome stuff like snack packs and cracker dips and usually some kind of pizza o macaroni and cheese. His mom was awesome. Hoow did Tim get so lucky? The boy looks down again at his same old tired lunch and a Sewell of anger rises up in his throat. H can’t get caught again, though. He’d been to the principles office three times this week and if he went again he’d be went home, and he couldn’t get sent home.

    by Daniel on 01.17.2013
  29. The moon chose the sun as a partner.
    The ocean waves chose the cliff face.
    The hairdo chose the wind.
    The barbershop chose the light coming in through the back window
    onto the black and white checked floor.

  30. I can to choose to love. Or I can choose to hate. Either way, is my choice. We are all the sum of our choices. God has given us free will to choose which way to go.

    by Lauren Huss on 01.17.2013
  31. I wish I could have chosen. I wish have could have chosen to be happy, to love. I couldn’t.

    I sat and I stared at this computer screen, watching cat video after cat video. Then, it was over.

    I had lost.

    If you are ever in this position, choose to live.

    by Otis on 01.17.2013
  32. I choose love.
    I choose hope.
    I choose freedom.
    I choose life.

    I choose magick.
    I choose mystery.
    I choose unfolding.
    I choose thriving wildly.

    I choose all the good.
    I choose all the passion.
    I choose all the art and sex and poetry.

    I choose everything that enhances my life.
    I choose the blessings and the lessons.
    I choose awakenings and manifesting dreams.
    I choose empowerment and spiritual wisdom.

    I choose to be.
    I choose me.
    I choose you.
    I choose we.

    I choose and take irresponsibility for all that I choose.
    I choose to be kind, loving honest, and true.
    I choose to be authentic.
    I choose to be real.

    I choose to live my life in unique and extraordinary ways.
    I choose to see the beautiful, the truthful, the grace and the pure.
    I choose to honor all forms of life
    I choose to bless others
    I choose to remain open to the infinite possibilities.
    I choose to explore and discover and find what was lost.
    I choose to give everything from the center of my heart.
    I choose to love.

    I choose love.

  33. I choose to believe that there is nothing even close to God in the Universe.But unfortunately, the lady on the other side of the table did not share my belief.And it finally came upon this that decided the course of the rest of the evening.As time passed it became clear that there was no real spark in the whole affair but there was something that kept me in that chair.”Do you enjoy Dali’s work?” she said suddenly.

  34. You get to decide. Sounds good to me. On second thought….. maybe it’s too hard of a decision so maybe not…. You decide! How about that! Yep! Its up to you!

    by Ellie on 01.17.2013
  35. i choose to be happy no matter what goes on around me. I choose to smile when my heart hurts and spirits feel wilted. I choose to love those that dont love me because by loving others i love myself. I choose to be amazing everyday even when i mess up on a canvas, its an opportunity to create more art.

    by aida christina on 01.17.2013
  36. They sat side by side. One was tall and skinny. The other short and rotund. He had to choose one, but which one would work better he did not know. The person behind the counter looked at him with an air of resentment. “Do you have any questions?”

    by JPSJPS on 01.17.2013
  37. Choose. Its what free will is all about, the right to choose. I choose to dye my hair silly colours, peirce and tattoo my body

    by abi on 01.17.2013
  38. CHOOSE THIS DAY WHO YOU WILL SERVE. Harder to do than to say. Service, after all the children are raised and the job is complete, becomes the primary reason for living, it seems. Anything else seems rather too indulgent to be acceptable in a person who cares to make a difference.

    by Sheila on 01.17.2013
  39. They stood before him. It wasn’t a decision that had be made, but an acceptance of the life he would live having made it. One life that would be perfect, everything she ever dreamed of. The other would be her own. And she could be proud to have done it herself. She turned around…

    by Mister Bojangals on 01.17.2013
  40. Choose, it’s your turn.
    I can’t do it for you.
    You choose, but it breaks my heart,
    but the love I have for you is so strong
    I will choose to hurt myself to make you happy.
    Choose differently…I’m begging you.
    Choose me?

    by Vixen on 01.17.2013