
November 27th, 2010 | 189 Entries

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189 Entries for “closed”

  1. I wish that my heart wasnt closed off like this. Wouldnt it be so much easier to love freely and never think about the consequences. But I know that that can never be. Damage will always happen.

    by LizLiz on 11.27.2010
  2. You. would have fit in at our thanksgiving today ….too bad you weren’t willing to accept my flaws and closed yourself to having adjust yourself to support me

    by I bet you think this song is about you on 11.27.2010
  3. I went out for a bit, and thought I would go for a walk down to the local saloon, but when I reached it it was closed.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 11.27.2010
  4. the cause of disappointment.


    a common limitation in people because strength is required to overcome it.

  5. the door was closed but i could hear your screams. i knew that it was all over, the world that i believed in. trapped in this hallway, the closed door will forever haunt my thoughts.

    by Liz on 11.27.2010
  6. Closed means, not open. For a store this means that no one can go in and shop anymore. For a door, this means that it is shut. It comes from the word close, people used to say that things were drawn close, rather than closed. Curtains close, eyes close.

    by Anya Kelsick on 11.27.2010
  7. Can you believe it?! Who closed this door?! I opened not more than 2 hours ago and now I T I S C L O S E D ! ! !


    Now I have to open again!!! Can’t believe this crap!!

  8. not open, closed up, close the door, stopped serving, closed off, closed case, closed door, close the window, shut up, closed before 6 closed early closed late,

    by alma on 11.27.2010
  9. I’ve closed my heart. Not open for business anymore. I’ve shut the door. No one is getting in. No one is getting out. They will break out though. I will throw them out. Because all I do is hurt.

  10. Closed doors, closed eyes,
    Closed minds.
    Shut to the beauty of the world.
    We see only darkness.

    But there’s beauty too. It’s there, I promise.

    I’ve seen it in healing and open hearts and uplifted hands.
    It’s in our voices, in the way we love.

    Don’t close yourself up.


  11. With a wrist whip he split a safe
    With a finger flaunt the lock
    As his stare seemed to seep through envelope

    A kind of royal magic, he sung while he stole
    serenading each sleight of hand

    I asked him to find a wordsearch
    within a crossword hidden in a game of suduku
    all locked in a safe

    It was like staring while a coccoon cracked,
    as a pearl condensed or a eagle pierced the wind
    and then the windpipe of a mouse

    After for a receipt he wrote a puzzle made from his name
    and I handed over the payment

    At parties I show off his anagram autograph
    Whoever works it out I will marry

    by gskgsk on 11.27.2010
  12. The mall was closed today. I’m pissed because I needed to get a new tie for a dinner with my girlfriend’s parents. Now I’ll look like an idiot because all I have is a tie with reindeer and Santa Claus on it. The worst part is they’re Jewish. They’ll probably think I’m an anti-Semite.

    by Eric on 11.27.2010
  13. He was always so far away from her. As if he closed his mind off from everything else and kept to his own little world. How she wished she could read him like an open book.

  14. i am a closed book, or maybe you are a closed reader. maybe i just don’t want to share my stories with you because i know they don’t fit into the image of me that you have created, and if there is one thing i don’t want to destroy, it’s that image. so maybe that is why i ask so much about you and never tell you about myself.

    by Megan on 11.27.2010
  15. no one understood how he felt, all alone on the curb. the cars drove by, people with lives to get back to and dinners to make. he sat there with his head down, heart closed off to the world. all he had done was for her and this is how it

    by marta on 11.27.2010
  16. Thats it. Thats everything. I cannot feel anymore. everything is shut in. Closed. I have nothing more to say, because you will not allow me. You have closed me out of your life. Goodbye.

  17. How I will keep my heart until I die. Completely closed. I’m so tired of leaving it open for anyone to come in, and then when they do, I get crushed. I won’t let anyone else hurt me. I am and shall remain completely closed.

    by on 11.27.2010
  18. The store was closed. She cried and cried. Such a stupid thing; it was Thanksgiving after all, what did she expect? It wasn’t the store being closed that had her so crazed. It was him. He who told her her mind was closed to love and affection.

  19. Even though he rattled the old wooden door with all his strength, the hinges wouldn’t break. Whoever had fixed it this time, must have known he’d attempt to break in again.

  20. Your hands draw grey shapes against the wall. They are eagles, they are running dogs, they are movements that seem separate from you, seperate from this closed moment, a an isolated space of air that is almost breathless, that is compressing us into a space beyond what we have know.

    by Catfish on 11.27.2010
  21. he stared at her, his eyes boring into her very soul, hers green and wide, unable to do anything else. He blinked, and she was free, her eyes closed, and she pulled her face down to safety, where she could open them once more.

  22. she closed the door silently and waited for his response,
    she pondered how he was going to explain his actions this time
    it seemed like he could always work around being honest
    finding an excuse for everything, a reason for her to forgive him
    but this time there were no excuses

  23. “Es ist geschlossen. Sehen Sie das nicht?”, tönte die Verkäuferin in vehementem Ton hinter der Theke hervor. Ich hatte mich gewagt, den Laden zu betreten, in leiser Hoffnung, doch noch das letzte Brot erstehen zu können, dass noch im Regal lag. Vergebens.

    by EliEli on 11.27.2010
  24. It was linguistic relativity that had reopened the gap. Sure, they both spoke different languages, but the bright red sign had indicated they weren’t going to be doing any more drinking that evening. The bar was closed.

  25. The door is closed and it won’t open. I can’t seem to find the key. Everything seems like it’s pouring down like the rain on my head. The door is still closed. The key is here somewhere, I know. Where can I find it?

    by Bethany on 11.27.2010
  26. She shut her eyes and wished with all her heart that things could be the way she had dreamed. She knew that she wouldn’t ever have the boy she was currently visiting.

  27. ı closed my eyes and going to the new world for me.ım not afraid just going on.everything will be ok.ı belive in this

    by müge aygün on 11.27.2010
  28. He still didn’t understand. How could he not understand, Jane thought. “You’re an idiot Bob”, she called out. He had been trying for an hour to get into the next room where Jane was drinking his 6 pack of Miller Light. “Screw it Jane! I’m coming in!”, he screamed. There was a thud and then a mournful wail. All he could hear was laughter. Then he notice his bleeding nose. Jane opened a Miller, took a swig and thought, the idiot still doesn’t realize the door is closed.

  29. She closed the door behind her and he could here her turning the key. She was pressed up against the wall outside of it breathing and thinking. Waiting to hear the dead bolt on the other side turn slowly over like she would in her sleep right before he threw his arms around her. Right before they would fall into extascy.

    by Noelle on 11.27.2010
  30. The door is closed. I wish I could open it. I guess ill have to look for another way in. Should I try a window? No luck. I guess I’ll have to climb to the top of the house and jump in the chimney. Good thing I brought my bag of toys!

    by Maggie on 11.27.2010
  31. The stores closed after a busy day of holiday shopping. It was by all means not the end of their shift, but just another phase to restock and prepare for the mornings incoming rush of sales seeking shoppers. What a mess. aisles full of merchandise shewn all over the area. To organize it. to clean it to get ready for the opening tomorrow. First this is to be done before we can actually


  32. The door was closed. I couldn’t open it. However hard I tried, I pulled, pushed, kicked, ran into it. It wouldn’t budge. I had to get out.

    “Please, let me out!” I cried.

    I knew no one would hear me.

    by Manon Eileen on 11.27.2010
  33. With a loud slam, she closed the door. She was angry and hurt, and it felt good to slam that door. Let her hear it, she thought. Let her know how mad I am at her right now. Make her feel bad!

  34. The door slammed shut, and it would never open again, no matter how much she pulled at the handle.

    by Korinn on 11.27.2010
  35. The door is closed. Opportunities are gone. Right now at least. When one door closes another opens. But it takes time. At least it’s taking some time for me. I am waiting. Closed and waiting for something to happen, like another door to open. I’m in the in-between. Just waiting for something to happen to me. But right now the door is closed.

    by Kaitlyn on 11.27.2010
  36. The door was closed off. She felt nervous as she looked at it, and wondered if she could open it. In all of her previous dreams she had been unable to. She knew them and remembered those previous dreams, and found it strange that now she was dreaming again, she could remember them. But in the previous dreams, no matter how hard she yanked and pulled at that door, it would not open. Now, would it open? This time? Would it or wouldn’t it? Taking a deep breath, she stepped forward and touched the door handle. It swung open smoothly in one beautiful motion, revealing a bright light which shone out from behind the door and blinded her.

    by Bhakti on 11.27.2010
  37. The door is closed and there’s no way to get through. I push and push, hoping it’ll unlock but it doesn’t. I scream and kick it and hit it until I slide down next to it. I’m crying because the door won’t open and I have to get through. Then someone comes along. They pull, instead of push.

    by AshAsh on 11.27.2010
  38. How I feel right now. I seem closed off to everything that is happening around me to keep up the illusion that it all really is okay. Ignorance is bliss, right?

  39. the door is closed? but maybe the window is closed- but there’s the saying, when one door closes I hope another one opens, or maybe a window opens when a door closes. Other things can be closed though, not just doors. I can be closed off from others, I don’t have to share my feelings, thoughts, ideas, anything about me with anyone else. Closed. It’s a weird word?

    by Michelle on 11.27.2010
  40. So many people have closed their minds to the world, to other people, to love, to life. The mind is a place of infinite possibilities, they say. Some people deny this by limiting themselves, other people, locking doors and burning bridges and kicking in staircases until there’s nothing left but a little. Crumpled. Thing.

    That they call themself. That they call you. Isn’t it sad?

    If they opened the door, the whole world would meet them, an endless sea of colour and light.