
February 1st, 2011 | 1,030 Entries

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1,030 Entries for “darkroom”

  1. It was a kind of sad day. I was alone in the darkroom again, exposing film. So many pictures, of happy times. Random simes Almsot too sun-shiny. I felt comforted by the darkness somehow. Although it was lonely for sure, it was fitting. It felt more real than all the shiny pictures appearing in front of me.

    by Stav on 02.01.2011
  2. A room where memories are created. Picture walking into the room, flip on the red light. Pull out the film. What lost second are we going to capture today? Pour the chemicals.

  3. I spun into the darkroom. Everything seemed to chill out and the world calmed down. Heading back to my enlarger, I realized my negatives were going to take considerably more planning next time if I wanted to be able to develop more photos per session.

  4. It’s just a room void of light and people. You can think whatever you want. With no one to tell you right or wrong. It’s yours. Your thoughts and feelings can float freely and face no criticism. It is indeed a beautiful place.

    by Jenni on 02.01.2011
  5. i was in the darkroom on tuesday when i heard something behind me. when i turned around i saw an unfimiliar face but it was one of the most beautiful faces i have ever seen in my life, the way the contours of his face were shining. the way that the red light caught the bend in his nose, i knew this was the start of something but i wasn’t sure what. he said, “hi” and then

    by savannah on 02.01.2011
  6. She spent most of her life in the darkroom, analyzing her images and her prints the way she also analyzed her family and her friends: intently and with purpose.

    by Sue Pea on 02.01.2011
  7. How dare you! How fucking dare you talk to me in that manner. How fucking dare you put your hands on me time and time again. How fucking dare you play the victim in this situation. How fucking dare you manipulate my words and actions in such a manner to have others turn their backs on me for your sake. How fucking dare you. You have no idea the emotions I am feeling right now. I am scared. So fucking scared of what tomorrow will bring. So fucking scared of how today is going to end. So fucking scared for me. I am hurt. I am shocked. I am pissed the fuck off. And it is amazing that all these emotions can come from one person. How fucking dare you for always saying that you love me not even 5 minutes after you have gone crazy. I would never of imagined that you are love. I would never of imagined that you could love. I cant imagine that I can be loved ever again thanks to you. I am now a wreck. I am scared of my shadow and I flinch when I am hugged because I have seen that episode before. How fucking dare you do this to me. How fucking dare you

  8. a room where there is no light all light is shut out cant see its dark in here!!!!!!!

    by kay on 02.01.2011
  9. dark rooms are scary to some people. not really to me. i’ve never had a traumatic experience with the darkness before. i suppose that has a lot to do with it. what if we were all afraid of the light instead of the dark? i guess it’s the unknown that freaks us out. hm. i’m kind of off topic because i’m focusing more on dark than darkroom.

  10. Empty.
    I am lone in this Dark Room.

  11. Bright! I want light to fill every inch of my dark room, illuminating every secret, every hidden truth. Light me up.

    by whitwig on 02.01.2011
  12. a closed door only keeps one thing out, a barrier only acts as such to those unwilling to go through the process of overcoming it. take a picture, it lasts longer.raw

    by rawpills on 02.01.2011
  13. My eyes filled with tears and my lips trembled as panic overtook me. “N…not on the map?”

    “Hush now. Dry your eyes,” he said. “It’s not as bad as all that.”

    “It isn’t?”

    “No. I think that you are in a little offshoot, a limbo. Think of it as a darkroom where you have to wait for a picture to develop — the picture being what happened in the last few minutes of your life.”

  14. the darkroom was so eery and silent that i couldn’t even see my own hand in front of my face. my eyes couldn’t adjust to it and i had no hope in ever finding the door i’d come in from. the creek from the floorboads under my feet were the only things in my ears.

    by ashley on 02.01.2011
  15. When i am in a dark room i might feel afraid,
    or even a little lonely
    but i am always safe in the knowledge that just over on the far wall is a light switch to make the dark go away.

    by Emily Kauber on 02.01.2011
  16. photographs appear silently, peacefully
    every sound amazing
    every moment precious
    miraculous images
    silent and peaceful
    everything calm, silent and sad.

    by anne on 02.01.2011
  17. darkness. bleak. all is lost. emptiness. hopeless. i don’t like it. hate. loathing. honesty. mystery. lights. where are the lights. what is there. who is there. fright. anything. dark. so dark.

    by Ashley on 02.01.2011
  18. My kids may never know what a darkroom was.

    Once upon a time, I was dating loserboy. And holography was a new thing. Long story short, we got into an argument over the advisability of filling the room we were standing in with carbon dioxide. What a tool.

  19. Its so dark in here and smells like chemicals which isnt really a bad thing. I can see my reflection in the liquids, but its is dark and shadowy, like i dont know myself. I wish someone else was here but it is a relief at the same time. The water is so murky, but I can still see from the red light.

    by Katie on 02.01.2011
  20. i have gotten way more accustomed to dark rooms, bright lights give me such a headache. my studio is rather dark. its easier to think in a dark room. my office at work is bright and awful. what a horrid way to spend the majority of my day. dark room

    by Christopher Robin on 02.01.2011
  21. A darkroom where a photographer completes his magnificant photographs to show the world. Where a product of beauty is made, a dream is fulfilled, and life is captured forever on a piece of paper.

    by Leah on 02.01.2011
  22. The room was dark, errie, and desolate. I couldn’t help but feel opressed. My arms lay out in front of my trying to find my way but I couldn’t feel anything, it was like there was nothing there at all. As if the room didn’t even exist at all.

    by Kristena on 02.01.2011
  23. i was in a dark room when suddenly a light appeared, it was very bright and i was almost blinded then out of it stepped… an alien who proceeded to undo his belt which happened to be electric! it hurt when he hit me… thats all, bye!

    by Emily Kauber on 02.01.2011
  24. I walked in the darkroom and clicked on the red light. I carefully took my camera out of my bag and the magic began. When I had those photos in that room, it was like anything was possible.

    by allison on 02.01.2011
  25. A dark room is a place where u are when you sleep…no lights, no candles.

  26. this is where photos are developed.
    Children fear these types of places.
    There is often a red light and chemicals in one of these.
    These are rarely used any more due to the advent of digital cameras

    by uii on 02.01.2011
  27. Such a dark room,
    Such a dark place,
    How long can you see?
    Where does it take place?

    Such a dark room,
    sound and carefully protected
    Are you sad, are you gloom?
    Peace, love, and messes

    you cannot be alone
    In a darkroom
    but you have one time
    And figure it out soon

    It takes money
    It takes cash and
    It takes love, and it takes passion
    It takes dove

    by Mariah on 02.01.2011
  28. There is only a sliver of light shining from beneath the chamber door. I am drenched in a wet sticky substance that reeks of bitter coper and salt. Panic thrust itself into me and sent me screaming, running and pushing toward survival. I can’t escape this dark room…
    If I could only find light, or some sort of evidence of were I am being held. But there is nothing but rough rocky walls and the unskillfully crafted outline of the door.

  29. The dark closes in slowly. My breath comes in rapid intakes as panic takes me. The darkness never fades and no light can be seen. Fear and Loneliness take me as the darkroom closes in on my conscious. In this dark world I am alone.

  30. There is no light at all in this room. There might not be any windows. There maybe no doors. It could be night time at this moment. It’s dark. No light at all. Pitch dark. You can’t see at all.

  31. the girl walked into the dark room. that girl never came out of the dark room. they sent surch parties, but they never came out ether. what is in that dark room is still a mistery. same thing about who or what is in it hidden by the shade that forms were the sun cant reach.

  32. the dark room was pitch black! i couldnt see where i was going!! i slammed into 5 walls and broke my nose!!! i hate darkrooms!!

    by chase on 02.01.2011
  33. Don’t you use dark rooms for photography? To make the pictures? Or when I hear the word darkroom, I think of dark, scary rooms. Like a basement or something.

  34. When i think of a darkroom i think of playing hide and go seek with your family. Hiding in the best spot ever so you will never be found.

  35. Lights and poison and dirt in the hallway. Red and silence and ink and water. Call me out, call me out, call me out. Open the door. Open the window. Stained glass memories. Stained glass gods and friends. Feast and death and sleep and dream.

    by Julia on 02.01.2011
  36. I hate darkrooms. They are very scary. I’m afraid of the dark so i don’t like being in darkrooms.

  37. My brother was crying in a darkroom but I made him feel a lot better when I gave him candy. I want to lock Phillip in a darkroom. Donielle wants to lock Phillip in a darkroom with me and i will laugh at phillip.

  38. In a dark room you can expect the unexpected. The feeling of eyes falling on your back. The horror creaping in the depths of the unseen.

  39. you are in a darkroom the walls are closing you. you rush too find a door, your breath coming in short gasps. you begin to panic; banging on the walls calling out for help. a small light appears and a shadow walks out saying “Welcome.”

  40. the last time i was in a darkroom, was when i was about 14. there is something magical about that elusive place, where entry is prohibited when the red light is lit. something mystical happens behind that door that turns mere moments into timeless memories.

    by paul on 02.01.2011