
January 19th, 2013 | 229 Entries

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229 Entries for “destroy”

  1. He looked upon the building he destroyed. Why had he don this? What good would come? They say revenge was a sweet dish but he didn’t taste it. All he felt was emptiness. It was nothing new. The emptiness had been with him from the beginning, and now he realized it would stay with him until the end.

    by Marina on 01.20.2013
  2. Here we go again, the feelings left us and the aftermath and we are here. Growing old desperately remembering separately. I wonder what it would be like working together functionally. Whilst the years get shorter, I fill with longing.

    by PulPul on 01.20.2013
  3. Destroy? I mean really? Destroy it? Just blow it up? Like everything else in your life huh? You’re gonna destroy this too? This girl, she’s in love with you man, I can tell. At least… At least don’t destroy her. Her wellbeing is bigger than your relationship with her.

    by on 01.20.2013
  4. We do it regularly
    If only our minds would notice
    If only our hearts would feel it
    This is what this world has become
    A destruction
    Of feelings
    Of sympathy
    Of the world
    Of self
    We notice it.
    We do nothing
    What happens if we tried to do something
    What would humanity give back.
    What would we be willingly to offer once we’ve run dry.

    by Michelle on 01.20.2013
  5. Destroy whatever you might find unnecessary. Even if it is not yours. Why create? The easy way is to destroy.

    by Stef on 01.20.2013
  6. One word life, love, happiness, together, apart, one world shared by many.

    by Kira on 01.20.2013
  7. Enemies,fate….destroy to make tabula rasa and rebuild and create all over something new and better. You have to erase mistakea to turn them right. Bombs, hate, death…renaissance, newborn, new life.

    by lv72 on 01.20.2013
  8. I want to destroy that pizza. Just wolf it down. Pepperoni and pineapple with BBQ sauce on the side. Extra cheese. Oh man. Yes. So Good!

  9. He was on a mission that would destory the bonds between us. I called him to come to me and when I saw him his arms were thin so thin the i could put my child sized fingers around them in an O. he pomised he would return and that he would imagine as best he could sunshine flowing out through his hands to warm me and show me the way to stay connected.

  10. All is knowing that in destruction you lie bare naked on the ground in front of the Sun. The Sun looks at you it smiles, waves its crest, and then you are gone. Destruction is the language in which it speaks, the Sun knows no Smile, no Smile. Nothing. Only barren Life and Destruction. Aren’t they one and the same, why would you even doubt it?

    by Jan on 01.20.2013
  11. war is every where and we dont love like we should we just destroy

    by hannah on 01.20.2013
  12. She moved through the fair looking for the caravan that had been described to her. You’ll know it when you see it they had said. She knew they were right. There was no way you could mistake something like that, something that had been built for the sole purpose of destroying treasured posessions.

  13. Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?
    Create a masterpiece and watch as it burns, turns to ashes.
    Then, and only then, will it be truly beautiful.

  14. life arises from son destroys all my stuff,i need to destroy all my bad habits and create myself anew.

    by shilpa on 01.20.2013
  15. i would destroy the entire world. I would make sure I have everyone, everyone, in my palms. I would especially destroy you. You and your entire fucking life because you deserve it. I will make sure you cry to sleep and in your sleep.

    by victori on 01.20.2013
  16. pollution, damage, japerdy, hazard, pain, sadness, lost, creation, courage, heartless, fight little kids, machines,

    by Karolina on 01.20.2013
  17. Try as we might to destroy the evidence against us for our separation from the love and grace of God, we will never satisfy the hunger that lies within us for the truth and our need to be part of his creation. come one come all, return to the truth and guidance of our God and savour.

  18. She wanted to destroy her humanity. Not the emotional bits necessarily, but the physical annoyances, the illogical self-refusal, the slow, mind-numbingly persistent decay of who she was.

  19. DESTROY!!!!! my little daughter smashes her just-built-castle with her teddy bear. It crumbles together. Is this an act of violence? is this normal and ok? let me destroy my worries and just enjoy this phase.

    by Joan on 01.20.2013
  20. It wasn’t even visible, I didn’t even feel so much as a tug at my stomach. But what went is felt in a new sense, one that he would never have the chance to understand.

    by Bonn on 01.20.2013
  21. I will destory the things that hurt me most I will destroy the things in myself that I truly despise and here at this end that will destroy all things will I look at the things I have destroyed and called it good for I had destroyed them. for I have become death destroyer of worlds

    by Tiffany DeMello on 01.20.2013
  22. She destroyed everything about me that I liked. Everything that had made me, and everything that I had made – undone.

    I didn’t like the feeling. It was like a surgeon had sliced me up and pulled out my insides. It was like a firefighter had taken one look at me and decided I was the fire. It was like being torn up, like I was being erased…

    I had to get revenge, didn’t I?

    by Patricia on 01.20.2013
  23. what i want to know is why this is so big. a big deal on tv a big deal in news i just dont want to see it or hear it. not in the world. lets destroy the bad. let’s turn things around. lets destroy destruction. lets pull ourselves together and do good things. do good things.

    by Shelby Peters on 01.20.2013
  24. when you want to create, sometimes that means having to destroy. if an object can get down to the form of complete vulnerability, then all there is left to do is build upon it. some say that it isn’t safe to be vulnerable, but that is when you are most open to the world.

  25. All human beings do is destroy. We destroyed villages, now we’re destroying the planet. Soon we’ll destroy ourselves. But from this destruction there will be rebirth and evolution. A new species will rise, a species worthy of the planet Earth.

    by V-dawg on 01.20.2013
  26. he loved me and i broke him.
    i wish i hadnt lost him. wish i hadnt betrayed him.
    he cared for me like no other and i destroyed his soul.
    his love, his hope for us, for our future.
    i dont understand how i could have done all of this to him.
    i loved him. loved him with all my heart.

    by Sarah on 01.20.2013
  27. I always liked it when Jason would sing on “whiplash” and “seek and destroy” live with Metallica. Why do i find pleasure in watching any of the elements destroy something?

    by on 01.20.2013
  28. From this straight-backed chair
    I can only see the glossy kitchen table,
    Your cold stare
    A cutting board
    Those eyes
    Destroying my heart.
    And I used to wonder
    How far the black-brown could go.

    by AliAli on 01.20.2013
  29. i fear destruction but destruction is all around me but im scared that i will inadvertently destroy myself. but thats just humans i suppose. we will be the cause of our own extinction. i want it to stop. i want it to end. but i am a mere person. i have no name.

    by Abby on 01.20.2013
  30. destroy all that comes in your way, O wind.
    so they may never take you as a whiff again.

    by medusa on 01.20.2013
  31. The little girl could only keep her room half clean. The rebellion of insects was lurking, and it had already crushed through her fortifications. She cleaned every day, she was a good girl. But the bugs were still there. She could hear their wings and catch their shadows on the walls. She sighed in defeat. The bugs had won.

  32. Caves falling into the gaps of infinity. Grasp the hold. Take the thing that you least desire it. Pull it close, censor the mind, molecules of you and me escape into bubbles of the air of us. Dash and twist and keep and squeeze. Sweetly bitter contaminant glitters the scope of the moon. All things are more beautiful in its aftermath. Terrifyingly gentle in its dis ease of love and hate. Pure absence.

    by Jennie Moreno on 01.19.2013
  33. All it took was twenty seconds to destroy what had taken Jeremy and me hours and hours to make. All we could do was stand there in silence as the three boys, much bigger than us, kicked and shuffled their way through our creation, reducing magnificant turrets, deep moats, mysterious passages and carefully fortified embattlements back to grains of sand.

    by mogumba on 01.19.2013
  34. My mind collapses
    breathing hitches.
    It’s all blue now
    blue blue blue
    lips to eyes
    I’m blue because of you.
    You break me down
    tear me to pieces.
    The walls I build crumble to dust and you smile
    I smile.
    There’s a whimper in the depths of my mind.
    You destroy me.

    by CaiCai on 01.19.2013
  35. The ire in his words could destroy an entire universe. One flick of his tongue and a strip tore off my back. Every word biting into my flesh, tearing away chunks of muscle, of heart, of soul, until nothing remains but a broken shell, torn to shreds.

    by Danielle La Paglia on 01.19.2013
  36. A battlefield. But the battle has already been announced and raged and left the ground bloody and full of bodies. You stare at the carnage but it doesn’t matter how long you look it’s impossible to take it all in. Totally impossible. You wish that you could unsee it and yet at the same time you can’t turn away you can’t stop trying to process it, trying to make it enter your head in a way that you can feel something about it, feel… anything about it. It might have been easier to feel something if you had actually been on one side or the other. However you think the war is a waste, meaningless. It might have some political reason but really it was just a reason to make the countries armies not look at rest. Not look like a complete waste of money. Finally you turn away but the image stays in your head. It will be months before you can go longer than a day without thinking about it. You will never be able to forget the scene, you will always be able to see every detail of the bloody scene. (re-submitted because I just made the account and wanted to link it to it)

  37. You can destroy lots of things. You can destroy an old notebook. You can destroy a guitar. You can destroy your old television set. You can destroy your mood. You can destroy a heart. The list is endless. Theres another list that is endless too, how you destroy it.

    by candice on 01.19.2013
  38. A battlefield. But the battle has already been announced and raged and left the ground bloody and full of bodies. You stare at the carnage but it doesn’t matter how long you look it’s impossible to take it all in. Totally impossible. You wish that you could unsee it and yet at the same time you can’t turn away you can’t stop trying to process it, trying to make it enter your head in a way that you can feel something about it, feel… anything about it. It might have been easier to feel something if you had actually been on one side or the other. However you think the war is a waste, meaningless. It might have some political reason but really it was just a reason to make the countries armies not look at rest. Not look like a complete waste of money. Finally you turn away but the image stays in your head. It will be months before you can go longer than a day without thinking about it. You will never be able to forget the scene, you will always be able to see every detail of the bloody scene.

    by Jamie on 01.19.2013
  39. i could destroy any relationship i have. They say may the bridges i burn light the way. I destroy relationships, i don’t keep them, i am a hurtful human being and i must live with my consquences. I no longer hope, for ANYTHING!

    by Rebecca on 01.19.2013
  40. Ink squelches between my fingers, dribbling blue rivulets down my arm and back into the darkness. And there’s something marvelous about all of it–as the nominated artist, they have given me not only the power to create, but to destroy.