
February 24th, 2013 | 181 Entries

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181 Entries for “embellish”

  1. Surround me like the sunlight, surround me like the darkness. I’ll embrace it either way, I’ll prefer it. I will taste it in my mouth and let it consume my entire body, I’ll submit to it. I want to you to love me like the feeling swept you off your feet.

  2. i only have a rough idea of what this word means.. so no words to give today. everyone else have at it!

  3. decorative stuff. I embellished my furniture in hopes that he would love me again. I don’t know what to do; he always loved the fancy women out there. I couldn’t help but want to be one of them to get his attention. Maybe love is really risking who you are to get someone you’re desperately in love with. Oh well. I just don’t know if he’ll like it. What if he doesn’t. What if he does? Where do I go from there?

    by Chloe on 02.24.2013
  4. you ask me to let you in and i do,
    but where you hoped to find a fixer-upper and a future,
    is instead the perfect home.
    dusted and decorated, color-matched even,
    with so many lies swept
    under the foyer rug.

  5. I embellish myself in beautiful jewels as I prepare myself for the Oscars..for it is not my dress I adore but my jewels I embellished in…

  6. I DON’T KNOW what the word means but it sound so pretty. I wonder what it means. I think it means to kind of en script something or mark it with a symbol or words.But who knows, to me right now it is just a word and nothing else.

    by Karina on 02.24.2013
  7. I try hard not to embellish my experiences with lies. But things have reached the point of such monotony that I must invent stories up in order to make it through the day.

  8. I tend to embellish quite a bit, actually. I don’t think it’s necissarily a bad thing, in fact I think it is a quality people tend to find very attractive, at least with me. However, a lot of the time I feel like I am not being honest and I get upset with myself.

    by Michael on 02.24.2013
  9. Embellish. So many things come to mind. The Pope. wow. why the Pope? His chair or throne r whatever you call it could not be more covered in gold and jewels. Also, liars. Um, embellish stories I guess.

    by Karen Roman on 02.24.2013
  10. i will embellish your dragon of thoughts
    and tie them up with ribbons
    and keep them in my top drawer,
    there’s a little box with a bird on it there,
    kept especially for important ideas.
    this flashlight shines through your brains
    because i can see right through you
    or at least i think i can.
    maybe i’m just stupid, but
    you are a fucking douchebag.

    by sydni on 02.24.2013
  11. I don’t want to write about embellish. That’s kind of a weird word to be asking to write about, don’t you think? Something that might come out of a novel that’s written way too wordy. Not the kind of wordy that has craft, but just wordy to be wordy. For this reason I don’t like this word. It makes me think of novels such as that.

    by Alissa on 02.24.2013
  12. She tried to embellish her mercy, to make her justice–her wrath–seems fair and muted by the other woman’s crimes, yet she could not cool the fire that branded her words with vengeance. The only mercy to be had would come from a freak accident separating one woman from the other.

  13. I heard today,
    that the traders took the beliefs of others
    and their markings thereof
    reproduced them
    and gave back what meant so much
    with which to embellish their souls

    every day
    we take the markings of importance
    into ourselves
    and preach our knowledge-
    so those who hear
    learn what it is they have taught us
    and find it beautiful

  14. Children’s stories are often embellished with many imaginative, and often untrue, details. These details encourage children to realize that they can, and should, imagine anything they want.

  15. there are plenty of things in my life id like to embellish with beautiful things, to give it a more glitzy and glamorous appeal.. but you seriously may be the simplest thing thing i do have.. and i see absolutely nothing wrong with that. in a world of extravagance, its nice to settle down with something nice, organic, sweet and simple. like you <3 even if it isnt right now, the idea is still something nice to work towards.

  16. i love you.
    but it’s not about you
    it’s about me.
    I’m the one loving you.
    it’s not the kind of thing you can stop, see.
    informing you is just a courtesy, i thought maybe you wouldn’t mind knowing
    (don’t tell on me and i won’t tell you the dirty parts)

  17. The sculptor needs to be appreciated for he has embellished the structure of the temple from being normal

  18. Her writing wasn’t just hers. It was a combination of things she had picked up throughout her journey. Lengthy paragraphs embellished with bits and pieces of the memories and emotions and stories she had gathered from her surroundings. Her writing was filled with parts of not only her, but the world.

  19. I dont quite know what Embellish stands for. I know I have come across the word rather frequently, yet dont seem to know the meaning . Its the same with spelling – very poor recall. Perhaps its a reflection of how my reading habit dwindled over the years.

    by VS on 02.24.2013
  20. Love is embellished in our everyday life. Not a single person can single out what it is, or what it feels like. Love is just love.

    by gwendyln on 02.24.2013
  21. Basically speaking, it takes a cool mind to be able to embellish on a topic, some doing better than others. Take for instance a professional writer. He or she should be able to elaborate with ease.

    by John smith on 02.24.2013
  22. Her dress was embellished with rhinestones and eccentric designs of every type of exotic flower imaginable. She did a little twirl and the crowed fell silent with awe and jealousy, not only because of her gown, but because of her natural beauty and radiance. She was glowing with perfection, from her nose to her toes.

    by Anne on 02.24.2013
  23. You could embellish a dress with gold rings, swirls of white diamonds, the kind of glimmer you only saw on TV, in movies, the Oscars. Your hands would thread the yellow satin together into the shape of a clock a boy could fit inside of. A girl could become anything in your living room, in one of those green dresses sewn from patterns, the patterns always about to crumble, yellowed and cracked as your own hands.

    by stephanie on 02.24.2013
  24. the moon embellished his face with a cold light as he shivered with the waves of disappointment

    by Christina on 02.24.2013
  25. “Embellishing a resume isn’t that bad right?” I asked while typing away on my word processor.

    “Well it depends, are you applying to be a brain surgeon when you’ve only done fries at Mcdonalds?”

    “Something like that…”

    by ~~ on 02.24.2013
  26. Embellishment is the downfall of every fisherman. It would not be the first time if one has been caught with the hook in his own mouth. Just like fish, they try and reel their audience in. Don’t be a fisherman, be honest.

    by Nicole on 02.24.2013
  27. I try not to embellish on the fact that I have yet to see your face, and that I have been a pen- pal to you for over three years now.

  28. “I was walking through the park, when, suddenly, a giant monster came out of the trees! I screamed of course, and Jack immediately ran the other way. The monster was hideous, mom! And it grabbed all the grocery money and left me there with nothing!”

    “…Jack, what really happened?”

    “She spent it all on candy.”

    by mads on 02.24.2013
  29. She began to pull everything she owned out of her drawers. Other pieces of clothing, wires, jewelry, coins, lingerie. She grabbed a pair of scissors and began thrashing at everything, anxious to pull them back together in a new way that would make her feel creative again. She needed to control something of her own. She needed to feel her creation in her hands.

    by Stefanie on 02.24.2013
  30. i think i have a tendency to embellish things. i’ve been wondering lately if i even have a mental illness at all. is my bipolar disorder just a manifestation of stress? some kind of somatization. maybe i just fake it. the symptoms don’t feel as real s they describe. i can’t tell but i still feel crazy. maybe i need to talk it out with my doctor. first i need to double check my insurance…. Please Lord accept my insurance. though i do not know if i can keep up with the co-pay.

  31. She loves her embellish life. There nothing in her life is the truth, all of them are lies. Created by her to make her life more extravagance. What she doesn’t realise is, she’s pushing every one around her away.
    What did she do? Nothing. She kept on living her fake life until there’s nothing left.

  32. You can take all the ornaments down. All i want are your hands in mine. I don’t need any decorations. I just need you close to me.

    by milkie on 02.24.2013
  33. to leave a little flourishing touch, to leave a mental, physical signature, marking it as not only your creation, but your joy as well.

  34. As she proceeded to lead her embellished life, so beautiful, so pleasant, so deceptive, she realized that she did not really live at all. Her entire existence was a lie.

    by Annelise Walker on 02.24.2013
  35. The gown was embellished with the finest diamonds that money could buy. It was the best wedding gown that money could buy. Only the best for a princess.

  36. Embellishment can become meretricious. Sometimes things are best left simple, like life. The bests things are free right? Hiking in the woods (unless it’s a state park), love (unless you’re a prostitute), happiness (unless you’re materialistic).

    by Rebecca on 02.24.2013
  37. There she sat, in her ornamental robes, holding the traditional head of the dragon. The man next to her snorted sloppily, looked at her as if seeking something, and then looked away.

    by Annelise Walker on 02.24.2013
  38. Embellishment can become meretricious. Sometimes things are best left simple, like life. The bests things in life are free right? I don’t do sequins or rhinestones.

    by Rebecca on 02.24.2013
  39. embellish my soul: without God, without His glorious love, I am but dust. With His love and righteousness, I am bejeweled, bedazzled, embellished with love, mercy, justice, kindness, joy, peace, patience, humility…

    by HBHB on 02.24.2013
  40. if our eyes could hear what ears could not
    we’d all be blind by the screaming elegance
    of natures embellishments, so silently brought
    and the resonated music of starlit relevance
    which startles the night sky with adept harmony
    because creatures like us crave escape through sound
    so lets stay a while to hold on to this falling agony
    inside an atmosphere of beauty so alluringly loud.

    by TasTas on 02.24.2013