
May 1st, 2011 | 537 Entries

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537 Entries for “fluorescent”

  1. it’s raining outside and it’s cold. i’m in my classroom in gradeschool trying to stay awake. i’m bored and cold and hungry. daydreaming of something else, something better.

    by Kasey on 05.01.2011
  2. Her clothes were fluorescent, and she stuck out like a sore thumb in the sea of greys and browns and blacks. The sombre setting outlined or eccentricity like nothing else could. She was a skip through a meadow to their plod through sloggy slums.

  3. I was in the interrogation room. The fluorescent bulbs making me sweat. I didn’t know what they wanted or why I was there, but I was scared.

  4. “Fluorescent bulbs suck,” Genevieve mumbled. “They always make me feel like a strobe light is going full tilt.” “Honey,” Miles said as he handed her a cup of strong, black coffee. “That is a strobe light. You’ve just drunk one too many.”

    by Izolda on 05.01.2011
  5. bright shinning eyes
    lightening across sky
    love to see you burn
    and flash out as you die

    by Heather Owens on 05.01.2011
  6. like the neon lights in downtown… glow sticks? maybe fireflies… enver seen them but theyve always seem so pretty… i wish i could see some… makes me wonder what animals think bout… a little freedom more than us? no troubles to bother about. no love, no friends, no betrayals, nothing that will break ones heart. so simple nothing will hurt how wonderful that would be if i wee a glowing firefly where nothing hthat we have now can bother us. without troubles and worries like the lion king movie. if onlny we were like fireflies. that wuld be nice, just be special, glowing, pretty to everyone or somebody, no regrets, no pain just fly live and savour what we have in that one miute thats all tha t matters thats all that would be great

    by kessen on 05.01.2011
  7. The fluorescent lights unflatteringly lit everyone’s awkward faces.

    The air was thick with discomfort.

    When will the doors open?

  8. If I ever saw you again I would draw all over your face with yellow highlighter, as a fluorescent warning to anyone who ever tries to love you.

  9. Y en la espesura de la noche, sólo eran visibles aquellos destellos fluorescentes que bailaban en el aire en armonía con el viento, las luciérnagas habían salido a iluminar junto con la luna el bosque inmerso en penumbras.

  10. Shining from the unknown night.
    I hold a candle, bright
    To chase the shadows away
    Bring to me the light of day.

  11. bright lights that are good for the enviroment. They don’t use as much energy. Also there are fluorescent colours that lots of people now a days wear everyday to school and what not. They have become very popular.

    by Sage on 05.01.2011
  12. Things aren’t black and white. SO don’t be bland and don’t blend in. Be flourescent.

    by SwagAttack on 05.01.2011
  13. I needed to shade my eyes as I entered the store and was hit with the fluorescent lights that left me blinded. I walked in trying to keep from making eye contact and simply find what I needed… a drink.

    by Pixiw on 05.01.2011
  14. light
    Gwen Stefani

    by Kelly Anne on 05.01.2011
  15. Lots of colors surrounding me, they are buring me inside like burning myself watching them, but theres something in them that makes me watch them again and again, it just feels so good, this lights, this colors like they have to tell something so brilliant so shining, so glowing, perfect; Flourecent

  16. Fluorescent like light bulbs. Or those fish that live deep, deep in the bottom of the sea. The ones that look like something someone made up, but not me because I’m not that creative. They’re real I think, but I don’t know for sure because I’ve never seen one and how can i know that something’s real if I’ve never seen it? How can I know that something’s real if I have seen it?

  17. I always hate the way I look when the room is lit by fluorescent lighting. It hurts my eyes and it makes my skin look translucent. Like my face is full of veins, which it is, but I don’t want to remind everybody around me that we all have veins in our face. How morbid is that? The person who invented fluorescent lighting must be a really morbid person.

  18. illuminating light that has a neon glow. using chemicals to explode into a white-blue energy. It doesn’t usually flatter. It is a cold light.

    by Rachel on 05.01.2011
  19. I think of Las Vegas. I want to go there, not necessarily for the drinking and gambling and parties, but because it all just seems so fabulous. Doesn’t it? Don’t you just think of fame and fortune and luxury? And everyone craves it. Everyone wants to be famous. Florescence is also flamingos, and that’s cool, too, if you’re a redneck in need of front lawn decorations.

    by Abby on 05.01.2011
  20. as much as it makes me think of that guy waiting for me in my white dress, it also makes me think of my eyes being blinded. maybe the guy isn’t the one i should be meeting, anyway, with the fluorescent being over his head.

  21. Bright lights, humming in an empty room. There is nothing around but the blank whiteness and the annoying hum… that hum is driving me nuts. i want to escape it. escape the emptiness and escape myself. Why am I trapped in this room of white light, harsh and sterile. painful. Make it stop.

    by Emily on 05.01.2011
  22. A fluorescent bulb flickered sleepily over the paper goods aisle. It was 3am, and the lone clerk up front nodded off perched on her elbows. The man in the aisle, perusing the paper towel rolls, decided he liked this light.

  23. Skin looks awful in fluorescent. All the flaws are magnified. They glisten. They swell up. All in that thin yellowish, whitish light. It’s distasteful. I practically feel it sinking into the pours of my skin, and I hope I don’t look like that in sunlight.

  24. light that makes me look really bad in a dressing room. you would think more companies would buy more expensive lighting to sell more product. Duh!!! Makes sense too me. But what do I know?

    by Lauren Adam on 05.01.2011
  25. Glow gnomes attack Burn-Outs. Fluorescent light beaming through bearded face. Day-glow bellies. Jolly? Not jolly. Swarming with a hatred.

    by Nick Horrigan on 05.01.2011
  26. Flourescent reminds me of light bulbs. It’s bad lighting for the types of pictures I like to take . Flourescent also reminds me of flowers. That’s the second thought that comes to my mind. The light gives off a yellow tint to all things in my camera’s. I don’t see any good use of those types of light bulbs unless they are cheap

    by Caitlin on 05.01.2011
  27. Cloudless, cool night in a white dress that comes down to my knees. White wedges, sticky, summer air. I am walking in humidity, facing a large fluorescent sign. He is holding a bouquet of flowers, waiting.

  28. I hate spelling this word. Flu-or-esc-ent. It is kind of stupid how the “u” comes before the “o”. I bet I would get it wrong on a spelling test. I’m glad they never made us spell flu-or-esc-ent in elementary school. “Flourescent” looks so much…better.

    by Tezcacoatl on 05.01.2011
  29. Just once. I saw it just once, and that’s all it took. Just a regular night, driving along an empty road. I was in the back seat, practically asleep. But for some reason, I looked out the window at that one moment, and that’s all I needed.

  30. Maybe it’s the fluorescent lights, or maybe it’s her fluorescent smile. It could the the fluorescent pink paint on the small clay pig we made together, or maybe it’s just knowing this is it, the last day, it’s over. I should be upset, but what’s this? Relief? Makes sense; she’s too bright. She blinds me.

  31. Fluorescent. Just seeing the word hurts my head. I’ve never liked fluorescent lighting, it was always too bright and painful. Natural light or no light at all is how I prefer it. But the world around me seems to run on it, so I just have to deal with it.

  32. Like the light bulbs at the dance studio. Which are oddly long and sterile and in some sense remind me of a hospital. But I don’t really know why.

  33. A light that shines inside you or around you. Fluorescent makes you feel warm and happy. Flourescent reminds me of a warm evening by a fire place. Lights and candles and glowing. Smores and lightning bugs :) love and light of the world.

    by Jessica on 05.01.2011
  34. She sat under the cold fluorescent lights and felt very alone. All the years they had been together and it came to this: sitting in a counseling office pouring her heart out to someone who had no idea who she really was. how could she have been married this long and he had no earthly idea who she was.

  35. crane. headache. humming. stale. bright. cancer. indoor. pale. overworked.

  36. The fluorescent lighting bombards my eyes. “Why’d you turn on the lights?” I asked, shielding my face. “How can you see without them? It’s so dark!” “I don’t like this artificial light, it’s too painful.” She sighed and walked out, leaving the lights on.

  37. It’s too bright to think, to see, to breathe; fluorescent light, fluorescent teeth, a ceramic pig painted fluorescent pink. She’ll never really see me, will she?

    by TC on 05.01.2011
  38. bright light health star

    by J on 05.01.2011
  39. We looked each other over under the flickering, cheap fluorescent light, trying to decide what we felt. If we hated each other or ourselves. If we hated everything around us or everything within us. We settled on silence and receded, lingering in shadow on the outskirts of the reaches of the light.

  40. crane. blinding. headache. pain. indoor. stale

    by Victoria F on 05.01.2011