
June 23rd, 2011 | 568 Entries

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568 Entries for “history”

  1. Sometimes Angela would make one up for me. I was quiet and no one knew anything about me and it worked to her advantage. She’d tell them that I’d just lost a baby or invent a wild and tragic story about my past. With Angela I had a history that made me an extraordinary person.

    by Lester Larkin on 06.24.2011
  2. We all need to know much more history. We are doomed to repeat the same mistakes if we don’t. There are so many fasinating people throughout history. There are just too many to even know where to begin. My first thought always seems to go the the women in history like Helen Keller or Rosa Parks. Then there is the ancient history like Cleopatra. So much to learn from. Read, read, read! Recent history is disturbing. The middle East is a disaster and it is so sad. When will we all realize that this is one small planet with finite resources that we all need to share. We were talking about Libia at work this morning, when will that mad man get out of there and let his people live the lives they want? I understand they have a different culture than us but I believe that everyone on the planet just wants to live their lives and be with their families. To love and have fun and make a decent living.

    by Jennifer Dermody on 06.24.2011
  3. Too many dates. If it was not so long it prolly won’t be as boring. It facinates me, but not enough to want me sit and learn. Although it would make me so much smarter and help understand a lot of weird shit.

    by on 06.24.2011
  4. Brad and Jen. You and me.

  5. Why do we collect it, remember it and tell it? Are we programmed to do so? We even invent it and weave it together in plays, novels and movies. When in conversation it is rare for us to abstain from passing it on. History. It is ours and we cherish it.

    by Marcela on 06.24.2011
  6. what happened. the past. important things that have happened. eras. events. past time. the rest (as in “the rest is history.”)

    by Robin on 06.24.2011
  7. When I first think of history, I think history class. Which is immediately followed by APUSH with Mr. Arnold. Oh 3B42. I still find it intriguing how the entire row ended up attending college in Boston: Harvard, Olin, MIT, Wellesley. Funny how life works sometimes – and funny how I’ve been saying this quite a bit now.

  8. The one thing that everyone and everything has that could be an asset and a curse at the same time.

  9. it is the study of our past which implicates our future and present to a great extent. it gives us an insight into our mistakes short comings, the happy and sad moments and allows us to learn from the mistakes, cherish the happy moments, be proud of our achievements and get strength from the low times.

    by Ushashree B on 06.24.2011
  10. l’histoire des grands hommes, l’histoire de l’humanité, l’histoire des hommes, l’histoire de ma vie, l’histoire de mes enfants, toute l’histoire du monde est contenue dans le mot histoire. histoire et espoir, deux mots qui rimen

    by clara on 06.24.2011
  11. you know, honey….we have had some..hehe quite rocky history you and me. BUT, I if you are up to it, and oh, I know that I sure am, then I think we should get together again, stir some milk, rock the boat, spank the monkey…if you know what I mean, my dear.

    by Hanna-Kristel on 06.24.2011
  12. History is flexible. I mean the facts don’t change but the memory of them does and the perception of them does. Over the months we all have different memories and interpretations of the events of March 2010. I’m sure my memories are correct but you are equally adamant that yours are. The facts haven’t changed but the interpretation and emotional content morph constantly.

    by on 06.24.2011
  13. it was a long black day when thousands lay writhing in blood and shit…emperor asoka tall and bereft ,swordless …that day in history when he looked beyond the horizon .

    by kunal on 06.24.2011
  14. Princes, castles, families and lovers. People that have come and go, places that have been forgotten, written about and remembered. School desks scribbled on in pencil. Pencil shavings.

    by Jemma on 06.24.2011
  15. age of time , epochal building constructions , civilizations lost and found , traditions , wars ,

  16. age , it describes the transformation of humanity , important developments , building constructions which have a story , wars , traditions , artifacts , slavery , values

    by Alina on 06.24.2011
  17. the history of the building ever failed to amaze me. The crumbling ruins stood alone surrounded by trees. Faint magic hummed around it and I started to lose myself in the beauty.
    The magic pulled me into the building and I sat in the middle of what once was a beautiful main room until it grew old and abbandoned.

    by Maya on 06.24.2011
  18. my favorite subject of all time. I love European history most just because there’s so much more of it than American history! And I love that history can be as grand as the history of the earth yet as minute and what I was thinking/doing/saying/writing/experience a half second ago. marvelous.

  19. web history. my family history. the history of my lineage. from the Hall side. The women. Something happened. I come from a line of righteous women. When I look back and recall what I know of the women I grew up around. My four aunts. My grandmother. Incredible women.

    by riandiane on 06.24.2011
  20. I like the smaller history of old stone gate posts or, more rarely, old gates, of the little cave mouth at the base of the cliff that is a portal to an undersea mine of the last century, of standing stones, weathered and leaning, looking out on the meaningless changes of millennia, a clan name carved into the stone lintel of an abandoned cottage, the dusty leather collars of working horses hung on the wall of an old byre, the pillars of an old bridge appearing when the river levels are down at low tide, the disappearing skeleton of an old wooden boat, withering like a leaf on the shore of a harbour where fishermen landed a catch that kept a clachan, now a place silent and unvisited

    by geraldine on 06.24.2011
  21. I remember the exact moment when, aged eleven, my self esteem took a tumble; my history teacher screamed at me most viciously and yelled “YOU ARE A TERRORIST!”

  22. They stood there looking at each other, the three of them. It was like history in the making, each of them thought but no one dared to speak as it seemed kind of dorky for such a plain situation. But that is what they felt, history.

  23. History is for:
    the dying,
    and the boring,
    or so the saying
    might go.
    I think,
    that we should
    learn from,
    earn with,
    and utilise it
    to ensure the future’s rivers
    run smooth and clear.
    But then,
    I’m a historian.

    by Nick on 06.24.2011
  24. Hisotry class was so boring, The teacher droned on and on about some ancient civilization that she honestly could care less about. She snapped her gum and doodled a few pictures on the empty paper in front of her. THen she turned and looked out the wndow. There he was, sitting under a tree. Staring at her. Her heart quickend, her breathing became tight.

  25. history is that body of knowledge we are told that have brought us from creation. many people lives are warped up in history and there cannot move forward. what a pity.

  26. in the making, every day, as you live it. Even the dullest moment, that seems to pass un-noticed and disappear like smoke, it’s part of the history of you of the world of everything. Past. In order to be history it has to have already happened.

    by georgie on 06.24.2011
  27. History is our pasts. not just our pathes. The past pathes of the world. History is something we should learn from rather than regret. nopoint living in a world of regret thanks to our pathes. History is pain, and love, and the hardships of the years. History is our past life.

  28. we have a history. but its written in the dust thats settled on dirty furniture. we have a history but there is no longer an us. theres no longer i love yous

    by jason p on 06.24.2011
  29. History repeats itself only because mankind is stupid enough not to learn from their previous mistakes.

  30. This is interesting. I’m thinking about how I can apply this ‘one word’ challenge to other things in life and to help others. It’s a very good way to get ‘flow’ going and to challenge self thought. I’ll be suggesting it to my TarotSeek readers.

    by Jucy on 06.24.2011
  31. History … Not too sure that I want to know the history behind this one!

    What are you talking about?

    Someone is clearly out to create some kind of alternate world here, totally controlled by themselves, of course. Which might not be too bad, if I wasn’t watching history taking a really nasty turn!

    by on 06.24.2011
  32. Imagine living through another human’s life. What it would be like to feel another person’s feelings, think their thoughts, experience the world through there senses. Think of all the lives that have been lived before you, that are being lived around you, all the history we will make, the endless experiences that we all wish to know about and understand.

  33. Aren’t freckles just the cutest things ever?

    by Lindsay on 06.24.2011
  34. History can’t possibly be written down. Imagined moments, possible memories and traumatic accidents. A tumbleweed of occurrences. History is social, political and personal. But it is also a fairy tale.

    by Yashaswi Kesanakurthy on 06.24.2011
  35. There was history between them. Possibly. Granted, that’s one of a myriad of reasons why he’s been staring at the back of her head for an hour.

    by Caitlin on 06.24.2011
  36. We have a long history together, but now it feels strained.

    Don’t pull that ‘friend’ card.

    I might crack.

    by JJ on 06.24.2011
  37. history is cool. history is the reason we are here as human beings. although, history could mean something else. Like, “I have history with this person.” Simply meaning you had a past with someone else, like an ex-lover. History is a cool word I guess, history is the reason we live and love.

    by elizabeth on 06.24.2011
  38. nothing to write
    elders. lack of.

  39. History is irrelevant, as is time itself. When time continues to spin onward forever into the unseen dawn, what difference does it make what happened in the past? Just as it doesn’t matter what will happen in the future. History should not be recorded, as the same mistakes are made regardless. Time is an irrelevant thought.

  40. I always said it was the only thing we had in common, and in reality, it was. You would turn on a history channel special to keep me captivated as a child and I had learned a lot. While I coloured in my colouring books you would draw swastikas and tell me what they meant and told me how to steal a car properly. Thank you, Dad.