
April 25th, 2011 | 587 Entries

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587 Entries for “intersection”

  1. We all come to intersections during the course of our lifetimes. We intersect with faiths, hopes, dreams, desires, and everyone around us. The key to life is to know which intersections are worth your time.

    by Stephanie on 04.25.2011
  2. at the corner of west and cross is a small crack in the sidewalk. there’s nothing really interesting about the crack, just a small flower growing in it’s dent. a small girl passes the flower, crosses the street. there’s nothing special about the girl, just a toddler wearing an orange shirt. Nothing special at all.

    by sam on 04.25.2011
  3. i was driving in my car and i went through an intersection and all of a sudden an unsuspecting vehicle came and hit me and i flew from my windshield in my car and died.

    by Rachel on 04.25.2011
  4. She wanted to go south but somehow, she though about him, yet again, and then she thought about her father who was sick and in the south direction. Then him again, then her father. She finally “manned-up” and when North, the first time she ever went North.

  5. the intersection wasn’t where i wanted to be. it was never my intention to actually have to CHOOSE where I needed to go. I just turned. and then there I was. down the road.

    by NyuBoom on 04.25.2011
  6. The cars go through the intersection with great speed. It’s so fast I can hardly see the lights on the other side of the street. When the light turned red the intersection became so clear it was like a glass water jug that suddenly became clear. But then the yellow light went on and the intersection was once again prepared for a standstill. and the green light was equally amazing as the intersection was a great pounce of excitement.

    by Rachel on 04.25.2011
  7. Standing at the intersection was the policeman, his hands held high above his head in an exclamation of horror. The blood pooled around his feet, flooding his formal shoes, and squelching in between his toes.
    “This car crash is horrible,” He said.

    by Steven on 04.25.2011
  8. drive
    four way
    stop sign
    traffic jam
    red light camera
    i was driving and i came to an uncontrolled intersection

  9. so at the intersection by my friends house, my other friend always gets broken bad news. first about her alcoholic brother and then about her parents getting divorced because her dad cheated on her mom. shes beautiful and athletic and blonde and has a senior boyfriend and to others looking in it must look like she has the perfect life but she’s the strongest person i know.

    by annie on 04.25.2011
  10. sometimes, i run red lights

    not because I am late but rather because no one is around, and I feel like being more important than the rules.

    just sometimes.

  11. I wonder if this is an intersection in my life. Do I get to continue going straight or do I have to take a turn now? I know I’ll keep going either way, but I’d prefer to go straight. I love that. It makes me happy to think it’s still an option. I think I could be happy no matter what though.

  12. There’s an intersection of emotions when one is melancholilc. It goes from happiness to sadness, to missing to feeling a bit lonesome, somewhat carried away by one’s inner dramatic person. I think the intersection of gladness and apreciation for all the blessings with that which one lacks and craves for is called melancholy.

    by johana on 04.25.2011
  13. Traipsing down the sidewalk in her little red shoes she smiled at everyone and patted every dog on the head, looking towards the sky in her own little wonderland. Nearing the end of the sidewalk, her little feet faltered, the intersection was coming up, the one with the rushing cars and blinking lights and funny men on black signs. Never before had she triumphed this part, actually crossing had never ben something she was able to do. The cars had stopped and now it was her opportunity to cross, but would she?

  14. I walked into the crux
    that was how it began
    that was how it ended
    at the end of all roads
    where was birth
    new journeys
    and I woke
    having been hit
    by some oncoming traffic

    by Kat on 04.25.2011
  15. so many roads i am lost yet so many options i love it and i just run, but then there can be cars, never mind i can just watch out and they will watch out for me, intersections in my brain, reflecting greater life and everyday walks to school and work, i hold my brothers hand, don’t want him to get lost

    by ivy on 04.25.2011
  16. cars sit at the busy parts of the street. sometimes there are a lot of accidencts especially at the busy ones. Some of the accidents can be really bad. Intersections can also be at four way stops. Those are the worst becuase I hate four way stopos because you never know if the others saw you.

    by emily on 04.25.2011
  17. crossroad……..paths to choose……decisions to make………….left………………..right…………..staight……..or back……………….past prestent future…………love you babes always and forever love you til the death of me!!!!

    by crystal mosher on 04.25.2011
  18. place to meet the future, place to wait for the future, place to stop and look to the past

    by Alvaro on 04.25.2011
  19. an intersection is a point where cars meet up when they are waiting to go through a traffic light. I also like to think of intersections where cars go whizzing by, oh so quickly.

    by Noelle on 04.25.2011
  20. Just crossed this intersection I’ve been trying to cross for a long time. And it was incredible. I don’t know what effect it had on you, but I feel so very confident and pleased with the outcome. Here’s to something even more special coming out of this.

  21. My life is coming to an intersection. I am finishing school (for the third time) and need to decide what direction to take. I feel like I’ve been at this place before but keep coming back, in no way closer to finding the correct turn.

  22. Headphones jammed tight into my ears I’m jamming out to my favorite song, the cars zooming by on the street a foot from me. Ten seconds left before I could walk the crosswalk and be on my way. The white digits continued to count down until they reached zero and white figure in walking motion signaled the flood gates to open. People walking from both directions shuffled to the other side, leisurely, as if there weren’t fifty cars waiting impatiently as if they would just run us all over. A flash of blonde hair weaved in and out if the crowd. Disappearing here and reappearing in fron the raged old man. Her face came into view, I glanced up from my music player and back down, only to snap my head back up. Big round eyes as clear as the sky over untouched land out in the country. Small freckles sprinkling the bridge of her nose. Vanilla and rosewood wafted into my nose when she brushed past me. Loud honking filled my ears, I looked around me and realized that I had stopped dead in my tracks and the light had already turned green.

    (I obviously took longer then sixty seconds to write this, but my dad interrupted me and I just decided to drag it out how I wanted to)

  23. its where you meet in the middle, where you have to decide in witch direction you are going to travel next. Its where two things meet, where they collide into each other at one point in time. Most the time we have intersections dealing with roads or paths, or even when we intersect in other peoples lives, where we cross each others paths on a journey in the rest of our future.

    by BOB on 04.25.2011
  24. It’s a four way stop where people come together and have to wait and yield to one another in order to avoid car crashes. Also any type of pathways that cross one another in life, not just while driving. It can just be meeting someone.

    by lyndsay on 04.25.2011
  25. the place at the end of the road. only three directions left to go- the other blocked and being destroyed.

  26. an intersection is a place where people meet, it is also where there are traffic lights, that tell you whether to go or stop your car. Also sometimes people dont mean intersection literally but mean that you are at an interesection in your life, and you have to make a decision as there are at least two different options

    by Rachey on 04.25.2011
  27. Cars pass me by like I’m nothing. They’re speeding. They don’t see what they’re doing. Not to me, not to me already twisted perception of the world, but to the world itself. To everything around them. It’s sickening. Utterly sickening. I can’t get over how fast they’re going and how they think they’ll see more if they get there quicker. But they see less. They see nothing. Intersections.

    by ShaeLynne Marie McKay on 04.25.2011
  28. What do you want me to do with intersection? I could mention that I’m at an intersection in my life. Different roads to go down that all lead to somewhere… too bad I have yet to figure out that somewhere. But really intersection is not leading me to anything else to write about.

  29. honking cars noise people streets signs lights red blue green orange dogs signs 4 way library schools children walking running annoyed honking watches time stress awkward you go laughing husbans

    by Gary on 04.25.2011
  30. busy, sidewalk, people cars traffic lights stop sign trees leaf bicycle pedestrian truck toyota sun paint wire sign loud accident watch garage sale music radio wind tires wheels hill cement smoke

    by Lizzy on 04.25.2011
  31. The intersection is where it happened.
    The thing that would change my life forever.
    I didn’t know that day when my brother stepped into the street that there would be a driver who couldn’t see the red light.
    Or chose to ignore it.

    by LeahDino on 04.25.2011
  32. The roads crossed, lights flashing, gently pushed – I felt us move together, touching anonymously… We never wished for anything more. Actions. Movement. Our eyes met, stars crashed, everything was over.

    by Shannon on 04.25.2011
  33. at the crossroads of hope
    we come across that which we cannot cross
    no zebra lines
    no walk over
    no traffic lights
    no passover
    its as if the tormented soul needed a place to be frustrated
    and invertebra of compassion
    useless in its design

    by Johann Mitterhauser on 04.25.2011
  34. Which path do I chose? It’s the same question I ask myself everyday. The path will determine who I am, it will be everything that defines me. In the woods, I wonder if I’m lost. Even when I know I haven’t deviated from trail. I follow the white blazes, I go in the direction that leads North. Or South. Or follow the blue to the water. But it’s all in the cross paths, I could go somewhere I’d be lost and find something real but I don’t, I head straight.

    by barefootink on 04.25.2011
  35. We approached the intersection where it had happened. There were no longer scraps of metal or shards of glass littering the road. There was no trace of Jason or Michael left on the asphalt–they were gone, and they would never come back. I could no longer look at the scene of the accident, for my imagination ran rampant and the images flooded my mind.

    by Julie on 04.25.2011
  36. Intersections in life are always as fragile as they never seem to be — every moment is an intersection with something else, and yet we seem to be as unaware of them as breathing.

    Have you ever listened to your own breathing? In, out, in out… slow in… slow out…


    It is the force of life, and the fundamental intersection between us and the world around us. It is the driving force which makes us face the world, interact with it. Intersections, cross-sections of a second in a minute, in an hour, in a day — in a life.

  37. I am at the strangest intersection right now. Part of me sees that this whole thing is blinking blaring beating heating red. but my heart is this galloping riocheting msucle that calls for green. it senses green. you are the car speeding ahead of em and i just want to be near you.

    by jenna on 04.25.2011
  38. Intersection.
    It’s a place where two things meet.
    Train tracks.
    When a train is traveling at 77 km/hr from point A to B, and another is moving at 66 km/hr from B to A, it’s where they meet.

    by TT on 04.25.2011
  39. When people come together, intentionally or unexpectedly. The collision of expectations and surprise. Surrender and joy and anger and anxiety. Do you see the intersection coming or does it come from behind a curve? Is it a yield or a full stop? Stop sign or red light? Come together or shoot apart.

    by E. Brock on 04.25.2011
  40. an intersection of lives, crossing right through the middle. even though they continue on in separate ways, their mark has been left on each others’ past. in straight lines they will never meet again, unless something throws them drastically off path.