
February 12th, 2012 | 182 Entries

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182 Entries for “maze”

  1. Mr Rogers walked into the maze, unafraid, he soon discovered he was surrounded by flying pigs, with screeching hornets coming from their ears. In his demented state, he could only stumble blindly into the ivy walls, eventually, they over came him and ate his body. The ants the only ones who know where in the maze he lay for eternity.

    by shawnBohn on 02.12.2012
  2. Its a puzzle, a maze… is not. We make life a maze, we humans, while the rest of the living creatures just live the way they feel. Not us, we complicate our lives with nonsense. Why did we end like this?

    by isabel on 02.12.2012
  3. Mazes, Labyrinths, David Bowie. An incredible thing that was almost my childhood, but decided itself to wait until I was a teenager, and what a change it was from everybody else. I’ll always love it, even if the one who introduced it to me so late in my life isn’t anyone I love anymore. She won’t make this memory bitter.

    by NJ Lee on 02.12.2012
  4. i am so beautifully lost within you.
    Will i wander you forever
    towards doors I’ll never see?

    by Kate the lion on 02.12.2012
  5. maze-corn maze, maze at Winter Park, memories with Lauraat nd Adam on weekend getaways. Pumpkin maze, things that mice look for cheese in.

    by Ross on 02.12.2012
  6. I listened to the deafening thunder as I raced up the mountain. The maze of rocks ahead of me was daunting, but if that scum could make it through, so could I. The rocks I stepped on tumbled behind me and into the darkness. I take out my gun as the ten-thousand dollar man comes into view. As my magazine clicks in, the man looks back at me, still dashing up the rocky mountainside, and tosses something down to me. The thrown object gets closer, and a see what it is. A grenade. Crap.

  7. there was a dark tunnel ahead of me i could only see a few feet ahead of me but as i went in deeper my light sorce started getting smaller and smaller until i was in complete darkness.

    by jen on 02.12.2012
  8. Don’t even try to navigate your mind. Every thought building another wall that connects to another one and forms a corner that you’ll run into when you try to find the right path. Is there even one, or are you doomed, trapped in your subconscious until it stops working?

  9. Everything is a labyrinth. I cannot see to the end of my life, or even if this path, this closed in, walled in, never ending path is the one that will get me to the end I desire. Will heading toward you lead to a dead end? Will it take me somewhere else? Can you lead me to happiness? I wonder if the maze is even worth it, but I know, as I walk toward your voice, your heart beat, your eyes, your smile- you everything- I know I have to try.

    by Julie Huggins on 02.12.2012
  10. Sherlock paused for a split second to reference his mental map outlining their route through the maze of London’s back alleys and rooftops. It only took a moment to reference the landmarks surrounding them and make a quick and decisive turn down the dark alley next to the Italian restaurant. John trailed behind him, just barely keeping pace with Sherlock’s wildly-flailing coattails as he tried to keep track of all the twists and turns and secret shortcuts they’d already taken that night, in hot pursuit of the sniper responsible for their client’s recent widowing. Sherlock was certain he knew their quarry’s eventual destination, as certainly as he knew every possible way to reach it faster.
    John gave up on learning Sherlock’s map, and simply focused on keeping up without a fatal misstep.

  11. Its easy to get lost in the maze of life isn’t it? There are so many turns with dead ends and so many turns that are fun, but make you waste so much time also. I guess the best way to describe life is a maze. There are many dead ends and many ways to go, but there is always a way to get there.

    by Isabel on 02.12.2012
  12. it’s funny how life sometimes resembles a maze. you enter in so confident, but find that a couple of turns later, you’ve reached a dead end. all you can do is aimlessly wander through pathways hoping to find the end.

    by laughalot on 02.12.2012
  13. I walk through the maze of my life and wonder how I came through without more bumps and scraps. The twists and turns made me dizzy at times but I made it. I came out okay.

  14. Will I never get through this never0ending maze? Life changes faster than they say it does, and all too soon I’ll have to choose. I can’t do it, can’t do it, can’t do it, can’t do it.

  15. They went to the maze yesterday afternoon. It was an amazing maze going around corners and up and down ladders and in and out of hedges. They loved playing in the maze.

    by Jonathan on 02.12.2012
  16. The maze of apricot haze and clouds swarmed violently around the small gang of high school students, all traipsing nervously about the mud and soot that coated the ground with a strange mixed ebony and gray hue. The mists appeared to be practically solid, as none of the boys and girls wanted to really attempt to breach the orange-brown walls that surrounded them.

    by Belinda Roddie on 02.12.2012
  17. He fought the effects of the drugs, but it wasn’t easy. His thought process was a tortuous maze. He was missing… something, something vital. Or maybe, he was missing someone.

    by on 02.12.2012
  18. Running and running but never going anywhere
    always thinking you’ve found the finish line
    never knowing where you are
    always being lost
    thinking you’ve won
    and then you’re just at another dead end
    life is a maze

  19. Amazing wondering wordlessly with incredible choices that allow us to twist and turn throgh lifestyle Maxwell… At any time we may choose to turn the same as others and sometimes not take the Sam popular turn allowing you to leD in follow. Your perception will be tested and guide your direction. Your attitide will control your speed and adversity will challenge your creativity and and strengths. Will you allow your weaknesses to help you choose the next direction you turn through the MAZE of life?

    by dani on 02.12.2012
  20. The maze was amazing. I it through it more then once and each time I did I got lost and confused. Now I am through the maze and ready to take on another more amazing maze.

  21. Maze

    “It’s a maze this garden it’s a maze of ways…”

    You know the best way to do a maze is from the end to the beginning right? No? Now you do :)

    (Some people say pick one directly and always turn that way. That doesn’t always work for tricky mazes, but it’s another strategy to try. Or you could do what the family who got stuck in a corn maze did when it started to get dark. Call the police on your cell phone.)

    by Noisy Quiet on 02.12.2012
  22. We went into the maze, nervous and me, so paranoid I couldn’t help myself from looking around in all directions. Clinging on to my friends arm, I could barely pull myself together after the monstrous, shadowy zombie popped up from nowhere and surprised us with throwing a bunch of plastic spiders in our direction. I screamed and ran out of there.

  23. A never ending struggle to find oneself.
    Full of twists & turns……discovery ….then light at the end of the tunnel.

  24. he called me heartless with a smile on his face
    and i was proud.

    (i’ve been tucked away all this time, waiting. and everyone
    gets lost along the way.)

    ((my mind is at best, a labyrinth))

  25. the mouse ran through the maze to get to the piece of cheese. What he didn’t know was that there wasn’t really a piece of cheese at the end of the maze. But that didn’t stop the mouse from sniffing with his little nose and running back and forth and left and right with his little feet.

    by Brenda Anderson on 02.12.2012
  26. Laboratories – the obvious.

    Corn – a little less.

    The mind – more complex.

  27. She entered it as if she had been there before.
    Turning right. Then right again.

    She did this until she finally arrived at the end.
    It was the present, and the maze she had just mapped in her mind was her life.
    She smiled, and finally closed her eyes forever.

  28. life is a little bit like a maze. you start, thinking it’s going to be easy and really great, a smile on your face and silent fear in your hands. you begin to navigate and find it really isn’t that easy – this will take effort. after countless hours of searching, you’re done, renewed, finished with the maze.

    by K on 02.12.2012
  29. Getting to the heart. I was just thinking of getting to the heart, wandering through emotions, and yes, sometimes it is just like a maze. Sitting still, getting into my body, getting out of my head. getting, literally into my heart with my consciousness.

  30. Tends to start with
    Enter (or some weird blank space) or…

    To leave

    – wait, there are no exits in this one, just the circle at the center.

    by Entropy on 02.12.2012
  31. I keep on walking, searching, running. Left, right, straightforward. I’m confused, lost. My feet hurt and I want to stop. I’m tired. But the end is near. I need to keep on going. There is no need for giving up.

  32. The darkly lite corridors pulled me in a number of directions. Unable to decide which darkness was the best darkness, I sat for eternity.

    by William Meadow on 02.12.2012
  33. The labyrinth of city streets unfolds before me. The wind rushes through, picks up the powedery snowflakes and twists them through the air like a cyclone. The streets are empty: midnight. Nothing but government buildings and traffic circles before you. The path so quick, so straight, so easy–so inescapable.

    by Rachel on 02.12.2012
  34. I turn, looking around frantically. I can/t remember when I last turned, or even what time it was this morning when I came upon this curious place. I spin around, and a shadow darts around the corner. I run after it, hoping, just hoping, that it knows the way out. I am exhausted, and I want to go home.

    by NCISaddict on 02.12.2012
  35. I turned another corner. Another dead end. I was beginning to get frustrated, and I was running out of time. If I don’t find my way out soon… No don’t think about that. just get to the end. I turned around and ran.

    by Lindy on 02.12.2012
  36. maze, maze, not thinking, i didn’t mean it, lol, oh my god, what are you doing? i wasn’t serious, are you just trying to make a fool out of me now

    by Naiomi on 02.12.2012
  37. i was in a maze. it was really scary, all i saw was a bunch of old ladies. I didn’t know what to do . To solev the maze i had to get out duh. but all i could do was cry in a corner while the old ladies ganged up on ,e. it was scary. very scarry. so i defeated the maze bef

    by Ashley on 02.12.2012
  38. Millionen Mistkäfer krabbelten über die Gaze. Die Sonne, die bereits tief im Westen stand, blitzte hier und da zwischen den schwarzen Körpern hindurch in die Dunkelheit des Kellerraums.

    by EliEli on 02.12.2012

    by SWIM140@YAHOO.COM on 02.12.2012
  40. the route to self fulfillment, career satisfaction, relationships and nirvana.

    by phillip on 02.12.2012