
August 19th, 2011 | 737 Entries

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737 Entries for “missed”

  1. i missed her so much that my heart started aching and my lungs seemed like exploding. It feels like a pre exam session like butterflies in the stomach. I want to see her once more hold her again.

    by bladeswifter on 08.20.2011
  2. I missed you. Night and day and all the bits in between. For painful eons. And then one day I woke up and I didn’t miss you anymore.

    by Lizzie on 08.20.2011
  3. I missed you. I missed you until you came here. And then I missed you some more because I knew you were leaving soon. I want you to be here. Always. With me. I miss you.

    by Mona Drogna on 08.20.2011
  4. I missed her. She left, without warning, and I wasn’t entirely sure why. She said she needed to find her brother; I thought that was ridiculous, since she told me yesterday she didn’t care what he did. But I guess feelings change, And she left.

    I wonder if she’ll be back. I doubt it; she wanders, gets lost… I’ll be lucky to see her before I die. Before she dies.

    Maybe I should follow her.

    by kaila on 08.20.2011
  5. I breathe in
    purple hills
    wet grass

    lifts me into myself
    like I swing my daughter
    up to a lightshade

    Her mother finishes a picture
    I sit by candlelight
    cut a piano piece
    to it’s bare bones
    the green notes
    tinge the canvas
    the nightshade
    the floodplain
    the floodplain

  6. I missed my chance, just like I missed the last train out of the city tonight.

    Years of silly little gifts on her birthday, compliments on her different eye colors, and I still missed my chance to love her when the time came.

    by Ali on 08.20.2011
  7. Shortly after i tried to hit the target i was almost relieved that i had missed it.

    by Bongo Mongo on 08.20.2011
  8. the bus the bus
    it rolled away
    i saw its tires
    and the dust cloud
    why today oh why today
    test first period
    and i slept in late
    and now oh now
    what a fate
    caught in the dust
    no things ain’t great

    by Corinne on 08.20.2011
  9. i missed everything this year, at least here, i hate missing out on what happens. We should just all live in the same place, or have a way to travel to each other in a very short and inexpensive way, otherwise, i dont know how long im going to be able to stand this.

    by Alice on 08.20.2011
  10. i will be missed by more people then i think. i will be missed by my friends & enemies & i have more enemies then i know. I only half believe i will be missed. Everyone wants to be missed, even though you will never really know if you are missed or not.

    by Heather on 08.20.2011
  11. I’ve missed you.
    Your smile.
    Your smell.
    Your presence.
    Your words.
    Your embrace.
    Your kisses.
    Your laugh.
    Your optimism.
    Your humor.
    Your love.
    I’ve missed you.

  12. I missed so many appointments this year it’s crazy. I am such a loser that way. Since getting my iPhone, however, this problem has been neatly resolved.

    I missed my friends a lot this week. This problem is not so easily resolved. I guess it could be, if I wasn’t too lazy to pick up said iPhone and actually give one of them a call.

    by Natasha on 08.20.2011
  13. Today I missed the sunset

  14. Missing is an important part of being human. It shows you love. Missing someone, or something, or somewhere is just nature’s way of reminding you how much you love it. Cherish the moments you have with someone and make sure you’re making them evjoy it to because everyone has the chance to deserve to be missed – take it.

  15. Last night I missed the boat … to dreamland, that is. After the first week of high school the doggies needed more of an adjustment than the rest of us. I was up and down the stairs with Daizy twice, then Teddy was up super early looking for trouble. I want to go to bed … again!

    by Donna L. Faber on 08.20.2011
  16. He will be forever missed. Yes, that is what the eulogy said, but does that truly convey our feelings? Does that sooth the aching hole in our souls because, no he won’t just be ‘forever missed’? He will be forever mourned. He will forever be a whole in our hearts, and an emptiness in our souls, in my soul, which will never again be filled. How is one to live without pieces of her heart?

    I miss you, Uncle Bubba.

    by Morgan Ashleigh on 08.20.2011
  17. I missed the time when you cried alone.
    You were lost and I had no idea that you were suffering.
    I’d like to say that I’ll never miss another moment.
    But there are as many missed moments as there are moments that make up life.

    by Painterspoon on 08.20.2011
  18. I missed that tv programme.
    I miss running on the beach with no clothes on aged three.
    I miss eating Jaffa Cakes in a new and creative way every time aged four.
    I miss Telly Tubbies.

  19. Missed, again?
    I can’t think.
    I don’t want to read it.
    I need to miss it.
    I can’t pretend it doesn’t exist or didn’t happen.
    I have to move on
    and miss what i should not miss.
    Good luck.
    Thank you

    by James on 08.20.2011
  20. Never thought I would get sick of hearing about your adventures, but the day came when hearing about you, you, you, was troubling. I missed our silences. I missed my own thoughts. I missed on my time, on me.

  21. I always wonder if I’ll be missed. Who misses me? Who cares about me?

  22. And the minute I stepped through that door, I knew exactly what I had been missing all this while. That glance was enough to send me plummeting. I was set afire, my heartstrings playing a wide array of music. As I drew closer, it seemed like an entire orchestra had formed, and everything was building towards entropy. And then, just as she held me- everything lay still again. So the minute I stepped through that door, I knew exactly what I had been missing all this while.

  23. missed is the best word ever i have no idea why im writing this i dont get what this is about omg where am i is this narnia? AHAHHHAHAHAHHHHHHHH help meeee i just saw this on unfriendable wow this is a loong 60 seconds this is dumb why am i doing this omg

    by peppermay22 on 08.20.2011
  24. Anna missed her boyfriend a lot. She never told anyone about it. She pretended she was over him. But somewhere in heer heart she knew she was wrong. He was a horrible selfish person but he made her smile, nobody else did. She would always want to be with him. It was like having this huge secret everybody knew about.

    by Arshman on 08.20.2011
  25. i missed you, then.
    not now.
    you’re not worth being missed.
    to miss someone, you’d have to love being with them;
    and you made me miserable.
    so no. you are not missed, at all.

    by o'zale on 08.20.2011
  26. He missed a goal..
    They say that a lot in football. How do you miss it? You either hit it or you don’t. If he didn’t make a goal it was never there. He didn’t miss it.

    I miss running on the beach with no clothes on age three.
    I miss eating jaffa cakes in a new creative way every time age four.

    by Hannah A Boyd on 08.20.2011
  27. i miss it all.

    by joanna on 08.20.2011
  28. i miss my old life. i miss being young. i miss my old friends. i miss california, i miss the feeling it gave me, i miss the people i met. i miss being young and never having to worry. i miss my elementary school… the way things were. i miss my sister who just got married and hasnt even fully moved out

    by stella_z04@Hotmail.com on 08.20.2011
  29. She walked through the mist of the forest, and she heard his footsteps behind her, she turned just in time to see him as he approached. He thought she was going to keep walking, but they could not have missed each other, their love was too strong.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 08.20.2011
  30. I was missed when i went missing. somehow I was left out, overlooked, passed by. It was as if a mist came over the proceedings and I was gone,out of sight. Nobody noticed for a while.

    by rosie on 08.20.2011
  31. I stood in the downpour by the bus stop. My rain coat was no longer protecting me form the wet. It would be another ten minutes until the next bus came. I could still see it, disappearing round the corner. If only I left the house thirty seconds earlier.

  32. I missed out on being a teen and I don’t want to get older. I missed what it was like to really be in love and now I never know what it feels like. I’m to afraid to try again.

    by Laura on 08.20.2011
  33. i really miss you and when i once held you so close. What was that time? so strange to think of life like that now. I don’t want to go back but i just think of those times as being young, a bit stupid, and free to make mistakes. Everything has it’s time and place and now’s not the time to spend on missing you..but when i see the word, i can’t help but think, yes i do miss you. i miss those days.

    by sarah on 08.20.2011
  34. i missed you, i’ve missed you before. i missed the bus this morning too. what a coincidence. Now i am thinking about what i should be writing instead of just writing. i’m trying to beat the clock. missed. miss. mississippi. i don;t know. i see the purple moving faster now

    by Lindsey Mackin on 08.20.2011
  35. I miss those days in the summer when I did nothing and sat around all day with a glass of juice in my hand and saying “I’m bored what should we do?” and my brother would say “I don’t know what do you want to do?” and I’d shrug and say “I don’t know”. We’d put on plays for our families, me and my little friends. Once about Cleopatra, once about a multiple personality serial killer. Sometimes we’d walk to Walgreens and stroll through the candy aisle and the office supplies aisle and pick things up, imagine them in our house, in our lives, then put them back on the shelf. Sometimes we’d go walking around the park and run away from dogs that came in our path and try to catch baby bunnies. And then sometimes we’d sit around playing cards in my basement, forgetting about the game and just laughing and talking. Forget about school and shit. Just ahahahahaha. And some more. Then watch as my brother and another boy wrestles for the fun of it. We play ping pong and epicly fail. And the trampoline creaks and squeaks under our weight. Chased off lawns by neighbors. Hiding in our rooms from neighborhood bullies. Rolling down hills. Planting and naming tomato plants. Letting our parents take pictures and record this piece of heaven. I miss it. :(

  36. i hope i’ll be missed when they leave, i hope the remember me often and wish i was there with them, because i know i’ll be missing them.

    by paulina on 08.20.2011
  37. I missed my mark when I started archery classes but soon with training became more adept. The classes were sorely missed when

    by HH on 08.20.2011
  38. I am suffering from a phase where all my close friends are leaving me and going abroad to study….i just wonder everyday whether some day, when they come back for vacation or something…will they say i missed you ?

    by Mohit Mangal on 08.20.2011
  39. I missed your face.
    I missed Hitting your face with a bat.
    No one really missed it. . .
    Your mom missed her abortion appointment!

    by Demongirl1012 on 08.20.2011
  40. missed.

    i think i “missed” the point of this website.

    wow. one minute is long time.

    is it over yet?

    by noname on 08.20.2011