
May 31st, 2011 | 691 Entries

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691 Entries for “montage”

  1. A montage is more than just a thing. Its a collection, a feeling a wholsumness. I’ts the feeling of waking up in a morning, after spending a night asleep. We are very happy to be here.

    by Connor Hattertsley on 05.31.2011
  2. Is life not just simply a montage of one’s own experiences?

  3. The letter she wrote had many intricate handwritten drawings that she dedicated to the Society of the Dead. It was a photocopy of her life bringing together the epic failures and successes that she encountered along the way. The drawings represented each step piecing together a montage.

  4. Well. The one time I do this I get a word I dont know.
    It sounds like a name:
    Two days ago, I met a dude named Montage. He enjoyed running all the time. He never jogged, for to him jogging was like running while asleep, and that was slacking off. No, he was a runner, and a runner is something he will always be. No jogging, no walking, running. Forever.

    by Emily on 05.31.2011
  5. collection and memories. from a distance seen as a blur but when looked at closely everything has a deeper meaning. can be looked at from different angles. display. what people remember.

    by JeanAnn on 05.31.2011
  6. Just once and it’s gone, passed like a note, but a picture. Then you sit before a blank screen like you’re waiting for more. Each flash flies to the back of your mind; you move on.

  7. A montage of leaves swirled into my face when the wind picked up. My converses slapped the pavement as I ran after him. I was much slower and I was having a hard time keeping up but I kept going. I was determined to get my revenge. He had taken everything away from me. And now I would take his life.

  8. oh fuck i don’t know what that means, it kinda sounds like heidi montag’s surname? i mean spelt similarly. gosh she’s annoying, her and her fame-hungry good for nothing husband spencer? that does not relate to the word. oh now i know what it means. its like a collection of photos or something. i want to make a photo montage of me and my friends…

    by Jacinta on 05.31.2011
  9. Flash-bang pictures scroll past her eyes. Every image is a separate agony, each grinning face a dagger through her fragile mind. This is all that is left, and all that can injure her.

  10. My whole life seems to be a montage of geekdom. I mean, seriously, from the time I could read, I’ve been picking up comics. I remember watching Transformers, reading Superman, watching Star Trek, and playing video games from way back.

    by Raymond Masters on 05.31.2011
  11. Pieces fall into place, forming one whole. Some of them, their edges melt, fusing together. Others remain separated – their fissures clear, their chasms bold.

    by Elwood on 05.31.2011
  12. I wonder what it’s like to have to put a montage of someone’s life together. How long it would take to go through all of the footage, what would be the criteria in choosing events, etc. I wonder what my montage would look like. I think it would be pretty boring.

  13. The flashing lights ringing sounds
    confused the child for just as long as the parents needed
    to be alone from him and pretend he wasn’t there.

  14. My brain is a montage of memories, broken dreams… short images that flash by before I can decipher one from the other. I try to correct the mangled images, but it’s a vain effort. I’d rather dump my thoughts into the waste and be done with it.

    by Brenna on 05.31.2011
  15. Hmm…. Let’s see. A big book of poetry. You never know what is next when you flip the page. So let’s flip the page and find out…

    by eljay on 05.31.2011
  16. Like a slow tornado,
    Let us gather up our photos
    into a makeshift montage
    the end coming early
    the beginning full circle
    the dessert your starter
    the finish line the bus stop

    Be sure to place that grey face
    that is yours now at the start
    who hasn’t wished him there?

    by gskgsk on 05.31.2011
  17. it was like one of those movie montages.

    except it wasn’t. because in those movie montages, there’s emotion. maybe it’s love or excitement. maybe it’s anger, hate. passion. hell, maybe it’s even just hunger. but not here. here, she felt nothing.

    guess it wasn’t like a movie montage after all.

    by Aly on 05.31.2011
  18. pictures. one right after the other. train rides, rain falling, women colliding in the street, groceries scattered across the ground, love…pure and free, then gone. in an instant. and we wonder if it ever happened at all.

    by Bethany on 05.31.2011
  19. Montage! 80s movies! Right? Eh? Ehhh? Montages are creative and accepted as lame in society but what does it matter in the end? If you like it then let it be. You have to admit if we could LIVE in montages life would be so fun, wouldn’t it? Life could be a lot more fun if people let it be. But people spend so much time TRYING to make it fun… ain’t gonna happen like that, sir.

  20. There was nothing there, no music, no great pounding beat to work to. Just an exercise bike that begged, whispered, asked, to be used. But she didn’t have it in her. She couldn’t cope. It wasn’t like in the movies, nobody was encouraging her, she just had herself. And sometimes, even that wasn’t good enough. So it sat. Waiting, an empty bike. With no music. And no montage.

    by Kitty Ann on 05.31.2011
  21. I’m not really sure what to think of when it comes to a montage. I always think of the 80’s, like Rocky preparing for a fight or Mr. T just being Mr. T. I guess life would be a hell of a lot more convenient if you could just montage to wherever you needed to go, so it’s always been an interesting/completely silly concept to me.

  22. bam. picture. lalalala what’s it all mean? coolness, emotion, laughter, but wait, they’re really all the same. maybe they’re not. but its really just a cop out for making a true piece of movie. yet awesome anyway.

    by mike roch on 05.31.2011
  23. Montage. Sounds french. Yepp… that’s about all I know.

  24. I love to create montages of found items. I love to make a statement pulling together other people’s thoughts and feelings.

  25. Writing is a montage of thought, where you take the images from your head and propel them into reality.

  26. I want to have a montage of myself at my happiest moments… my 6th birthday when I got my new bike, my college graduation day, the day I bought my first home. Life is good!!

    by Jeanniek142 on 05.31.2011
  27. Most often before I fall asleep, I start dreaming. Little snippets of things to be, things that are, and things that were in no particular order. And every once in a while I let myself shift from this place of pre-sleep dreams straight into sleep where everything tends to glide smoothly into one another. Colliding on ice. Simple, harmonious chaos.

  28. lets go lets party lets go over bord lets explode i dont know what montage means but hahahahaahhahahah lets go crazy lets haveAL fu for nce lets break the rule lets

    by autumn on 05.31.2011
  29. The old widow hoveled over to the warm collage of pictures on her wall. She stood and looked fondly, letting the memories sink into her deep, experienced mind as she leaned on her bright wood cane.

  30. Really?
    A montage of memories. A montage…of people you’ve seen in your life. A montage–a visual thing, a span of how deeply you’ve lived and how much you’ve smiled against how many tears you’ve shed.

    by on 05.31.2011
  31. What is a montage? Is it like how people say “i have a montage of loans to pay off”? So, does it mean that they have a lot of loans to pay off. They definition is not clear at all to me and I’d rather not think right now because I have a lot of finals to study for.

  32. Wow, I have no idea what this word means.
    It mostly sounds like a name, so I’ll go with that:
    Once upon a time, there was a boy named Montage. He was a lonely child, who danced along rivers at night and chased deer through the forest. He never really enjoyed eating macaroni, though his parents forced it down his throat every time dinner was served.

    by Emily on 05.31.2011
  33. An opportunity to put all the photos I love in one place showing the history of my family friends and my life, a singular insight into my life in one place.

    by Pixie on 05.31.2011
  34. The montage was inspiring. I saw the history of American author’s lives, personal and professional, unfold right before my eyes. I wondered what my montage would look like. As of right now, it would be short, ineffectual, and blues-filled.

  35. film and photos. Usually creates emotional reactions when put together correctly. Immediately I think of weddings, and a bride and groom watching their lives unfold together. Usually put together by a relative with embarrassing photos.

    by anna on 05.31.2011
  36. The shattered mirror lay motionless on the marble floor. The sun created beautiful reflections on the walls and decor of the room. Next to the mirror, the woman lay dead.

    by Alec on 05.31.2011
  37. Fragments pieced together. Shattered moments of time bit by bit forming a whole. Scarred. Damaged. Never entirely one.

  38. everything falls into your face. photos, memories, flashback outer space in your inner space and you can’t escape. nothing centers, nothing still, nothing can be what you thought it will have been…you fall over. it hits you like a bat in the face. you just don’t know. you decentralize yourself from your own recollection.

    by oliver danni on 05.31.2011
  39. This is how we shoot it. I think it was pretty good. I mean whit what I had to work with. No, I’m making excuses again. The montage was good.

    by Ana on 05.31.2011
  40. I really like movie montages. They cram all the best parts of a bunch of semi-great movies into a 2 minute bit. What’s not to love?!