
October 31st, 2011 | 369 Entries

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369 Entries for “passionate”

  1. Passionate. Like Blood Wedding. A story about love and death, how love can drive us to kill. I liked it because it was both ends of the spectrum, what both passionate love and passionate anger can cause us to do.

    by Chris Erlendson on 11.01.2011
  2. A feeling that flows without justification. A word that is as long as the feeling it creates.

    by madeline on 11.01.2011
  3. I am passionate about my boyfriend, Jeff. Our relationship is still very new but I am passionate about making it work. I can see myself being with this guy for the rest of my life. He really is amazing so I am very passionate about this relationship working. I am also passionate about music and playing the violin, as well as water polo, and helping people. I like to volunteer

  4. Its amazing how a single simple gesture can be construed. A passionate loving embrace can just as easily be seen as an enclosing and restrictive crush. A romantic candlelit dinner can be a nightmare. It depends on just how passionate you feel about the person in question.

    by Red on 10.31.2011
  5. The only passion I feel lately is anger. Irritation. Not the rash kind, but the need to punch something hard. Break it. Knock it off the table and watch it shatter to pieces. I feel bad for some of the things I’ve broken in the past. But it’s just because I was being passionate.

    by Abbey williams ! on 10.31.2011
  6. And she was alone, there, just waiting for anyone. Someone how wouldnt desire to change anything on her. Someone at the metro, with a quietly and nice smile, who will let her be. Be a beautifull woman with the last pure thought of been understood.

    by kitchen ghost. on 10.31.2011
  7. love, hate, extreme emotion, intense, feeling, kiss, explosion, sparks , life

    by taylorbrotons on 10.31.2011
  8. im am passionate about observing. seeing things that i have never looked or really considered before. No one seem to understand this passion of observing the world and people around me. passion is the deepest part of the soul. love to have passion its sad the day you don’t feel your passion, avery blue day…

    by Allie on 10.31.2011
  9. I am extremely passionate to word my budgie chippie who9 i love dearly. he means the world to me. without him, i could be passionate about nothing.

  10. passionate passionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionatepassionate

  11. I am passionate about the human body, the way it works in all its wonders, against all odds, the way it has adapted to have a solution for everything. It is a machine, a beautiful, perfect machine. It is not infallible, but which machine is? It is ingenious, amazing in its complexity and refined mechanisms, almost enough to make me believe in a higher power. I love the human body so I think I would like to be in medicine. I would like to be the one to fix that machine, to help it work better and longer, to care for it. But I’m afraid, I’m so afraid. I’m not worried about fixing the machine; that is the easiest part. I’m worried about not knowing how to fix it because I don’t know what’s wrong. I’m worried about thinking I know what’s right and ruining the machine altogether. I’m afraid because, unlike a machine, the human body cannot be replaced with such ease. It’s not so simple to just build a new one if it’s broken beyond repair. The new machine will never be what the old one was, it will never fit into the place the other one left vacant. I think about all the reasons I’m passionate about medicine and wonder where and when passion transcends mere curiosity, admiration and love and becomes a new beast altogether, becomes a calling, becomes an inextricable part of you. How do you make such a distinction, how do you know the right answer, the right path, the right choices to make? When is a passion something that should be followed?

  12. passionate powerful
    peaceful and apart
    of every waking second
    in the depths of your heart
    the soul mate of your dreams
    the master of your smile
    the way to make you feel
    like you couldn’t get much higher
    the total competition
    of what was once your soul
    recognition of your match
    inside the mind of a man you know

    © LL

    by lauren on 10.31.2011
  13. He was that passionate about her. He just walked towards her, he side stepped all the people that was rushing past him. He just had to get to her before the traffic light turned green. But the odds weren’t in his favor even before he get past the building before the intersection it had already turned green and she was gone again.

  14. When he speaks of his passions, his eyes bright and dancing in the half-light, he is the most beautiful he has ever been. His smile doesn’t move an inch from his fine jaw, his expressions are animated and his voice is filled with tenderness and awe. It’s special to me because it is the same look in his eyes I see when I catch him staring at me. It’s the same smile he uses when we meet, excited and content and just a little mischievous. It’s the same tenderness in his voice when he whispers sweet silent things along my skin. It’s nice to know that I fall somewhere on the lengthy but highly precise list of things he is passionate about.

  15. Everything I feel has been pushed to this point. Love. no. hate. close but no. Passion. Passion? What does that even describe? You cant even begin to explain the endless possibilities of emotion and feeling attached to a single word. But I feel it. I feel it to the bottom of my core. And It scares me. It scares me so much that I find it funny. I have to laugh to hide the tears that want to create as my mind also works with my heart to create a imaginary form of what passion really is.

    by christine on 10.31.2011
  16. I’m passionate about writing. I love it, it’s my life. It’s heartbreaking, therefore, to realize that being passionate isn’t enough sometimes. Skill and tact come first. I wish it was all just passion. I’m sad about having to leave UVic’s writing program next year (completely by choice!), but I’m happy to be switching into something I love just as much – Elementary Education. I’ll get to travel and help teach young children to read and write. It’s an amazing opportunity. AND, the traveling will allow me to experience and encounter new cultures and new things to write about. So maybe life is just one, big writing class.

  17. Simple and honest
    like gravity and oxygen.
    Nothing makes since without you here.

    I know as well as what hold me to the ground
    that you are to be in my life

  18. Passionate about nothing. That is me. Don’t bother focusing, it’s not worth it. Just rub your eyes and leave little black sparkly streaks on your knuckles. Float through life and don’t give a damn. Well, except for one person. You can give a damn about them but stay the hell away from passionate. I’m tired.

  19. Paasion is something one has for an activity or person. Passion has numrrous ways it can be shown. Passion can only be determained by the beholder. A statue, oicture frame, a vase, a choreographed piece of dance, and music were all created by passion. A feeling that strong, creates something beautiful. Something words cannot explain.

  20. being passionate means being forward about ones strong feelings
    being passionate about something means choosing to put that something before everything else

    by Prince Tristan on 10.31.2011
  21. passionate as fire, burning brightly, brightly, eclipsing even the sun. With it’s large white flames clawing ever upwards. Swift and bright and luxurious for as long as it lasts. For passion is short-lived. Beautiful, but short. Much like the butterflies that linger in our mind.

  22. Passion is a folly. The passionate live desperately, torture themselves, writhe in the face of life, fail to live up to their own expectations, and eventually extinguish themselves.

    by Kyle on 10.31.2011
  23. THere haas to be at least one thing in every ones life that they are pasisionate about. Passion is essential to a life of contentment and fulfillment. Without passion, one s life is void of all life can deliver.

    by Robin on 10.31.2011
  24. Passionate can be many things. Sexy, adventurous, or just daring. It can lead to many things too. Rape. Rape happens. Mostly with the rapist having a passion for sex. And he doesn’t care who doesn’t want it. He gets it.

    by RandomFunny on 10.31.2011
  25. The fire was hot that night. I had seen him before, but, we’ve only spoken when he walked me to my car. I kept on catching glances. Wishing that’d he come over to speak to me. My wish came true. And my heart was pierced from that moment on.

  26. The goblin spoke passionately to the people. “You must fight!” he shrieked.
    “Get off the stage!” the barkeep muttered.
    “The king is mad!”
    “Get out my my inn!”
    “Join the goblin ghetto in rebellion! Join us!”
    The innkeeper tried to grab the goblin, but Grast was too quick. “Fight!”
    The patrons were ignoring him, though a few cast curious glances in his direction. They did not seem inspired.
    And NaNoWriMo approaches. Bad writing is a good practice. ;D

  27. To have it burn inside me is a feeling I’ve gone without for so long I’ve forgotten how good it feels to have it reciprocated. The last time I fell in love in didn’t go so well, because it was a one sided romance. But I won’t rush it, I’ll just wait for it to find me. “Maybe this time…”

  28. love, love is passion. it is when two people can express their emotions to eachother, they respond to eachother and their emotions and actions. it is beautiful and wonderful and nothing else matters when exciting amazing passion is in the air while you are together. Being passionate is being able to express yourself with emotion and power and depict lust or love or whatever it is you need to express in that given time.

    by erin on 10.31.2011
  29. The world is not passionate enough. We have become numb by what today’s society deems important. We are worried about money, clothing, cars, houses — keeping up with the Jones. We no longer take others feelings into consideration, just our own and getting ahead.

    by Tom on 10.31.2011
  30. Passionate? People can be passionate but do people really mean it? Humans are so selfish lately that I wonder if people are really passionate towards others because they are really caring for them, or passionate because they expect something in return. Why would someone be passionate these days with out getting something out of it after all. We are all leading to the wrong things lately.

    by Kortney Schmitt on 10.31.2011
  31. fpdspsdfopjsdfposdfopdsfposdfposdfpofsdkposdfkpsdpfsposdpofkspdkspfokspfokp skpso kps kposfk posk bruce willis
    safklmafmalksfmaklsmflkamfklsmkasmdaslksm matt damona sfnaosnfosidnfosndoin osn fos john stamossssososlfenowenrofinweoignoierniogneiorgneoirgnemeilooo estevezzz poadsfpofkpoasfkapokfpasokfpo kcharlie conway aisondoifndsaonfoiasnfoinasfoinaosn sean rafferty is a faggotttmnoas[nfoasnfaonoa nasin jkk asidfaosfnaosif i loveeeee himmmmmmm for lack of a baetter wordd

    by emelio estevez on 10.31.2011
  32. we are all passionate in some way, wether we admit it or not. the key is, to embrace it, let it rule your life. You will find your other loves in accordance

    by emmett on 10.31.2011
  33. There is only one thing I know and that is passion. It is the sole purpose for human interactions. It is the only thing that keeps the human race thriving and the only thing that allows us to see each other as equals.

    by Kimberly on 10.31.2011
  34. Ebony and ivory. Such a simple concept. Opposites in their own right, yet perfect companions. Deftly fingers glide against the mostly ivory keys; the occasional ebony pressed as an accent. Flying faster as the melody picks up, the artist flips her hair. Pedal pressed to the floor, up again quickly, briefly. Then down again, slurring the notes that are heard. How beautiful a piano sounds when played like a well trained horse. Piano exudes passion, the balck finish a sensual element. When you hear piano next time….think passion!

  35. I embraced her in a way she was not expecting. I wanted her to know we were no longer friends. Passionate, loving… I don’t think she understood.

  36. comfortable. you are the one i can be myself around. you are your true self with the other soul mate. deeply. true. faithful. love. given your full love. given your all. sexual. lust. affectionate. kind. caring. loving. you’re very much into what you want/need/like/love.

    by Marilyn Nguyen on 10.31.2011
  37. He was passionate about his music, and that was a bonus. With the heartache he’d endured recently, it meant he would have that much more angst to write and sing about. It didn’t lessen the pain any, knowing that he could express himself in that way, but it was a positive.

  38. What is passion? Sure, it’s defined in the dictionary, but everyone experiences passion in their own way. I don’t think a writing definition from a book is going to explain it for everyone. Take a look around in your life, and see what it means to you.

  39. He was filled with passion. He was filled with skill. What he did not have was purpose. A passionate swordsman couldn’t do much when he knew not what his sword aimed for. But he needed purpose less than food in his stomach and air in his lungs. Purpose didn’t sate his thirst. So even without purpose he was satisfied. He didn’t have to do much–sit and stand around with his sword and look mysterious. That was enough to keep most people at bay. Most others were deterred by the number of similar swordsmen who were beside them.

  40. I saw him in the rain. no one was around. my heart was pounding. it was the first time we had seen each other since the break up. he grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close and started kissing me. It was the most passionate feeling I’ve ever felt.

    by Kristen on 10.31.2011