
March 13th, 2012 | 319 Entries

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319 Entries for “petition”

  1. A petition is a way of getting what you want without protesting. A path to what you care about whether it be gay marriage or anti-abortion or anything else you could think of. You need to show the government what you want and this is one way to.

  2. A petition is when you file for something. If you are petitioning the government, then you are asking them to do something different. Petitions are very important and are absolutely needed. Without them, you would have close to no say in the government. There would be no lobbying.

    by Tony Martino on 03.13.2012
  3. The petition to …….. What am I petitioning for?
    I don’t even know….
    The petition to give schools and therefore teachers the bonuses they deserve was over turned by the greedy government officials.

    by mackedee on 03.13.2012
  4. I went from house to house – all of them the same dimensions, same number of feet from sidewalk to artificial green grass to driveway – with my petition to stop their grotesque consumer consumption. And I failed, at each plastic front door.

    by Stephanie on 03.13.2012
  5. Something that you sign and never really ever gets read. It just gets counted. A petition is something that should be quite powerful but really I always wonder. Is it powerful? Does anybody actually pay any attention?

  6. I sigh, looking at my blank petition.
    Why won’t anyone sign it?
    “Because it’s going against school rules,” everyone would say.
    I smirk to myself. That’s definitely not the reason, and they know it.

  7. I would like to petition the universe
    to return my brother in law to us
    to bring him back into
    our lives
    to stop our broken hearts
    to end our sadness
    our petition –
    you took him away too soon
    you stole him and left us

    by Anita Cruse on 03.13.2012
  8. I’m going to have everyone sign the petition that says fatties shouldn’t buy sodas in our school. I know it’s racist or whatever. I know that my stupid stepfather was obese and he turned out to be all sorts of creepy. I get how this stuff is supposed to work.
    I can’t help it, though. I see pens and I itch to give people opinions.

    by alli on 03.13.2012
  9. “Okay,” he said, eyeing me suspiciously. “Just sign this petition and we’re done.”
    I gape at him.
    Seriously? We went through all that and it could have easily been resolved with THIS? Is he crazy?

    by Judy Sine on 03.13.2012
  10. It was no small task. To acquire the entire town’s signature for what was to be the most selfless thing I’d done until then. But I took it upon myself to achieve this goal, for the greater good.

  11. “Who will sign my petition,” she asked softly. No one paid attention to the young girl in the blue dress. Everyone was too busy running for their train. Defeated, she sat on the bench.

    by Mamu on 03.13.2012
  12. He started a petition to get the leash law revoked, so his dogs could be free. Of course, he only got dog owners, cat owners were not thrilled with the idea. Who knows, maybe cat owners should start a petition too?

    by Mamu on 03.13.2012
  13. I enjoy signing petitions for things that I otherwise probably would not take action on, like the poor polar bears who are dying from various pollutants and the wolves being shot in Alaska. I sign my name, feeling like maybe I’ve done something good.

  14. The petition has been signed. Now will these people follow the rules? I’m not sure. I know them to well and what they are capable of. Time will tell and we will see.

  15. Petition.
    Natalie Portman.
    Star Wars.
    Hugo Weaving.

    by Chloe on 03.13.2012
  16. Petitions can be easily faked by people trying to rally up support for a cause. Petitioners on the streets of New York usually petition for a cause, but never cease to ask for money in the end. A ‘small’ contribution of 20$.

  17. demands
    Artemis Fowl

    by Chloe on 03.13.2012
  18. Petition here, petition there – pettycoat politics, ruffles and all. IT HELPS! vs. WHO ARE WE KIDDING? The petition is like the cheapest of birthday presents: the voucher. Because we didn’t have time or enough imagination. And because not giving anything at all would be giving up hope.

  19. ‘Sign the petition! Sign the petition!’ I screamed to the my fellow on lookers. This needed to be done, without it, everything would be taken away like they don’t mean anything.

    by Jade on 03.13.2012
  20. In a small, dismal room, Claire tapped out the petition on her grandmother’s typewriter. It was an archaic exercise, one that made her fingers ache from the deliberation of pressing the keys, but conviction carried her through. When she was finished she slid it out and handed it to Steve.

    by Josey on 03.13.2012
  21. Start one if you believe in a cause. Don’t think what others may think about it, just do it. Every hero did start small.

    by Julia on 03.13.2012
  22. you have to sign a petition if you want to get what you want and get a bunch of other people to get it signed too because if youre the only one who signs a petition it doesnt really mean shit because the whole point is it shows how many people agree with you on a certain cause or topic you want to get done and that it is worth the change for the topic and to get what would benifit a large majority of the people

    by baylee on 03.13.2012
  23. I petition you to sign my heart with the pen of your love…a true signature…one that will leave a lasting impression. forever….for always…for us.

    by K on 03.13.2012
  24. Rebellion is such an appealing subject to the youth that it doesn’t matter if it’s a cause that’s even worth it. Or that they even believe in that strongly. If they can convince themselves that they care, then the youth will rebel. With petitions. Riots. Fliers or posters. Any way that seems the most fun.

  25. when i think of the word petition, the work majority rule comes to mind.if i want to something done that goes against the viewpoints of society i will petition to get it done. petition is all about democracy, everyone and all the people count.

    by Nida on 03.13.2012
  26. when i need to get something done that is against the thinkings of today’s society.i petition and hope that people agree with me in the area where i hold such a strong opinion in.

    by Nida on 03.13.2012
  27. signing at the bottem there was a man and a ribbon there was a dog and a crow the sky was blue and the grass… well there was no grass cuase they were on pavment the dog started to bark at the little baby with the bubble gun he was more of a toddeler actually

    by rose on 03.13.2012
  28. sign to make a statement, sign to be part of something, stand up, stand for a cause, sign just because you have no thoughts about it anyway. Start something.

    by Corri on 03.13.2012
  29. The petition was passed around, and all I could do was hope. I hoped that the signatures would not be dismissed, hoped even further that they would not be taken down in note for fear of the consequences that signing held for all these people, people who had placed trust in me to do good where it was so easy to do evil.

    by Sheri on 03.13.2012
  30. She always clicked on petition links and then she always hesitated when she needed to provide all her personal information online–how selfish.

  31. People make petitions all the time. I think. I don’t really know what petition fully means. I’m kinda just guessing here. Hope I’m right. People make petitions when they want to change something.

    by samantha on 03.13.2012
  32. Petition.
    I stand up.
    I may be wrong, but I may be right.
    What I stand for is worth the fight.
    Even if I stand for nothing at all.

    by kristi whitcomb on 03.13.2012
  33. “You know this isn’t going to end well?”
    “Yeah, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”
    “What about a petition?”
    “Maggie I love you, erm, where do we start?”

  34. Petitions have the power to influence the political landscape. I believe petitions are under utilized in New Zealand. More petitions people!

    by Ryan on 03.13.2012
  35. the act of trying to change something through the voice and signature of others.

    by dani on 03.13.2012
  36. The new bypass bridge sounded like a good idea, but Courtney could see that the council really had not thought this through. Her petition to deny the permit wasn’t popular, but she wasn’t going to let the snide remarks of others deter her.

    The death threats, however, did come as something of a surprise.

    by on 03.13.2012
  37. A plea for the government to stop their stupidity and do what they promised to do. A plea for someone to be set free, a plea for something to be saved. Something loads of people sign internationally.

  38. ein wort über das ich leider schlecht schreiben kann, da meine hartes-b taste nach wie vor verschwunden ist. ich werde trotzdem kurz überlegen was mir dazu einfällt. beschämendererise weiß ich leider gerade gar nicht was das ist. es klingelt irgendwie, ja, ich habe das gefühl es handelt sich dabei um ein schriftstück, aaaaaaaaah es ist mir eingefallen, ja klar, ja sowas unterschreibe ich manchmal. zulestzt gestern zur rettung irgendeines kunstvereines. aber nicht weil der mich interessiert hätte, ich denke ich habe einfach angst davor nicht gemocht zu werden von leuten, die wollen, dass ich sowas unterschreibe.

    by muemue on 03.13.2012
  39. Petitions are stupid if they’re online. Well maybe not. They’re only stupid if they’re on something like a Facebook page or something. How do you know they’re actually going to be counted toward whatever petition needs signing? How do you know you’re not just writing your name down for something weird? You don’t.

  40. Seems to be the method of choice within my generation to have things happen within the government. We don’t have enough actual power to do anything, so we use signatures and a banner to attempt to make changes. Always noble in nature, but rarely effective.

    by Yep on 03.13.2012