
January 4th, 2011 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “phrase”

  1. Every superhe a phrase, mine just happened to be under construction the time when I needed it most.

  2. a phrase is a phrase- is a common daze- a whiteout haze- a brand new phase- just a simple short sweet phrase.

  3. phrase….hmm i guess its a part of a sentence. like a participial phrase in english. one of the many things i will never fully learn or really care about. or maybe its just a short little statement that you say to someone. like hey…i love you.

    by Olivia on 01.04.2011
  4. “I’ve never told anybody that before.”

    “I love you” and “I need you” are supposed to mean so much, but those six words, that one phrase that he turned to me and announced were what really spun my world around. It was as though I had been staring at my window when suddenly somebody opened it up. He stood outside my window, held his hand out to me, and promised to tell of things that he had never told before. I didn’t have to say anything in return, but for someone who loves the sound of silence, I was suddenly longing to use my voice as well.

    by Ashley Flowers on 01.04.2011
  5. The fact that one phrase could have so much impact on my life was shocking. One phrase, and he was gone. One phrase and I could bring him back. Could I utter those words? Could I change our destiny? I couldn’t, because that one phrase would be a lie. I couldn’t lie to keep you, I can’t lie to bring you back.

  6. and how do i say it? i mumblestumble over the words i should have been able to pronounce. effortlessly. i lick my lips, unable to put it correctly. i had been the master of words and now a slave of silence.

    by TM on 01.04.2011
  7. If I could think of one phrase that I try to live my life by, it’s this: “You can’t control the wind, but you can control your own sail.” Not sure where I heard this, but I’ve always loved it.

  8. The silly, strange phrase, “I’ve got a yellow black eye,” churns out in perfect symmetry to the rest of my life. Forever injured, forever healing; both painfully obvious and unaddressable.

  9. phrase. clean, font filled, simple. just say it: f-f-f-f-fountain. raise. lifted.. sun. one word clear horizon.

    by Cy Margucci on 01.04.2011
  10. To coin a phrase, sing songs of praise and wonder and gaze at the world all around me.

    by Kerry DeLisle on 01.04.2011
  11. “So tell me my dear, what’s the phrase- que sera sera? an artificial brain cannot comprehend this. true thought needs emotion feelings..

    by dann on 01.04.2011
  12. the three words words that string along a phrase which has to much power.
    a verb, subject and noun.
    I love you.

  13. Phrase me a tickling, he said.
    i dont know how to do that….i replied
    oh please, its easy. like that makes my feet scorch! you see
    no. i dont.
    oh, well someday you will.

    by Jane on 01.04.2011
  14. The phrases of music flowed seamlessly into one another as I closed my eyes and listened to the sweet notes of the piano.

  15. A phrase is something used by people to communicate ideas, thoughts, or simply commands and shit like that. I think if you use it more than once or twice is when it is a “phrase.”

  16. A phrase is not a complete sentence. An apple leaf, split milk, cat and mouse. Phrase can make a point…or not.

    by RJRJ on 01.04.2011
  17. it happened in the evening the phrase don’t popped in my head. before my grandpa died he always said that word with everything i did. don;t do this, don’t do that, how i hated that word. but no i say it all the time

    by dray on 01.04.2011
  18. Some people feel they really need to use certain phrases when they talk. They think it makes them cooler. But it’s not always the case. Because you might end up talking nonsense after a while.

    by Jason D on 01.04.2011
  19. Man, I have so many quotable catchphrases because I’m such an awesome, insightful hero. What are they you ask? Well…um…let me think for a minute. All I can think of are all the times I yell Angeal’s name over and over…that sounded dirty. Bad mind! I didn’t mean it like that! Ugh, never mind.

    by on 01.04.2011
  20. “CATCH PHRASE!” I shouted to him across the lawn, watching him walk towards his parents’ car with a box full of things that had once been fixtures in his dorm room.

    “CATCH PHRASE!” he shouted back to me, turning to smile at me across the lawn, walking towards my parents’ car with a box full of foods that had once been the snacks of my dorm room.

  21. A Sentence or a something when you’re talking and you’re like, saying stuff and trying to fit it into a suitable sentence and you’re like… this is my thing. It could be a catchphrase, but people hate you for using those. Holy Smokes Batman!

    by Polar on 01.04.2011
  22. I hate you.
    I love you.

    Either “phrase” could of meant anything, just spitting out words she didn’t even really know anything about. You can’t just throw out, “love” or “hate” when those are both powerful words. It was more then that or what she thought. It was more meaningful, you could say.
    I took a gave a long glare after she made up her mind. “I hate you”. The words echoed in my ears. She didn’t mean it.

  23. Isn’t it exciting to think that a phrase can be coined at any second? All it takes is one slip of the tongue or one inside joke overheard by an outsider and suddenly, an entirely new piece of terminology is born. At least, that’s what I think the birth of a phrase must be like.

  24. catch phrase! know the sequnce of words before you try to use it, or you will sound like and idiot. seriously. also know foreign phrases that will allow you to survive. “i’m hungry” or “where is…” are good ones. musical phrases are pretty to listen to. I think the word should be written in yellow or green.

  25. “It is easier for a camel to get through eye of a needle then it is for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven.” – I remember hearing this phrase in church and I imagined the fat, cigar smoking, Mercedes Benz driving local priest standing behind a camel trying to wedge it through a needle, but then his hand slipped into the camels bum and he got stuck and he couldn’t get his hand out. I giggled so much my mum pinched me and gave me the death stare. It still makes me laugh.

  26. Phrase. I don’t know much about phrases. Phrases can be random. There are “catch phrases”. I guess I might have my own phrase. I don’t know? Some people have certain phrases that they may say a lot. I don’t think I do. My phrases are pretty much all over the place. o_0

  27. The phrase left her lips before she knew, and she let it sit heavy on her heart. When she sat up again, she found daggers of looks from faces she didn’t even know, and her dignity left the room alone.

    by Megan Robinson on 01.04.2011
  28. there are so many phrases in this world. my abuela used to tell me many of them. but sometimes she would scare me with the things she said. like the time i buried a picture of myself and my cousin with our hamster in memory of him. she said the earth was going to call to us and we were going to die. i was 10.

  29. Phrase? A word that torments me. How to phrase. I must become an acrobat of words in effort not to stutter. Mouths spew pre-spoken phrases mindlessly. But my mouth shuts down. A phrase must been a neat clean path my mouth can chomp through easily. Phrase.

  30. What’s that phrase again? “You win some you lose some?” I think that’s what my grandmother used to always say. She had lots of silly phrases. Half of them I’m sure she made up. Like “Raining worse than a Russian race horse.”

    by Brandi on 01.04.2011
  31. It was nothing but an old phrase. “I love you.” You said it so many times, but all that time, it didn’t mean anything to you. It was only when I died that you realized just what you had lost. It was only as you cried at my grave that you undersoot that the old phrase had snuck into your heart.

  32. i love you. it’s such a short phrase, but it’s impact is huge. at least in one of it’s uses. i find the english language lacking in its precision regarding such a complicated multifaceted emotion.

    by james on 01.04.2011
  33. whats a phraseeeeee. likeeee something you just sayyy? my phraseee for the day is umm…. “bro whatever” -____- lol i’ve been saying that to everyone. and thats all i have to say. the endd.

  34. ‘If you’re too lazy to start anything, you may get a reputation for patience’, but it’s just a phrase I’m going through.

    by Jeni on 01.04.2011
  35. lyrics in a song. something very catchy that people tend to latch on to. A memorable quote that continuously get repeated, whether it be from a movie, a play, or a book, a phrase is something that people repeat.

    by Kellie on 01.04.2011
  36. A phrase pops into my head as I look at them.
    A phrase pops into my head as I watch them.
    A phrase pops into my head as they plunge their tongues down each others’ throats, playing tonsil tennis with each other so hard I swear that the moment someone loses there will be tears.
    ‘Just revolting’.

  37. Phrase…ok…well I just played apples to apples with my family in lake tahoe…geez my dad is annoying why does he take is so competitively its just a game…ok well that’s where I got that….but what’s the point of picking random cards…i love the psychology of poker but that’s different…I’m not

    by Nick Monterrosa on 01.04.2011
  38. She watched from the back. She had wanted to go to him, but she was terrified. Not of him, but of the phrase that he could utter. There could be nothing worse coming from his lips but to hear him say, I don’t care.

  39. its just a phrase, a set of words and yet I can’t get it out. Its four words four petty words. But I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t tell them. I couldn’t let it out. I couldn’t let them know that I wasn’t about to forgive him, and I didn’t feel bad about saying that. I didn’t feel bad about breaking the christian code that was burned before me. I didn’t feel bad to question everything about life that I had been told before. I didn’t know how to tell them that I was ready to go. So I didn’t. I just left.
    I was ready.
    I wanted to live.

  40. a phrase is a capture of the mind, in which you show your true emotions, about the world and about yourself. In this phrase i grew cheesy, but soon you will see, eileen. I have nothing else to say just sorry that it hurt

    by Lardy on 01.04.2011