
January 9th, 2013 | 223 Entries

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223 Entries for “politician”

  1. He lied.
    He walked up onto the podium, and smiled that charismatic smile of his which so easily mesmerized others. Then he lied to the world, under the ever-flashing lights of cameras.

  2. a word that doesn’t mean a lot to me, i walk with my head in the clouds beause nothing affects me. Like water off a ducks back there’s this one and that one and the other but they all merge into that same thing. The same haircut, the same cuffs showing under tailored suits making decisions that will never please everyone. So it doesn’t meant anything to me this word, i walk with my head in the clouds.

  3. see: product of China.

  4. it a smart guy. he run out the city. i dont`t like him. he can be 32. Prefer youngh one.I want to se a femele one.

    by Alexandra on 01.10.2013
  5. Jacob Zuma. That’s what comes to mind. I always saw him as the bad guy, the guy who shouldn’t be president. And I still don’t hink he should be president, but I don’t see him as the bad guy anymore.

    by Melissa on 01.10.2013
  6. With a politician’s flair for dramatic equivocality, she explained away the inconsistencies in her report with five dollar words and a prom queen’s smile.

  7. politicians? ah! people used to think so highly of them in times of great ideals and times of honesty and principles, but nowadays… we all know that all they are is poor dumbasses and shmugs who are sort of actors set up on the stage to pretend like they are doing an actual job, but all they really do is participate in a game. they are so narrow-minded, they care for nothing else but saving their own asses, and that is how i think they are pathetic. i don’t know whether i should feel disgusted by them or whether i should pity them.
    in the end, i know that they live life best, because they really don;t care about other people, but i don’t know… i don’t really want to be like them, because their life has no meaning. life led only as a sort of a play has no purpose, no end. And i’d rather stay with my own feelings.

    by Me on 01.10.2013
  8. crooked liar diplomat

    by stefanija on 01.10.2013
  9. Politicians are crooked, deceptive people. It’s not for nothing that politics has been defined as the art of lying. What’s worse is politicians take pride in their artfulness, because they view it a skill. They justify their deceptions as serving the greater good.

    by Tolga Yilmaz on 01.09.2013
  10. I was no politician. I wasn’t a scientist or a mathematician or anything that might make my opinion credited. I wasn’t anyone smart or important yet I needed you to hear me properly; I needed you to believe my words. I wasn’t sure how to make them more legitimate so I just repeated them over and over, my voice cracking because I was no public speaker either. ‘I love you I love you I love you’.

  11. A liar. A man. Someone in Washington D.C. People who make our laws. Red and Blue. Bill Clinton. Politically incorrect.

    by amber on 01.09.2013
  12. un politician este privit bine doar de acei care şi-au dat votul pentru el. şi atunci doar la început de mandat.

    by on 01.09.2013
  13. Nameless, faceless, heartless. Most don’t care about the people they represent, until an election when they are forced to run against a competitor. They falsely represent their ideals in order to get elected, then refuse to follow these ideals when it reallly counts.

    by Vince on 01.09.2013
  14. The politician went across the street to check on his son at his new daycare during his lunch break. He was worried about him adapting, when he went inside he noticed his son soundly asleep on his cot. The sun shimmered off his golden blonde locks and danced on his skin, his Dad smiled with relief at his angelic features.

    by Krystal Harrison on 01.09.2013
  15. No thank you, not interested with having them in my head.
    Done now what next?

    by Mj on 01.09.2013
  16. Always a politician. Politics. Politics. Liars and thieves. A few good ones though. Someone said once that the best leader is one who doesn’t want to be one. I like that. A shame we don’t have more of those.

    by Sam on 01.09.2013
  17. but why let politics ruin your life. be happy. screw government. the best things in life are free. break the rules. live life. do something new. be mischievous. who says you have to go by the rules. break free from the pack. define yourself. have a little fun. you’re young.

    by Kassi on 01.09.2013
  18. boring, congress is full of crap anyway. Politicians lie about whatever it is they can so they will get elected. it’s so saddening to know that we condone this type of unnecesarry bullying.. Why must politicians be so grimy? It’s just a bunch of grown ups fighting over a place no one except them really want.

    by Jessica on 01.09.2013
  19. I don’t get politicians. Why would someone voluntarily take on such a huge responsibility? They probably think what they do is not very important since there are so many of them, but they still have to pretend like it is.

  20. Politicians are dishonest, greedy, and out to get their “cause” approved. Politicians say one thing and do another. Even local politicians sell out and forget about why they were elected and the base that elected them. I don’t think politicians have the the best interest of the people in mind.

    by Linz on 01.09.2013
  21. I don’t get politicians. Why would someone voluntarily take on such a responsibility? They probably think what they do is not very important since there are so many of them, but they still have to pretend it is.

    by Jeongsil Lee on 01.09.2013
  22. The politician droned on and laid on another layer of lies so slick they slipped like oil through our fingers and hair and into our ears so deftly we hardly felt the slippery devils as they slid right into our brains.

    by Danielle La Paglia on 01.09.2013
  23. His hair oiled into a jagged point at the nape of his neck and a gleam in his eye that says “I love you truly, you’re in good hands” and also “Fuck every body in this room. You are dollar bills in my pocket and I have enough of you to scrap a few.”

  24. liar. liar. weird old white guys who probably get off throwing rocks at poor people who also might be midgets, but not exclusively. sometimes, they look like an older version of a stereotypical lesbian. i’m looking at you, lindsay graham. asshole. i hate your hair.

  25. Will Rogers. Hillcrest High just did that for their musical. It was wonderful! I loved it. My sister was in it. I can’t wait til’ I go to Hillcrest. Theatre there will be so much fun. I hope a lot of my friends go there as well. Please do you guys!

  26. Ahhh, hell nah!

  27. The sleezy politicians had never done us much good. They just sit up on their podiums and gesticulate and make promises they never intend to keep. There’s a different law down here, what you get you keep. Ive been stealing for my family for years now and there’s no one faster or quieter than me, I can get in and out of those rich fat cat’s houses faster than a mouse and no one even knows I was there until I’ve hocked their stuff.

  28. Politicians get a bad rap and sure this is not marginally undeserved but these are people. By claiming this title, they must hold themselves above the common person, they essential commit to an ideal – like a priest, they cease to be themselves and become a force. Deserving, hard-working politicians, as there has to be some found are those who worked hard and most likely always up the ladder. Almost all had a foot in the door, by lineage, alliance or wealth but could we fault them for their unscrupulous use of this natural acquisition? And their world has an ability to corrupt in response to the crimes others commit, so are really any of them to be blamed when such a title, puts them in the position to act out of such a role, that they will be justified if they are to be found in the majority party?

  29. politicians drive me crazy. they care more about the trivial things that will drive a nation to the ground in great numbers, than the people who are being affected by the changes they carelessly make. why can’t they just realize that the Law of Love is more important than any bill or law they might waste their entire lives trying to pass? (Mark 12:31)

    by Jessica on 01.09.2013
  30. Politicians get a bad rap and sure this is not marginally undeserved but these are people. By claiming this title, they must hold themselves above the common person, they essential commit to an ideal – like a priest, they cease to be themselves and become a force. Deserving, hard-working politicians, as there has to be some found are those who worked hard and most likely always up the ladder. Almost all had a foot in the door, by lineage, alliance or wealth but could we fault them for their unscrupulous use of this natural acquisition? And their world has an ability to corrupt in response to the crimes others commit, so are really any of them to be blamed when such a title, puts them in the position to act out of such a role, that they will be justified if they are to be found in the majority party?

    by Eric Harrell on 01.09.2013
  31. A fudge hole in a can. What a bunch of douches. There may have been one or two decent one of these in the past 10 years, but maybe not. The name has been so bastardized that I can’t think of anything good to say.

    by charlie on 01.09.2013
  32. Liars. That’s what my dad always said. So that’s all I believe.

    (And that’s okay with me.)

    by Anna Rhodes on 01.09.2013
  33. these are people that make up bullshit and feel that they are more important than anyone else in the country. They never actually listen to what the little people have to say unless it is votoing time when they believe that they have to lie to get votes. Really? Really?

    by Simone on 01.09.2013
  34. He’s carefully noncommittal when he intervenes: “Calm down, you two. I think it would be best if we all just stop and think things through before we make any decisions.” He is the typical mediator, balancing carefully in the space between rising tensions with the grace of a politician.

  35. I will never be a politician. What a life I’d have to lead! Going in and out of grandiose governmental buildings, planting seeds to grow thorny, hoary weeds ’til they coil around my neck and strangle me for sustenance and some haughty words, no less. Let me stay away from D.C. and the angry children there as they squeal out their obscenities and pull at each other’s hair.

    by Belinda Roddie on 01.09.2013
  36. unveiled

    hold me
    i want to whisper
    you are the root
    from my spine
    plunging into fresh earth
    nourishing my blood
    with rain, sunlight

    hold me
    when you hold me
    i am fused to the thundercloud
    i am a gale unleashed
    i shake, trees bend
    the river leaps above her banks

    hold me
    i am realized in you
    we are a cold stream, falling leaves
    lightening, a shooting star
    ripples, waves falling
    a forest wet with rain

    hold me
    i am melded to you
    my very essence
    is pure sensation
    of your skin pushing onto mine
    adoro te devote


  37. Politicians are not as evil as everyone would seem to think. They have families and lives and concerns just as we do. They worry about whether that are raising their children right and whether their spouse is happy. They wonder if they need to exercise more, or if they need to start eating healthier. They ponder the latest episode of Doctor Who just as we do and cry when their main character dies. They live and laugh and love. They are people, same as us.

    by Emma B. on 01.09.2013
  38. Cringe..

    That’s my first reaction. I’ve met a couple of politicians and I don’t think very much of any of them. I remember meeting Paul Keating just after he became Prime Minister, I was part of a school delegation and we were told to shake his hand firmly – he shook hands like a wet fish – limp and slippery…

  39. I’m tired.

    by Danielle on 01.09.2013
  40. obama, presidents discussions, riots fighting argueing hurting passion, good or bad? not sure. democrats, republicans liars

    by Samantha on 01.09.2013