
April 26th, 2012 | 174 Entries

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174 Entries for “poster”

  1. Another name for someone who puts thoughts, quotes and status updates on twitter and facebook. Poster.

  2. project, something that teachers assign
    colorful, they come in many colors,
    sizes, they can come large or small
    fun, they are always fun to create!

    by Hannah Houston on 04.27.2012
  3. i am making a poster board for my science project. we are drawing something on one side and making a collage on the other side. it is going to look magnificent! have you ever heard of a panda dog, well, if you haven’t you should look it up. it is awesome and really cute.

  4. Le poster que j’avais dans ma chambre quand j’étais encore avec Maud, c’était sans doute celui des Back Street Boys. Coloré, kitsch. Ca venait du 7extra. Luxe de l’époque. Stupidité temporelle.

  5. I wrote a poster that said,” Vote for me because I am awesome.” Now what you might be thinking is wait a second, Why would someone be that that what’s the word oh right proud of themself. But the answer is the students of my school took a pole. Who is the most awesome and everyone but Bobby Joe Steeeeeeeeeevveeeee voted for me.

    by Lindy on 04.27.2012

    by dancingb4him123 on 04.27.2012
  7. Project, end of the year project for a class.
    Many kids like to more on posters cause they are easy. fun, and you get to work together.
    Posters can be helpful, others not so much.
    Poster board, staples, glue…after a little time.
    BAM! You have a complete poster full of information and sometimes fun facts.

    by Brenna Pruitt on 04.27.2012
  8. Poster child for destruction, with a cigarette in his mouth and something rolling inside of him that dictates more. More than following law or lead. Some would call it less,but he is certain that it is more, that he is more, and that is exactly why he lets that cigarette burn down to his blackened lips.

  9. Poster

    Don’t put it in the toaster

    Don’t set it on a coaster

    Don’t take it on a ride on a roller coaster

    Don’t put it in the roaster

    or it will be a burnt poster :-(

    by Lauren W on 04.27.2012
  10. Poster
    A poster doesn’t go in a toaster.
    A poster doesn’t sit on a coaster.
    A poster can’t ride on a roller coaster.
    A poster can’t be a hoster.
    A poster doesn’t go on a roaster.
    If you put a poster in the toaster, don’t eat the poster.
    If you want to know more about a poster.
    Then look it up on the internet…


    by Genevieve Heywoood on 04.27.2012
  11. What not to do with a poster

    Don’t put it in the toaster
    Don’t take it on a ride in a roller coaster

    by Lauren on 04.27.2012
  12. The poster hung on my wall, staring at the room I used to live in. Little did I know that that poster was actually alive, and that it misssed the former occupant of the room very much.

  13. When I’m walking on the streets I usually don’t pay much attention to the posters. Some of them call my attention. Normally the ones that I identify somehow.

  14. You’re the poster child for a nerd. You’re the epitome of an athlete. You are funny, yet can be serious. You are so many things that I don’t even know yet, and may possibly never know.

  15. The room had it’s wall filled with faces and figures you wouldn’t know who was whom. They resemble the culture within the room that represents the ideals of the inhabitant. These posters, they fill the child’s own imagination.

  16. An eine Litfaßsäule hängen Poster. So viele Poster, dass ich mich immer frage, ob die vom Durchmesser her immer so dick sind – oder von Woche zu Woche einfach zunehmen, weil Poster um Poster draufgeklebt wird.

  17. I saw it up on the wall. It sat there contentedly, like a mocking little imp. It had my face, of course, plastered on it like a grave stone’s engraving:


    They never did get the eyes right.

    I would find it insulting if I hadn’t seen them all over town. I was a celebrity, as far as criminals go. Yes, quite the celebrity.

  18. He never thought they’d have to make missing posters with Nick’s face on them. Nick is always there, always has been. But now he’s not and now Sean and Ryan are spreading his face around town, hoping to god someone has seen him, or he’s just gotten drunk, maybe went on vacation without anyone knowing.

  19. Your face, a perfect poster. Chiseled, planned, meant for an audience, for a response. Cunning. I’m waiting for it to peel off.

  20. The artist augmented the aim and attitude
    approximated the angle, altitude
    and accentuation of the audience
    until all were armed to the teeth

    by gskgsk on 04.27.2012
  21. There it was again, the screaming man staring out of the page with a main of scraggly black hair,eyes gleaming with pure rage.

    by Antonia on 04.27.2012
  22. The black span into the red and the face hung in the middle with nothing to do with any of it; distant and glassy-eyed, unwavering and unblinking as God. A man in need of worship.

    by kate on 04.27.2012
  23. poster is something attractive that you might be interested in. it has some informations to evoke the audience that the poster is intended to. it can be persuasive, or just for entertainment.

    by lady adelaida purwanta on 04.27.2012
  24. You know what’s fun?

    Posing in front of movie posters in the cinemas. You take up the same pose as the actor, in the same spot and get a friend to photograph it for you. It’s just like being in the movies!

    But way lamer…

  25. No, can’t think of anything today, doh!

    by Aingeala on 04.27.2012
  26. Lost child, seeking another. Inquire within.

  27. i am a poster child for negativity. i hate everyone and everything seems stupid to me. be sober is for the fucking birds, the nexts 20 days will be awful.

  28. This poster means that the people are actively changing , and that they are getting to be enlightened about the kind of leadership they want and trully beautifull..

    by on 04.27.2012
  29. The poster was imprinted on the wall. It seems almost odd, to draw a picture that was turned into a poster, on a wall. It was just such a beautiful moment, that she wanted to be reminded of it every day. And truly, it was beautiful on the plain wall.

    by Tanya Wong on 04.27.2012
  30. I used to have so many posters, when I was much younger. I had a lot of rock band ones, and psychedelic ones that kind of glowed in the dark. Now I only have one or two, mostly orca whales as they are my favorite animal. I also have two vintage posters for a product that is no longer on the market.

  31. Walking down the dirty needle filled streets I see the poster everywhere. I swear any unclaimed space all around Van Nuys there’s my naked body and fake eyelashes. Thank God for computers otherwise my breasts would be recognized no matter where I was in this damned city. Its not a cush life doing what we do, but hell it pays rent in this God forsaken place.

    by SamSam on 04.26.2012
  32. i dont really like doing posters in school because it involves cutting and pasting. sheesh. cutting and pasting. what a goddam drag that is. and its always with such juvenile utensils…….the pictures or graphics that i glue to the poster are always curling at the edges, and hey, what if i spell something wrong? my smelly marker doesn’t erase. and that’s bullshit.

    by larn zito on 04.26.2012
  33. I put up posters once. A lot of them around my school. I was running for senior class president and I put up around 50 or so posters around the school and two banners. I put a lot of effort into that campaign. I guess things dont always work out as you plan though.

  34. i love making posters. I am in the associated student body at my school and we make posters ALL the time. It gets tedious after a while, but painting posters is really fun and relaxing.

    I find it funny how a piece of paper with encouraging words on it can make such a difference. Posters can provide direction also.

    If I were to create a poster right now I’d write: “Live simply so others can simply live”

  35. Posters flitter down from the buildings, covering street corner ads and traffic lights. Swirls of red and blue drown the city from its tints of grey and black, and for a brief moment the city has a personality. That was all that was remembered of the Kony 2012 experiment.

  36. You’ve got a poster of a photograph by Robert Doisnos up above your bed. It’s two dogs, sitting side by side on a street in Paris. We’ll go there someday, you tell me as we’re lying on your bed staring at the ceiling, as you’re playing with my fingers and whispering promises I’m not sure you’ll keep in my ear. Tomorrow might be one of those days when my pants don’t fit because my shirts are all the wrong color and my hair won’t fall in the right way, and I’ll look stupid and say something stupid and something will click in your brain, something that says, maybe I’ve made a bad choice here, maybe I shouldn’t be making promises to this girl with the too-tight jeans and toothpaste-stained shirt and tendency to stare at her feet while she’s talking.

  37. Sachin Tendulkar has been the poster boy for Indian cricket for more than two decades. There would hardly be an Indian household that does not have a poster of teh batting maestro or who does not know who the cricketing genius is.

    by Omkar Thakur on 04.26.2012
  38. Poster. Creatures. Books. Sentences or words. Anything that comes to your mind. A whole new world. A place you’ve never known. Anything. Literally

    by I'm an Artist on 04.26.2012
  39. There’s a poster on the wall. It’s cracked down the middle and faded. It’s from the past, from before my time. I try to make out the picture, try to see which group it’s from, but all I can see is a ghostly face. It’s lips are pulled back, laughing at us all. I wonder if the ghosts knew. I wonder if whoever made this was trying to be funny. All I know is that this poster is all that’s left of a time that is best forgotten.

  40. The poster on the wall was a sweet reminder of what the teen years were all about. It was nit of boys or famous people but rathe quotes that touched her heart. She dreamed of love, life and learning how to fly. She had hope in a faith she couldn’t see but results that gphappened because she believed.

    by Crisnole on 04.26.2012