
March 5th, 2012 | 356 Entries

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356 Entries for “professional”

  1. Professional means you have a profession in something. I’m not a Professional. if I was I think i would not be writing this right now. It is a very good thing that I’m not a professional because I am only 13 years old.

  2. A professional is someone who is really good at something and can go to championships. Or its a place they put you in categories like professional, or beginners.

  3. pro is a short word for professional

  4. Herpetology is my dream job! If you don’t like lizards or snakes or amphibians, you don’t have much fun. Do you? jk. But it’s true!

  5. my dad … me and all my famery members:)…wee all work hard:)

  6. Expert,pro,toast,and awesome.

  7. really good at somthing………yeah

  8. I am a professional chess player but I am not the best in the world.

  9. Professional means Natasha my friend is a very professional.

  10. professional is when you are really good at something that is a profession (a job) so that is what a profession is

  11. Damn this word sucks. Professional is like ditching your personality and just having a reliable dependable one to make people confident in being your client. It’s like if you have personality people think your not good enough for them to be your client. XP

    by kkmklvs on 03.05.2012
  12. someone who has it all figured out – they’ve got that one subject that they just know everything about. unfortunately there is no such thing as a professional of life. but i guess thats the fun…you’re not meant to have it all figured out. its meant to be a surprise.

    by nomi on 03.05.2012
  13. Professionals are people who get payed to do what they do. And yet, I get payed, and I’m considered an amateur, because although I get payed, I have no real training in the career that I pursue. Farewell.

    by Calvin on 03.05.2012
  14. I’ll take the turning off the next left
    and leave the car running
    I’ll wait behind the wheel
    the radio stuck on static
    my ththoughts on the exhaust

    by gskgsk on 03.05.2012
  15. i hate every things except i like what i like it, well …. thats my life and i free what i told it, no one have deserve to like it .. thats all

    by ahmed on 03.05.2012
  16. professional means someone who is good at their job and has a lot of experience in what they are doing. professional is the opposite of ameuter.

    by Hayley Wash on 03.05.2012
  17. “when the going get’s weird, the weird turn professional”, it’s a quote I’ve lived by for years now, and I’ve long since forgotten who it was by. I’m no professional by any means.

    by Thomas on 03.05.2012
  18. a professional is always trying to do something good, or excellent. i am not a professional typer. i am a professional reader.

  19. what I want to be. A business professional in a tailored suit, new haircut, and meetings and presteige. I hope that means I can still be outside. Its what I dream of and what my four years is all about. Financial security in a job with people that ilove and that’s all I know. I’m good at being professional

    by K on 03.05.2012
  20. I would love to be a professional baseball player. I would p[lay for the Red Sox. I would love to be on a team, but I would need to be professional in order for me to be able to play on a team. I’m not a professional, and I wish I was, so I could be on the Red Sox.

    by Savannah on 03.05.2012
  21. It’s a very relative description that many people attribute male traits to. Professionals can be women, and more women can be classified as this than men these days. The way you treat those you interact with in the job you do day to day says more about your professionalism than any piece of paper or paycheck ever could.

    by Lee-Ann on 03.05.2012
  22. A professional is someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. Who is going to be there to do the right thing in just about every situation. A professional is suppose to be inspiration and show everyone what they have accomplished in their lives.

  23. wardrobe

  24. Kendinden kaçan kadın…Nereye gidilirse unutulurdu sevdiğin?Bangkok’ta,gülümseyen insanlar ülkesinde bir şansın olur muydu?Kenya’da açlık kokan sokaklar yaraya merhem olur muydu?Yeni Zelenda’daki kuzularla teselli bulmak,New Orleans’da cazı hissederek tedavi olmak mümkün olur muydu?

    Mevlâna’nın dergahı Konya,deniz yolu Amasra,gül kokulu Isparta bu derin yaraya şifa olur muydu?
    Elimde birkaç parça eşyam ve bir iki kitapla düştüm yola…Şehr-i İstanbul’a…7 tepesinden birinde acıyı bırakıp gelmeyeceğim aşikardı ama kim derdi ki İstanbul daha çok acıtacaktı.

    Önce Hendekte’ki mola yeri…işte ona palto baktığımız süvari…Paramız yoktu,alamamıştık.Gömlek seçtiğimiz köşeye gittim.Beğendiği kabana dokundum dakikalarca.Almamalıydım.Her şeyi daha zorlaştırmamalıydım.İçimden bir şeyler kopup gitti.Sonra “Bak Seni atarım”diye onu tehdit ettiğim havuz kenarından yürüdüm.Susurluk Tostçusu’nun yanına…Aynı masaya oturdum.”Tost yerken insan niye ağlar ki”der gibi baktı satıcı.Daha doğrusu yiyemezken.

    Bunları Galata Kulesi’nin karşısındaki kafeden yazıyorum;En iyi arkadaşım ve onun tartıştığı kafeden…İkisinin arasını bulmaya çalışmış Galata Kulesi’ne bakarken dudaklarımı ısırmıştım.
    Bu gece yalnızım,içimde ki onla oturuyoruz.Yan tarafta,car car arkadaşına nasıl baktığını 25 arkadaşına telefonda anlatan adam yok,o yok ve sevinçler yok.Galata Kulesi karanlık bu gece,belki de gözlerinde yaş olunca flu görüyor insan…Birazdan,yoğurduna hayran olup”Bir daha ki sefere iskender yiyelim burada”dediğimiz Saray Muhallebicisi’nin önünden geçeceğim.Vuslat mümkün olmadı.Bir daha ki sefere olmadı.

    Nereye giderse unuturdu insan?İçinde onu taşırken kendinden kaçan kadındın.
    Sahi, unutmanın gerekli olmadığı bir dünya yok muydu? Giderken bana”Üzülme”demişti.”Daha öbür dünya var”Teselli bulduğum tek cümle buydu.Kimbilir belki de çok iyi bir kız olursam mahşerde kavuşmak mümkün olurdu…

    by Seher on 03.05.2012
  25. He was a professional. No job was too dirty. This will be a piece of cake, he thought. The house is vacant except for the victim. neighbors are out. No time to waste. He loaded his .38 and pushed the door open.

  26. I may be young but I am a professional video gamer, artist(hand drawing), and being me. My mom runs a professional company. My dad works at a professional place. And my sisters is a professional young marine.

  27. Professional is often how I don’t feel. I decided to go into the work that I do simply so I don’t have to dress or act professionally all the time. I don’t mind it a little every once in a while but for the most part, I enjoy being me in all my glory without really having to hide anything on a daily basis.
    I have fun at work.

    by MamaFeelgood on 03.05.2012
  28. i’m a professional, a professional know it all and busy body. Not that i earn a living with it but i am profesional

    by kim on 03.05.2012
  29. Professional………………….. a big word. Professional…………………. dancers .

  30. Profesional is an adjective. It describes someone as a skilled person or qualitative object. Positive meaning.

    by Renāte on 03.05.2012
  31. business people. people who probably think i little too much of themselves. and their jobs. and not enough about friends and family. they probably have no friends. everyone hates them.

    by Joanna on 03.05.2012
  32. someone who is probably more important and smarter than me and they make more money too because i dont get paid im in school :( i clearly suck at this

    by Evangeline on 03.05.2012
  33. professional is a person who specializes in a particular job and uses the said job to earn his livelihood

    by fredon on 03.05.2012
  34. I am a professional. I am good at what I do. I just don’t get the pay like a proessional.

  35. Professionsal! Ha! I am an artist! I create reality with a pen! I am amazing and far better than a mere professionsal! Whot the fuck do these other peopns think they are. My name is William johnson and no mere professional can best me.

    by William on 03.05.2012
  36. golf is a professional sport as well football people like to watch poeple play these sports. i like to watch profisonal basketball.

  37. I asked her what her motive was, she said to beat me mercilessly. She never even gave me a chance to respond. I was black and blue. She was a true professional.

    by Seth Abrahm on 03.05.2012
  38. if i were professional i would have a job by now.

  39. We tell everyone the same thing: Don’t try these stunts. We’re professionals. We’ve got years and years and years of training on us to do these so we have less of a risk of cracking our heads open on raw asphalt. But every year, it’s the same thing – a kid tries the 2003 motorcycle trick over a bridge, breaks his knees and his ribs, and we get sued for it.

    I’ve started to save the subpoena notices. They’re tacked on our bulletin board.

    by Belinda Roddie on 03.05.2012
  40. I hate when people say they are trying to be “professional”. If you are trying to be professional, you shouldn’t have to tell people you are trying to be professional. It’s ridiculous.