
January 8th, 2013 | 290 Entries

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290 Entries for “promise”

  1. Promise me that you’ll be here when the sun rises in the morning. Promise me that when the storm comes, you will help me hide under the blankets. Promise me that the sun will rise purple and the storm will rain confetti, and I’ll believe you. Because what you promise, you do, and I trust you because it’s from you.

  2. the word slips easily from i mouth. yes, i know. yes, it’s be forever. but they’re all lies, lies, lies. and it hurts to know that i do this. you trust me, but i don’t trust myself. i whisper, i promise. and hope i can keep you mine

  3. “You promised.”
    “I promised what?”
    “You promised we will be together forever.”
    “I’m sorry,” he said.
    “Andy?” A girl called from his back.
    “Bye, and never see me again,” he said and his voice was icy cold.

    by Cornellia on 01.08.2013
  4. I will not be the figments of your desires that I assist in creating, nor do I aspire to be any of that. Althought you have it planned, there will be no gushing romance, a “we”, an “us”.. a love story. I will have already taken steps away from you and as you feel your heart was stolen. I will not utter words that tie me to expectations. Vowing to be the person you want or need is foolish and so completely far outside of my intentions. In the inevitable ending, you may seek comfort in the realization that although you’ll have cried, you know I never lied one word. The promises you heard in your head were not real. So they can’t say of the magic that it never hurt nobody, but you can only be burnt by fire if it’s dancing flames captivate your eager soul an dyou play with it all on your own. The only promise I can make to you is one of cold truth and harsh realities. My promise is not of roses and lace. My promise is I will hurt you.

    by Mackenzie Smith on 01.08.2013
  5. “… and I vow, upon the blood of my kin, to be ever faithful to you, Lord. My sword is for you. My life is yours.”

    My knee itches.

  6. My promise is I will hurt you. I will not be the figments of your desires that I assist in creating, nor do I aspire to be any of that. Althought you have it planned, there will be no gushing romance, a “we”, an “us”.. a love story. I will have already taken steps away from you and as you feel your heart was stolen. I will not utter words that tie me to expectations. Vowing to be the person you want or need is foolish and so completely far outside of my intentions. In the inevitable ending, you may seek comfort in the realization that although you’ll have cried, you know I never lied one word. The promises you heard in your head were not real. So they can’t say of the magic that it never hurt nobody, but you can only be burnt by fire if it’s dancing flames captivate your eager soul an dyou play with it all on your own. The only promise I can make to you is one of cold truth and harsh realities. My promise is I will hurt you.

    by Mackenzie Smith on 01.08.2013
  7. We’re promising a lot to each other. We’ve yet seen how our future will unravel. We’re forcing our words to hold some weight. I promise I want that kind of future with you. You promise you want that future with me. The only thing keeping you from holding to that is a big ceremony, with guests present to seal our vows, as if that would change how I felt about you.

  8. I promise that if you make me yours, I will take care of you in every way. I promise that I will show you how great we can be together. I promise you that I will do my best to be good to you in every way. I promise to be yours entirely.

    by on 01.08.2013
  9. i promise i will dream
    I will try my hardest
    and one day,
    my hard work shall pay off.
    I promise that if I work hard and dream big
    I will achieve my goals
    I promise….
    Everything I do,
    is because
    I promised
    and I…Never lie.

    by Arno on 01.08.2013
  10. “NOOOOO! DON’T DIE ON ME FLUFFYBUNNY!” said the panda bear. Fluffybunny quietly whispered back, “I promise…”, then died. THE END

    by Fluffybunny on 01.08.2013
  11. One of the most important things to remember when keeping a tight relationship is keeping your promises you’ve made. Being trustworthy is one of the leading paths to successful relationships in your life.

    by Julory on 01.08.2013
  12. The boy stared off into space, into the beautiful sunset. The girl sat next to him.
    “Will you come back?” she asked longingly.
    “I will,” he replied.
    “Do you promise?”
    “I do.”

    by dmoney on 01.08.2013
  13. once in a school the there were these two friends and they were always together. one day one of the girls brought the other girl to there secret place and said “I have a secret to tell you,l but you have to promise

    by robinson on 01.08.2013
  14. Promise is a strong word people use it all the time. What do people mean when they promise something? It’s so important that they need to stay true to the promise they are making. Don not make a promise that you are going to break further down the road. If there was a person who breaks a promise you should keep that person away from you.

    by Nobody on 01.08.2013
  15. “I will never, ever, ever, break this promise,” she swore.

    YES! I promise to only eat cupcakes with you! Different cupcakes are a sign of promise. Cupcake love.

    by Michelle Tabor on 01.08.2013
  16. youone haws a livew everyedya thingking about promsie3sin luife that you csaen follow. every promsie sna duncirons or sles theyw ould be able to do anytthing fun. if youc ant do na tyijgnw and cannto keep a promise then I promise you u have a major issue. not trying to me i priomise just remember that you cannot promise too much of too litte. promisl

    by Emma F on 01.08.2013
  17. Must be kept. Cant be broken. Are very important. Shouldn’t be taken lightly. Shouldn’t be made without thought. Are stronger if pinky is in front. Can lose trust if broken.

    by Samuel on 01.08.2013
  18. dont do it. promises are dangerous and risky, because they are impossible. you never know what will be, so how can you say that you do?

  19. Everyone should keep their promises. Promises are about trust, and many times about love. They go along with honesty and honesty and trustworthiness says a lot about someone character. Don’t break your promises.

    by Madeline on 01.08.2013
  20. A promise – broken, not broken, keep the faith. A promise can break a person or remake them.

    Lip service is what people give when they say they promise.

    Others think that a promise is forever, and that they must keep it by hook or by crook. A promise is about honour and trusting people.

    by liyasha on 01.08.2013
  21. Don’t leave. His pleas fell of deaf ears. He knew his words were useless.
    But he fought anyway. What was he supposed to do?
    He’d made her a promise and he had no intention of breaking it.

    by Cayla-Fay Saunders on 01.08.2013
  22. Faith in continuity and commitment, it is a spoken agreement, a single word, solid as a band of gold, a hand to hold, a letter or just 3 words, or even one long look into another’s soul.

    by JoyJoy on 01.08.2013
  23. promise to write for a minute and no longer. Promises are like rules, ment to be broken. It seems when promises are made dissapointment shorly follows. perhaps romises are being made on impulse or with big heads…

  24. This promise was less tangible. I could hear it echo in his empty conscience.

  25. The breakfast they’d had was completely silent as was to be expected. John held the promise in his heart of an apology from Sherlock but there was none to had not to his surprise. He wished things were different. He wished Sherlock were the kind of man to feel remorse for his wrong doings but it just wasn’t so. He had always dreamed of the promise of growing up and getting married, raising a family, you know a proper up bringing but of course that seemed to be quite out of reach now. He would never get that opportunity because of Sherlock Holmes.

  26. I promise to always love you. We will be together forever. Our children will be there as well and we will be happy and content. I can not say what will happen to me, but, I know that I will need to help people, lots of people, all over the world. There needs to be change I have to try to make it.

    I promise that I will always do what I need to do to make sure you are well and happy.

    by DkH on 01.08.2013
  27. “I promise,” she said, dropping to one knee to look the little girl in the eye as she cuddled the kitten to her chest. He had been their first pet, adorable and beautiful. “I promise he’s happy, playing with all the other kittens in the sky. Didn’t you know that snow is just the kittens playing in thr flour of God’s kitchen?”

  28. “I promise I’ll come back.” The mother tiger told her three cubs as they watched with teary eyes as their mother went to go find food for herself. They waited all day but no sign of her return. Soon it was dark and the hungry cubs huddled together in the cave, trying to keep warm. The little striped cats waited but their mother never returned to them as she promised.

  29. words.
    You said words.
    I promised, and all you gave me were words.
    Thoughts of how I meant it to be.
    But you.
    just words.

    by Kristina Waters on 01.08.2013
  30. I promise I will always be there. I promise I will always love you. I promise I will never betray you. So many promises. So many words shattered like glass on the kitchen floor, swept up with bloody palms and washed with salty tears.

    by Danielle La Paglia on 01.08.2013
  31. The notion of a promise is an interesting one; we think that a simple word or letter has the power to bind us to an action. We believe that a simple symbolic act of language can and will dictate the future; we do this because it gives us unprecedented power over that unpredictable beast.

    by Shounak on 01.08.2013
  32. ”Promise me you’ll never leave me, pinky swear.” As she looked above herself to look to me with her innocent twinkled lit eyes. I felt the cover of guilt wrap around me knowing it would be the most empty promise I make. ” I pinky swear promise” with my oversized pinky tangled with hers.
    She smiled with such glee, it hurt me even more. Knowing one day she’ll blame herself for being so foolish to think that promises were real. And I’d be the first person to teach her this.
    We all learned at some time.

  33. Oh come on, that’s a pretty promising text message! She’s literally saying she’d like to see me again. I can assume something from that, can’t I? It’s not like she’s not giving any signals or anything, she’s totally into me. Well, maybe not totally but I’d be surprised if she’d say no.

    by on 01.08.2013
  34. nu trebuie să faci promisiuni pe care nu le poţi respecta. Cine s-ar fi gîndit că există şi o teorie a promisiunilor, autorul ei e mark burgess. Promise me

    by on 01.08.2013
  35. Heres the thing. I promised myself a few things, by default, I think. There were teh rules, there were the things I shouldnt do, wouldnt do… a few things. I wont tell you everything, that at least is a promise Id keep.

    by 1tothe3 on 01.08.2013
  36. Obligations to be fulfilled life to live live love. There exists nothing else henceforth be free of fear for there is nothing else to embrace

    by Logan on 01.08.2013
  37. I promise to keep you alive if I am given that responsibility. When all time stops and our lives end, I will give you mine so that you may see past the end. I have no desire to see such an event.

    by Walker on 01.08.2013
  38. I made a promise.
    But it was impossible to keep.
    I tried. It wasn’t to be.
    Some promises are golden, but some are made to be broken.

    You said you wouldn’t break my heart – you promised.

    But you broke that promise.

    by Heidi on 01.08.2013
  39. It was a promise that she broke, just like her own heart. Forever, til death, all the cliches. She tilted the ring in her hand, trying to capture the light just so, hoping to blind herself with it. She was alone now, in a strange city. She meant to feel free, but instead felt more trapped than ever before.

  40. I swear to enlighten the minds of the few who aren’t able to enter the…
    God, I can’t think of the rest. What was it? I have to make the journey tomorrow to find the green melon of truth. If I’m not sure by then, oh damn. OH DAMN. It’s ok, I’ll look to the screaming stars for answers, then I’ll know.. Then I will know.