
May 30th, 2011 | 939 Entries

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939 Entries for “remember”

  1. I remember when I got this word on “One Word”. It was only several seconds ago and here I am writing again! I wish I didn’t get hte same word- WAIT! I GET IT! OH!!! It’s a new word everyday! Got it!

    by Emily on 05.30.2011
  2. memories us moments happiness hurt the times laughter beauty we i you and i years jokes inside heart broken gold hugs kisses wonderful love

    by Sonia on 05.30.2011
  3. This word is used when people talk about their memories.. They might say “Remember when…?” or “I remember…” This could also be used in a forgetful state such as: “Do you remember where I put my glasses?”

    by Emily on 05.30.2011
  4. Remember the times that we spent together so long ago in the days when happiness ran between us like ocean tides? Those were good days. I often wish we could go back, that they were more than just memories. Perhaps then my life wouldn’t seem so bleak.

    by Devon Eaton on 05.30.2011
  5. i remember the time when we were young and you still loved with an open heart, oh i remember when i was full of sun and we danced in behind the knotted trees with our minds oh so still but now we’re away from each other and ourselves and now i remember what i used to be. do you still remember that old summer day when we’d lay beside the hay?

    by RK on 05.30.2011
  6. Remember, remember the 5th of November.
    The gunpowder, treason, and plot.
    I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason
    should ever be forgot.

    …V for Vendetta is SUCH an awesome movie :D

  7. one of the best ways to remember anything is to try and retain the smell of things. i remember things and people based on what they smelled like or what was prominent smell at the time. once i had a boyfriend who, though we were suppose to split up, i missed; turned out i missed his smell and eventually i figured out that i didn’t miss him, i missed garlic and that’s what he smelled like.

  8. …and the little girl sat, long and hard, desperately trying to recall what had happened the previous day. Fragments of a memory began to slowly form in her mind, and just as she could not bear to think this hard for much longer, the memory finally resounded in her mind, crystal clear, at last.

    by Emilia on 05.30.2011
  9. remember……a thinking process in the left side of the brain. Near the cerebral cortex….probably. woo!I The process pulls up info from short term & long term memory.

    by barb on 05.30.2011
  10. This sort of thing is designed to make you nostalgic, retrospective, and pensive. Does anyone exist who DOESN’T have some regrets? Some questions, about what life would be like had you made one different choice? And the smallest things count. Things you wouldn’t think matter, well, they always do.

  11. remember the times when i held you tight? the nights so long where we used to stay in the darkness, warm because we were close, but cold with the fear of losing each other. These memories are burned in my mind, forever to be remembered until the end of time

    by Caleigh Darragh on 05.30.2011
  12. Thoughts of the past lead to visions of the future. Reminiscence of years gone by; hope and dreams for years ahead. Remember the good, remember the bad. Remember each experience you’ve had,

  13. forget, i cant rememebr what i was that i was supposed to rememebre, maybe to learn to type faster with better accuracy, i seem to be having some trouble here, i hope the ohter ones on this site are as badly tyuped as this one, im going for lenght here, not accuracy. I wounder how well-typed and professional the others are…. remmeber

    by adam on 05.30.2011
  14. when we were so in love that everything was just us and we were never alone because we always had each other? remember how the best part of the day was touching me? remember our kiss? Remember our love?

    by Dominique Edwards on 05.30.2011
  15. Remember to floss. Always floss your teeth. If not you can get gross little thingies stuck between them that look really nasty. And usually no one will tell you, they’ll just awkwardly stare and have an internal struggle over whether to tell you. Also remember to wear sunscreen, otherwise you might get skin cancer, and that’s also quite awkward. Wanna go swimming? Nope, I got skin cancer. Awkward.

    by Kaitlin on 05.30.2011
  16. “Remember” Such a beautiful word yet so complicated. We use it all the time in our lives. We remember where we have been, who we have been with, what was present and what was not. Remembering allows us to go back to times where we felt happy or sad or lonely or loved. We remember to escape our present and escape to the past.

  17. I remember the sun that tanned my skin.
    I remember sprinting through the sprinklers.
    I remember feeling the dew covered grass between my toes.
    I remember long days spent with friends by my side.
    I remember summer.

  18. remember the times you appreciate the most cause this will be the memories that will make you hold on to something when you are feeling sad and depressed. the power to remember, no one can take that away from you. they might take you heart and mind but not your memories. use it wisely though and only remember the times you enjoyed and the times you are willing to replay again and again in your mind.

    by . on 05.30.2011
  19. I remember.
    I remember a time when things were different.
    I remember a time when things were this same.
    I remember this morning, when I woke up
    From a dream
    Which I don’t remember
    I remember years ago when
    People died
    And cried
    And I remember when I was a child
    I remember when I was happy
    And when I was not happy
    I remember when I spelled remember ‘rember’
    I rember being ten years old.
    I remember
    The past

    by Penny-Anna on 05.30.2011
  20. Ruchira. The most beautiful girl in the world. Her smiles the most wonderful thing I have seen.
    My childhood. I’m very fortunate to have all the pleasures i had in my life.
    God. I thank him for my life.
    Me. I’m awesome.

    by Amaltash on 05.30.2011
  21. You and I had so much fun in the summer, remember? We would hang out at the beach, party at the pool, and just swim our hearts out. It was amazing, beautiful, and it is completely nostalgic. I miss those days . . . and you.

    by Ankeeta Shah on 05.30.2011
  22. A thought of the past leads to a vision of the future. Reminiscence of years gone by… hope for years ahead.

    by Hannah on 05.30.2011
  23. She thought back on the moment it happened. She remembered as clear as yesterday the moment she fell in love with her husband. She was 14, in 8th grade, and he was lying on her bed. Fully clothed, nothing provocative at all. They were just catching up, and she fell in love with him.

    by Lela on 05.30.2011
  24. i remember going to the beach, like icecream and cold rootbeer. seaweed and lake muck only making it better, tall grass, and hot sand.

    by Alice on 05.30.2011
  25. remember

    I remember. I always remember. Good… bad… but I don’t often look at the good too much because then I think about the bad too. How someone died… what someone did… I think about endings, eventually. And I don’t want to think about those. So while I know the good memories are there, I don’t “look” at them too much, because it makes me sad in the end.

    by Noisy Quiet on 05.30.2011
  26. Remember is not always an easy thing to do. Seemingly voluntary, but at times something that comes so naturally and easily. The heart can try to forget but sometimes the mind comes back to tap the heart on the shoulder to remind. The mind does the same. We can never be sure who will be tapping, but we know nonetheless someone will remember.

    by Kate Cunningham on 05.30.2011
  27. Remembering what is important to you is tough. I can remember the day he left crystal clear, I can remember my first heart break, but more importantly I remember the laughs, great night with friends and I remember all of the love that my friends have given me. I guess you can say the good always outweighs the bad.

    by Ang on 05.30.2011
  28. Remember. Such a beautiful word. We use it all the time in our lives. We remamber where we have been, who we have been with, what was present and what was not. Remembering allows us to go back to times where we felt happy or sad or lonely or loved. We remember to escape our present and escape to the past.

    by tania on 05.30.2011
  29. Remember, remember, the fifth of november. Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot…

  30. “Remember.” She said it like I had a choice. How would I ever forget something like that. Our final night together had been a long time coming. We both knew it would get here, but that didn’t mean we had to go into it without a fight. If only we had won that fight, though.

    by Raymond Masters on 05.30.2011
  31. remember who you are, said the voice from the clouds
    looking down in a nearly comical fashion at the small discombobulated lion cub
    the heavens shook with the deep James Earl Jones chest voice speaking words of wisdom

    by oliver danni on 05.30.2011
  32. On Memorial Day we remember those who served our country to protect our freedoms and those who gave their lives in these efforts. It is not easy to remember what they have been through, we will never know that, but it is mandatory that we ALWAYS remember what they provided!

    by lisac on 05.30.2011
  33. How do we remember. It seems simple. Recalling. But how do we know that what we remember is what happened

    by Kelly on 05.30.2011
  34. Remember when we used to sit in the car and sing? we would just drive, with the windows down. music blasting, just living, and breathing feeling the wind in our hair. hands interlocked, even though you drive stick. those were some of the best moments. and i remember each and everyone. and how close i came to tears those last few times because i guess something in me knew that it would end all too soon.

    remember those times?

    by korrina on 05.30.2011
  35. old times… memories floooding back… good and bad stuff… recollect.. less often… rewind… laugh… cry…

    by stuti on 05.30.2011
  36. I remember when I was young and things were different. I remember that I’ve never fit in until I met her, but she couldn’t fit me in. I remember for happiness and grief. I won’t stop remembering for if I do, I will lose what I’ve learned.

    by Kersus on 05.30.2011
  37. It is Memorial Day, time to remember. But remember what? For some, it is time to remember military service and loved ones lost along the way. For others, it is time to remember summers spent building sand castles on sandy beaches, drinking lemonade on the boardwalk, or being stuck in traffic on the way to the shore. Or maybe it is the sales and the shopping that you remember.

  38. to remember. it is so much it is a thing entirely. to sit motionless and let the past experiences come back on call. the smells, sounds, feelings. to bring a moment back to life.

  39. Her skull feels so small. So small and her brain is like the size of a raccoon so obviously things hurt and she’d very much like Edgar to hand her the spoon so she could pop out her eyeballs and give her mind some room to breathe.

    Because that made sense.

    “Do you even remember last night?” he asks because he doesn’t have this existence obliterating hangover. He’s not vomiting. No bile on his lips.


    by SaeSae on 05.30.2011
  40. What can you remember? What can I remember? When our memories become faint and distant, the more we try remembering, the quicker we forget. But our memories aren’t gone, they are merely forgotten, and all it takes, is some bud to remember, and you can live in space, and cherish those memories for the rest of your life.