
January 24th, 2013 | 189 Entries

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189 Entries for “responsibility”

  1. you have a responsibility;
    the ice melts if you cry.
    the candle dies if you melt.
    the die rolls crooked if you respond.
    our responsibility is what consumes us.

  2. By turning the key, he ensures her safety. By turning the key, she becomes his sole responsibility. It would take time to change her strange ways; her callous disregard to authority; her arrogant replies to queries meant only to aid her rehabilitation. He turned the key, and the light from outside so refulgent it almost blinded him. But hope is there, and help is on her way.

  3. I am like my uncle and grandfather before me.

    The same streak of melancholy runs through our blood, taking us away before we hardly get to know the world around us.
    My grandfather determinedly scraped the inside of his arm with the dull edge of a pallet knife until his bathwater ran red.
    My uncle stood high upon the arch of a bridge before finding it in himself to let go of the railing, step off, and, as if on an afterthought, plummet to the waiting embrace of the Mississippi.
    I carelessly balance along the brinks of rooftops, tempting fate to relinquish its responsibility over me and finally let me fall.

  4. Responsibility is my middle name. I have the best of it. I am just epic. Like a panda that can sing. Did i mention i am also a compulsive liar? Yeah I have no responsiblilty or morals. Can you trust that I do’t have any morals?

    by Tayah on 01.24.2013
  5. There was a song back in the 60’s “What the World Needs Now Is Love Sweet Love.” I would change that to a sense of responsibility towards our fellow man. It’s so lacking today that it’s scary. Just look at the news headlines not those fake horror flicks. That’s what’s really frightening.

  6. The father and the leutenant. The Firefighter and the heron. nothing is anything without responsibility.

    by Kyle on 01.24.2013
  7. A responsibility to myself, to my lived life. I wish I would never even stop for a second to think about what happens next. Never should I spot, my mind be cracked by my tiring view of the world. But letting go of the responsibility gives life back to you.

    by Jan2510 on 01.24.2013
  8. responsibility is hard, but it´s worth taking. people are so afraid of it, but it´s actually freeing. you have a responsibility to do things, and be someone, that make you happy, and honors others. it´s a challenge worth taking.

    by meredith on 01.24.2013
  9. There is to much of it in the world. Teenagers like me all alike, hate it. Plain and simple.We love music and games. Nothing like this.Its prison for us.We dont wanna grow up.Never

    by Kimiu Kiayoushi on 01.24.2013
  10. Why does everyone always think I am responsible for taking care of them when I can barely get everything of my own done. It’s always the same, “Ugh why didn’t you bring this…” “You forgot to come and get me for that…” everything you do is now my “responsibility.”

  11. to do what is expected. to do what is right. to make the proper choice. to move forward doing what should be done

    by Kayla on 01.24.2013
  12. It was my responsibility to take care of him. I knew it. I knew I had to do whatever I had to do. I failed though. I couldn’t protect him from himself. I thought tough love was what he needed, I thought it would teach him to be honest with himself. To stop fearing others ridicule and to be happy with himself. I’m not sure if I should have just allowed him to hide behind his mask. If only he could know I had the best intentions.

  13. Wow. Big word. I guess I’d say that responsibility is something that you are both given and required to earn. It’s about growing up and growing strong. It can be abused, but it can also be used to do more good than anyone could possibly imagine.

    by Mahlz on 01.24.2013
  14. One of those things I so desperately want, and so desperately want to avoid. It comes with freedom, but it also comes with burden. It can be liberating, but it can be as equally smothering.

  15. Responsibility, a word no so difficult to describe but to apply. We learn how to use it with time and experience life.

  16. The man had no idea what to do. She was sitting there across the table, one arm cradling a teddy bear and a smile on her lips. “You’re my father.” His mind flew back through the years to that night and closed his eyes at the sweet memory of the smell of her hair and the scent of whiskey on her breath. He was into that kind of thing.

    by Bill on 01.24.2013
  17. One day I will be responsible. One day I will not be so irresponsible. Responsibility for me has gotten better over the years. Especially since I quit drinking. I’ve gotten much more responsible, but I could still use more of it in my life! I am responsible for all my own actions and the outcome of those actions.

  18. Responsibility can be such a heavy burden on an individuals’ shoulders. Everyone has some sort of responsibility. Newborns, to the elderly. Something is always expected of us; Something is our responsibility. A lot of people have difficulty accomplishing these,

    by Daniella on 01.24.2013
  19. i have always felts as though i do not take my responsibilities seriously enough, especially my financial responsibility. I do like the feeling of having responsibility, however. I dont feel like i take on enough.

    by Rachelle Borth on 01.24.2013
  20. Responsibility everyone must have. In the job, in home, in the life.

    by Emanuel on 01.24.2013
  21. Responsibility is the one thing that is keeping me together. I’m involved in so many things right now… so many people are counting on me. I fear letting anyone down, so I must keep on top of everything and I have to get everything done. Between class, work, and extra-curriculars, I have to make it through. It’s not even Friday yet of the spring semester and I’m already beginning to loose my mind.

  22. I am the eldest child in my family. I held the highest amount of responsibility growing up and now..I dont know how to live with out it. I strive for more and crumble under it. I occupy hours of my life with multitasking, running from job-to-job and now…I am with out it. I secretly wished for such a thing for a long time. “Me time” is all I wanted, and a few more hours of sleep.
    Now, I sleep too much. I have no more drive or want because this depression is consuming me.

  23. “Responsibility,” He whispered, “I have responsibility.”

  24. It was my fault. I was supposed to look after him. I wasn’t told that he was a wanderer. I don’t know what to do. I’m sitting down waiting for him to reappear. It hasn’t happened yet.

  25. Responsibility is a difficult thing to feel. It can be for yourself and all of the stupid things you do on a daily basis, or yourself in a sense of accomplishment. Responsibility is unfortunately what can make you feel your worst and best, and put forth all of your greatest flaws and successes forth to be examined under the world’s largest magnifying glass; how others view you every second.

  26. It’s every mother’s responsibility to see to her own child. She has to take care of him, be a constant reminder of the world outside and of the home ready at the end of the day. It seems so easy, when you look at it from the outside, but really, it’s the hardest thing–making decisions and pushing the way to a good life–but it’s also the most fulfilling thing in the world, so much that it doesn’t even even like a duty anymore.

  27. Responsibility sucks. Who wants to take responsibility for anything they do wrong? Not me (obviously)! I mean I wouldn’t mind if my parents just paid for everything for the rest of my life. That would be great…not really. Never mind.

    by Ashley on 01.24.2013
  28. Responsibility. You are my enemy and my best friend. I feel so stressed because of you, but you also give me purpose. I hate when classmates say, “You are so responsible!” What does that even mean

    by Mo on 01.24.2013
  29. It was his duty to love her he stated as he kissed her hand. “I love you more than anything I’ve ever known” she thought, it’s my responsibility.

    by Mandy on 01.24.2013
  30. Twice I’ve left this page, frustrated that the word that revealed itself was one that felt so dreadfully ironic. Maybe it’s a sign, maybe it’s just coincidence. Have I forgotten about responsibility? No. I don’t think I ever could. As tempted as I would ever be, this is my life, and I have a responsibility to others and to myself not to give up. I can’t keep letting my defeats hang on me like dirty clothes covered in muck. I have to rise above this. This is my life, I only get this one shot.

  31. response to an ability in the brain so insane that makes you work on instinct to do what makes you you.

  32. I have the resposibitlity to look after myself. It is important that I look after myself because I am special. There is noone like me. I am unique.

    by Tui on 01.24.2013
  33. Why is everyone always responsible for me and I am responsible for nobody and nothing? Even the dog, she seems to look out for herself. She has to remind me to give her her pills, and my boyfriend covers my ass when I forget. I guess to be responsible, you can’t be forgetful. And thats me.

    by Vanessa on 01.24.2013
  34. Its an action where you have to be mature with something or someone…

  35. Responsibility is what you’re supposed to do, what other expect you to do but it’s never what you really want to do. It’s the curse this world has put upon us.

    by brittany on 01.24.2013
  36. dont give me excuses Jeremy it was your responsibility to watch lilly while me and your father were out I don’t care how she burnt off all her hair. I don’t want to know how it happened all i care about is the fact it was your responsibility to keep her safe.

    by grace on 01.24.2013
  37. He pushed me down and said to do whatever I wanted, he wouldn’t be help responsible for my actions anymore. I heard the anger in his voice, but in his fiery gaze I saw the threat: don’t go against him again, or I would have to endure more than just one violent shove.

  38. I love having the responsibility of being a mother. There is nothing more rewarding in the entire world for me. It has helped me to grow into a mature human being. Being resposible for another life is outstanding.

    by Courtney on 01.24.2013
  39. It’s amazing how you can be given command over multi million dollar pieces of equipment, and men that cast millions of dollars to train, and when you get into the civilian world, all they see is the bogeyman from their nightmares.

  40. When I drink, I lose it completely. I talk and talk- mouth opens, closes, a spasm of redness that lets out endless tucked away secrets. The sparkling vodka crystals disintegrate, disappear from my bloodstream and I am left deflated. Low. I consider faking my own death and wonder why my own tongue is so quick to betray me.

    by on 01.24.2013