
April 16th, 2011 | 393 Entries

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393 Entries for “luxurious”

  1. I go to jewelry shop. I think I want to buy a luxurious gift for my partner. We have a long relationship but I have never given her special gift.

  2. in the lap…
    a soft warm bed of nothing to do today.
    a bed of comfort with the hard world all around.
    it is the mind that puts us there.

    by Nate on 04.17.2011
  3. I’ve always imagined movie star’s lives as luxurious. You know, the ones where they have fancy cars, big mansions, people following around them and all that stuff. But I suppose my life is very luxurious as well. I am so grateful to have the clothes on my back, a roof over my head and delicious food to eat. So in a way, my own life is luxurious too! :)

    by Lyra Tan on 04.17.2011
  4. in an effort to be better than the moment I’d escape into a dream of colors and endlenss thoughts of being and in the end the image reflected me, my thoughts, my hopes and the faith that in it all was the fullfillment of luxury.

    by Lakeisha on 04.17.2011
  5. People want their life to be luxurious, they may not admit it, but they know they want it. That is what we work for. luxurious may be a word for others but it is what I live for.

    by Sheen on 04.17.2011
  6. the feel of the warm sheets wrapping my body in comfort and the feeling of a full stomach. Parmesan encrusted tilapia and mashed sweet potatoes, a lovely salad and a peaceful mind…

    by denise goforth on 04.17.2011
  7. That chair. The one in the dn. It’s got leather from some animal, im not sure which. that chair my grandpa used to sit in. now i sit there. during football games i sit there with a glass of ice cold soda. when its snowing outside i sit there with a book and feel teh warmth of the fireplace. my fuzzy socks slide on the leather. i held a baby there once. and sit on people’s laps. that chair is so luxurious.

  8. i want to lead a luxurious life. Not like a king but like a hero.
    luxurious in thinking and habits.
    I also want to share this with others. That is my concept.

    by R.SIVASAILAM on 04.17.2011
  9. log in is a word. You can log in your email and talk to friends. You can log in and have a blast in games. You can log in and just have plain fun like Stumble Upon!

    by Abbey5760 on 04.17.2011
  10. I wish I had one of those really luxurious lives. Well then again, I really have one. Pretty cool huh? Well, not really. I wish I had luxury of thoughts, of words, of emotions, of how I wish I could be. Mere material luxury is not really what I want. Just the freedom to be myself, express who I am without having someone breathing down my neck. That is the kind of luxury want!

    by Alexander on 04.17.2011
  11. Fancy. A beautiful spa. And soft sheets. The feeling you have when you get to do something you don’t normally get to do, it feels special.

    by Erin on 04.17.2011
  12. luxurious is the mind that lives for now, leaving the troubles of what-ifs and what’s to come for when it comes.

  13. Rich. Ppeople who enjoy the better things in life and money, spoiling themselves.

    by Sam on 04.17.2011
  14. less than that, it was so much more. the softness under my fingers sent shivers all over my body and i wanted to just lie there with him- couldnt i never return? this moment was perfection- it was the magic of a dream with the happiness of real life. i couldnt wake up from this one

    by molly on 04.17.2011
  15. John wasn’t used to such luxurious accommodations; in fact, he was a little taken aback by it all after having spent the last ten years of his life in a six by ten cell. “And os it begins,” he thought as he looked down upon Manhattan. “Time to get back to work.”

  16. life is luxurious, we may not seem to realise it but in fact it is. We look at a sky filled with wonders a planet filled with sights and we need to make the best of this luxury. We have opportunities and we can make better of them. i truly believe we have the capability to indulge.

    by Ren on 04.17.2011
  17. That’s The Artsist’s Way author, Julia Cameron’s favourite word. You should treat yourself to little luxuries, as a creative, she says. Which is true. Today after showering, for example, I put some body lotion on. Which smelled nice. Did it enhance my creativity? I should hope so. There are things to write.

  18. Luxurious is a car that provides you comfort and makes for an envy to neighbours and friends. Luxury is when you have a bed and can spend a day in it.

    by neha on 04.17.2011
  19. Luxurious connotes expensive. Advertisers call it luxurious to justify the higher price. Coffee, for example, really should cost $50 a cup, but if it’s LUXURIOUS coffee, well then. And check out that girl’s hair. That hair, well, is luxurious! Your hair, could use some help!

  20. Describing carpet or anything expensive in an attempt to persuade a consumer to purchase the item. The coffee might also be luxurious. Especially if it costs $50 a bag, or more. Hair might feel luxurious- again- especially since mine will never be that thick or flowing.

    by 80price on 04.17.2011
  21. Is the simple things as they appear before you, drapped in something more extravegant than expected. Luxurious does not mean gaudy or overdone, but rather, done just enough, and with more intelligence than the one next to you. Luxury is relative, as are you, seemingly more purposeful than poise, as are you.

    by CJR on 04.17.2011
  22. wealthy rich luxurious. not always true. Luxury lies in the eyes of the beholder. It may never be the same for you as it is for me. What is luxurious to you, anyway?

  23. luxurious, the embellished form of luxury. It makes one think of a pillow, or their bed, or a plushy red cushion, which sits upon your favorite couch. You know, the couch that lures you into a sense of security, of happiness, of sleep. And you never awake again.

    by sean on 04.17.2011
  24. nice. wonderful. great. incredible .magic.

    by francesca on 04.17.2011
  25. Everyday I dream of food that would never reach my mouth, of those dresses I would never wear, the places I would not get to see, and all those I can not do. How does it feel to be luxurious?

  26. and a bit of sun and a light breeze and the fields a feast for eyes buttery gorse and lush emerald grass, the powder soft scent of meadowsweet in the hedgerows and the loch a deep and gem-like turquoise, leverets on the hill and fulmars skimming the cliff edge and the time and the will to see it

    by geraldine on 04.17.2011
  27. what a terrific word, to start with. lux means light in Latin. it has something to do with chic, style, quality and grace. many things can be luxirious.

    by Timmy Shanti on 04.17.2011
  28. Since when does life ever get luxurious?

  29. The couch was so luxurious. The room smelled of a clean hotel. Fresh crisp sheets, a brand new room. The room was lovely. Pink with lots of flowers. Very luxurious.

    by mydreamreality on 04.17.2011
  30. It wasn’t anything luxurious, the older car that it was. The seats, vinyl, were cracked, scraped, and torn, bits of bright yellow foam peeking out from within. The steering wheel had been brushed clean of its texture, and the shifter worn, but it was more than it seemed — that old Ford represented something much more to me then, a reach so far beyond anything I’d had before.

  31. the car is the most luxurious thing in the world as it can support any aomount of anxieties of one being.or example, the car can give a high adrenaline rush wthe winds at 100 moph g through your hair.

    by Nalin Sharma on 04.17.2011
  32. 600 thread count sheets bought for marriages that never last.

    by nicholas on 04.17.2011
  33. Luxurious, someday I’d like to find out what that really means. Does it mean to be surrounded by the extravagant or to simply enjoy what is already magnificent around you?

    by Reginald Romero on 04.17.2011
  34. She laid back as the pillows surrounded her head. The bed was soft; she couldn’t remember it having been that soft before. The minutes stretched out before her and she smiled, taking a long, slow breath as the sun set outside her bedroom.

    by Joel Bradford on 04.17.2011
  35. i wish i lived in a luxurious house. one with a giant indoor pool and my own huge room with a window seat and attached bathroom. Id also love it if i had my own full sized dance studio with mirrors and everything.

    by Jeanine on 04.17.2011
  36. The luxury we’re afford, affords us time to be board. Sadness drips like water beads tapping into a tin bucket.

    by Sam Trotman on 04.17.2011
  37. beautiful woman with a large house. no man in sight. she is laying in bed with his eyes closed and a smile on her face, but she is sad. she is lonely. she feels empty with all of these wonderful things surrounding her. she’d rather have friends, someone to love than this house.

    by Chelsie on 04.17.2011
  38. you are luxurious, your smile your hair and the way your eyes glisten in the sun. Luxurious, you are a luxury. Luxury, what does that mean?.. Everybody is luxury at the end of the day. Different types of luxury.

    by Selly on 04.17.2011
  39. quality beautiful bathed riches diamonds lucky comfortable comfort love feel sexy winning hope hawaii feel rich wealthy pampered feel bad about it. why not. vacation happiness

    by Chris on 04.16.2011
  40. The things I’ll never know. Luxury, love, mercy. I was created out of desperation of war… a war between two sides, a war out of boredom. I am the Chalice, I am damned.

    by rakashael on 04.16.2011