
June 10th, 2011 | 482 Entries

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482 Entries for “rise”

  1. I saw the sun rising outside my window. It’s bright yellow rays flooded inside my window like a lemonade spilling through a clear water glass.
    I breathed in the sweet morning air and wondered what surprises await me for this beautiful day.
    I close back my window pain and took a last glance outside.
    Such a beautiful day.

    by TeeTee on 06.10.2011
  2. I would like to rise to greatness one day. I will rise to see from a new perspective. Rise to new heights of education and knowledge.
    Rise rice ice lice fries burgers I’m kind of out of stuff to write about.

    by Austin on 06.10.2011
  3. The anger rose up inside of me at the mention of her. I didn’t even know her; I had no clue what my problem was. But the two encounters I did have with her were not the best. And I didn’t want it to be true. I felt a pang in my stomach, and I knew this wasn’t normal. I didn’t want to care. I didn’t want to like him. No one wants to like their best friend. It just ruins things.

  4. Jensen thought that was about time to rise from the dead. He opened his eyes fully and yawned loudly so as to let the naked hummer and the angel know that he was amongst the living. Both of them stopped what they were doing and looked at him without blinking.

  5. Rise. And follow? Rise and shine? Or maybe rise and dream. Turn dreams from fantasy to reality. Chase those castles in the air as they gallop through the sky. Don’t touch the ground – keep your head up in those clouds.

  6. He looked out upon his kingdom, the rotting empire it was. With a solemn sigh, he rose to his feet and walked through the river of ichor before him.

  7. I didn’t know when I was going to wake up. I honestly just wanted to sleep but my alarm clock kept ringing “RISE AND SHINE! TIME FOR ANOTHER DAY!” I wanted to kill that mother fucker and all it’s glory. I hit the snooze button for the umpteenth time and went back to sleep.

    by Emily on 06.10.2011
  8. Rise and shine. Rise above. robot uprising. I for one welcome our refreshingly resistant robot overlords. Although, my favorite apocalypse scenarios all involve zombies. Robots vs. zombies, Fight!

  9. I woke up and watched the sun rise. A bird was chirping from outside my window. The air was warm and stirred by the occasional breeze. I smiled. Summertime was glorious.

  10. “Rise above them”, she screamed. “Rise above their sorry excuses for insults and lame interpretations of what it means to be superior.” “But they are superior, aren’t they?” was the feeble reply. “Only if you let them. Without you choosing to be below the have no one to be above. Rise up to meet them.”

  11. One of my favorite things in life is to be driving on a road trip and to watch the sun rise in a new place I’ve never seen before.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 06.10.2011
  12. the sun rises in the morning over the mist from the lake..as the sun goes higher the ducks sart to swm in the warmth of the sun and the loom gives it’s call

    by Marianne Harlos on 06.10.2011
  13. Rise to the sun. It will calm you. Rise to the sound of the alarm, you need to begin your day. Rise your standards on life, you don’t want something low class, and sucky. So just rise your life.

    by on 06.10.2011
  14. “Rise to the occasion”

    His voice was cold, as it always was, and she shuddered, wondering what would happen if she failed to obey the command.

    by Amai on 06.10.2011
  15. sinking in a pool, a rock shaped mould, the outlines of jelly and the streaming sounds of water, chanting me on and on. Jump they shout, and at some point i do, the sounds of thunder as I enter the pool, exhiliarting bubbles popping and kissing. circling around my own vision. Rising up and inhaling the air, relinquishing a moment that in a second meant everything but so little.

    by Red wine tonight on 06.10.2011
  16. The sun is rising. It’s just a sliver of lemon on the horizon, but it’s rising a little higher with every passing moment, and knowing that the long night is over, and the daylight is here is the most reassuring beautiful thing.

  17. Up and above someting, tat is a rise. You can rise to te top or you can rise to te best you you can be. Rising is all about up. Weter tat is up and over, or just up continuously as to do wit te person. To rise above a callenge means to defeat it. Rising is never bad, unless you rise into a fan, ten it’s bad.

    by Kasey on 06.10.2011
  18. To open your eyes and rise to whatever the day may bring. Are you ready for it?

    by Sue on 06.10.2011
  19. I was up early. Not to rise with the sun, but because my life had reached a point where sleep was nothing but a distraction. A distraction from what my desires had set forth as a priority. My goal was to destroy and I lived and breathed that goal.

  20. The sun comes up with a red-yellow glare. Light shines through shutters casting illuminated shadows on sleepy faces – morning arises. Birds start their song and leaves move to the breeze – coffee a smell that makes the mind wake with the life that surrounds it.

  21. The acting of rising about one’s faults and transgretions is a long journey. It is equally as difficult to recognize your strengths and rise to use them to your advantage. Like rising to any challenge, you must first choose a course of action.

    by KimKim on 06.10.2011
  22. up and up and again. Can’t wait. This is, for those who don’t know, one of the most important things for me lately. I will (and cannot stop until I do) get to where I foresee success as the optimal apex that this present foundation can uphold.

  23. Rising is hard! I am not a morning person, but I do it, because I have to. I can’t seem to rise from this certain spot in my life, but I keep trying because I have to. I’m waiting for it to get a little less hard, both in this spot and the morning.

    by Nia on 06.10.2011
  24. Rise to your potential. Do what you want. Rise to what you want and rise to your own expectations. Find a goal and achieve it – be sincere in choosing it. Rise to meet your goal. Rise to the sun at the end of the world before its gone.

    by Mark Hollenbeck on 06.10.2011
  25. Rise, rise up. Fight the power. That’s what we should do, right? Make a difference, make a chance. We all… we all want to. But somehow we don’t. And that’s sad, awfully sad.

  26. “Time to rise and shine,” Mom called. I was NOT ready for the first day of school. Today is the first day of junior high. I am now sitting in my third hour class, and so far life isn’t too bad. That is… AFTER mom stood outside waving at the school bus as we drove away, I tripped down the stairs, and I got my hand caught in my locker.

    by Karen Greenberg on 06.10.2011
  27. like bread. Makes me think of the song Arise by Flyleaf. And the sun. The sun is a cool thing. Except it’s not really cool, more so hot. I don’t like it when it’s really hot outside. Then the temperature RISES. haha. I’m so lame. Okay. There. Rise. Like bread. and the sun.

    by Vicky on 06.10.2011
  28. rise up to the top… rise all the way to the sky.. ana rising high vueling style.. rise sir… rise to see another day. rise rise nighhaz

    by bo on 06.10.2011
  29. Rise above what others tell you you should be. You are beautiful you- and no one else. Rise to every occasion that screams your name. Rise from scraped knees and consider the fall a foundation block to a better, more enriched you. Rise above the petty and smell a rose, smile with a baby, and watch the sun set. Rise to meet the road. Rise above the rim and slam dunk the negative- say boo yah!

  30. you rise as hard as fall. it can be really hard to rise above what people expect you to do. They expect you to fit inot their mold and you just don’t. You have to rise above and be who you want to be even if it is hard

    by Claire on 06.10.2011
  31. It’s already so damn hot. I slept four hours and the AC is broken and it’s only going to get hotter. If I could argue for wearing underwear on “Casual Friday” this is the day. I’m facing Mr. Printy’s porn habit, crying babies with bleeding noses, chatty old women and faxing, phoning, multi-tasking. I wipe away the sweat, groan, roll out of bed and call to say I’ll be late.

  32. rise up from the day in a way that will enhance the smells and senses that you feel from nature , from earth , from the people that surround you. Rise up from the day and shout out what you want in life and get it

    by Jenny Doran on 06.10.2011
  33. I rise up in the moring wit the sun and see the animals and the bright red pink sky. It is cold and chilly but the sun brings warmth to all of the word and all of its people. As the sun rises the moon sets.

    by Megan Morrow on 06.10.2011
  34. still I rise.
    a poem about fighting racism against black people.
    no punctuation shows she wont stop. rise is present, ongoing.
    compares herself to the oceans and tides- constant and strong. cannot be stopped by man.
    not to be exploited.

    by Charlotte Samuelson on 06.10.2011
  35. The hazy morn ails from the seas before us
    We’re lucid and lost in passage as the
    Last drops are savored,
    Sunrise and whiskey swirling
    In our aged bottle of nostalgia
    Sleepless, men of our condition
    Are forever risen in redundant waves.

    by Shana on 06.10.2011
  36. i want to rise above everyone’s expectations, to be better. rise in face of hard times, which will never come less. rise before my fears and let go

    by katherine on 06.10.2011
  37. Rise and fall, it’s so odd. Sometimes you’re there, the next second you’re down. I remember there was a song about that.. Rise up. don’t we all try. I bloody rise up every day when I wake up and get up but I somehow managed to fall just as much, it’s so stupid. I know bout ups and downs and all but this is just ridiculous.I wish I could rise now though, cause I’m down and out. Sucks, big time. Anyway.

    by Alex on 06.10.2011
  38. i already did this and it deleted it. i dont want to again. sorry

    by kaelynn marie on 06.10.2011
  39. i’ve started thinking which means that its not coming from a place of flow but a place of edit and critique but i think of members of phallic of lunar and energy and myself not being able to, children doing it too quickly and viagra mucking the whole thing up, like a helium balloon i hope to meet you there beyond the

  40. Rise.
    Of the heat moving from my belly to the rest of my limbs.
    Of power squelching the weak.
    Of my Christmas dinner. The mashed potatoes didn’t settle so well.
    Of the sun revealing the early morning dew.
    Of my head, shoulders and chest as I flow into upward facing dog.
    -By Shawnee Randolph

    by Shawnee on 06.10.2011