
January 20th, 2012 | 207 Entries

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207 Entries for “runway”

  1. This seems like everything my soul would want, to run away on a runway. If only there has been a runway for everything in life. An exit. A way where we can exit and escape the problems we face in everything we do in our lives. If only there’s a runway everywhere!

    by Salma El-Khamy on 01.20.2012
  2. My good friend, runway, has introduced me to the concept of genius. He showed me that you can’t guess what will come. You can’t imagine it. You can always be surprised. Enjoy that! Let your mouth fall open, and enjoy the flies that get in.

    by emily on 01.20.2012
  3. I looked down from my spot on the runway. I saw their faces–the people that judged me every day and decided who I was and how I was to feel. I blinked, and the camera flashes and shouts were gone. They no longer existed within me. I wasn’t a word that was easily defined; I was more complicated than they could ever imagine and fitting me into a labeled box was something I would never let them do. I was me, and they were nothing.

  4. The runway came fast as they landed with a bump of relief, amazing, I was alive again and had survived the great tube of metal miraculously flying through the sky at great heights and speed. Now to survive life on the ground now that you are no longer walking on it and have flown with no need of wings.

  5. Planes, flight, magic. People don’t appreciate how great it is to be ale to fly. People complain too much aout flight delays. People who don’t look out the window are crazy.

    by Jams on 01.20.2012
  6. I peer around infront of me, the harsh lights hitting my face. My makeup is applied harshly, my eyes rimmed with black eyeliner, my face painted perfectly. It was my time to go.

    Without hesitation, I take a long stride forward, letting my soul fly free. I strut down the runway, trying not to tug at my designer’s dress. No one can stop me.

    by Kim on 01.20.2012
  7. I feel like standing in the middle of the runaway and letting the plane run right over me. It’s been a hell of a day. So, here I come, if anyone’s interested let me know I’ll be right there!

  8. He stared at the runway watching her silhouette as she swayed past- willowy, dark haired, a smirk on her patrician features. He should never have come here. And then her eyes settled on him for a second and the smirk widened. She turned and she was gone. He stared at the deserted runway. He should never have come here.

    by AA on 01.20.2012
  9. She walked down the runway, her long legs stretching out in front of her as if she were taking a stroll along a sunny French street on her way to a cafe somewhere where she would meet her lover. Her face was drawn and taught, her cheekbones prominent in her thin face.

  10. I guess runway simply makes me think of the models that get paid to starve themselves to look pretty. I can’t think of anything pleasant to write about this, so I don’t know if I should write more at all. I suppose.

  11. They cleared ice off the
    Windshield of our tiny rick rackety air craft
    The stewardess asked us to place our belts
    Low and tight around our necks…
    “Hips people! I meant HIPS!” She cried
    A smile broadening on her wisened face
    Two students from Juliard sand a winter song
    Out loud to the passengers on board
    As we prepared for take off.

    by ellie griffith on 01.20.2012
  12. Hate you too!!!!

    by SHYanna on 01.20.2012
  13. When i think of a runway i think of models! I also think of Americas Next top model! And tyra Banks!

    by SHYanna on 01.20.2012
  14. i hate you shyanna.

    by Awesome on 01.20.2012
  15. Heyy Alexis!

    by SHYanna on 01.20.2012
  16. catwalks

  17. i hate everyone on the run way forget u brats !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! : 0

    by Awesome on 01.20.2012
  18. One day i wanted to be on a runway. i want to be a model walking on the run way

    by Awesome on 01.20.2012
  19. The boy who runs away is bound to do it again and again. After running away once it becomes ingrained in you and becomes your immediate thought for escape. Is it going tough? runway.

  20. I strutted down the runway, the intermittent flashes of nosey journalists agitating me as I made my way to the end. I was modelling some indie italian designers latest “haute-couture” collection and to be frank it looks ridiculous; shiny, metallic, frumpy dresses or outlandish, bizarre designs made the up the vast majority of the dresses on the runway, and I felt like a complete idiot showcasing some of them.

    by Ian on 01.20.2012
  21. Models

    by SHYanna on 01.20.2012
  22. the freedom of taking to the road, a runaway with no one to look out for but yourself. You can could go anywhere. get lost in the vast expanses of unexplored land.

    by charlotte weston on 01.20.2012
  23. I want to run away sometimes. I want to live my life as someone else. I want to see what its like to have to work. I know its hard… but I can do it. I know I can. It will be alright. I’ll see you on the other side of the tracks I guess!!

  24. Runway

    My first thought was “Runaway.” – I’ll save that for tomorrow maybe ;)


    A friend and I took a modeling class together when we were around 14 yrs old. Our mothers signed us up. It was… odd.

    I wasn’t interested in modeling, and to be honest, neither were the teachers. The whole purpose of the “class” was to teach teens about how to improve their health, their hair, their bedrooms, their clothes, their makeup, and oh look! This store has ALL the items you need for this! You can get them after class if you’d like!

    The class did culminate with a fashion show and runway walk. We were taught nothing about that of course. I didn’t like my outfit, I didn’t like my makeup, but there was free food. There was always free food. That was the best part of the course. If nothing else, my friend and I definitely ate our parent’s money’s worth of cheese, fruit, and vegetable platters.

    by Noisy Quiet on 01.20.2012
  25. that second time we met,
    i told you i’d
    always wanted to
    the runway,
    in something big
    and bold
    and pink
    i said.
    with glitter, i said.
    you laughed
    i told you that you’d
    have to be in
    the audience,
    and never take your eyes
    off of me.
    and now i’m walking
    and they’re all staring
    and my mind is exploding
    and i’m here
    you’re there.

  26. Rogues run rampage on the run-away runway.

  27. Dívala jsem se na ranvej. Nemohla jsem se dočkat, když konečně přistane letadlo. Čas příletu byl kolem jedné hodiny. Na obloze se konečně objevilo letadlo. Nadskočila jsem radostí a pak jsem si uvědomila, že se na mě musí všichni v hale dívat a tak jsem zrudla. Nemohla jsem sice vědět, že je to zrovna jeho letadlo, ale doufala jsem.

  28. Down the runway. Faster and faster. Until suddenly we were no longer safe on the ground. No longer close to home. No longer 15 minutes away. Until I found myself far away from any light left in the night, finding myself in a new world of boots and Stetsons.

  29. I grabbed the cat that was tearing down my driveway.
    “This runaway is going nowhere.” I told Jared. “He’s stay home, unlike his mother, she was to wild to keep.”
    “Don’t you think it’s cruel to keep him?” He asked, stroking the kitten.
    “No,” I answered. “If i didn’t he would be out to sleep.”

    by delilah on 01.20.2012
  30. the second time we met,
    you told me you’d
    always wanted to
    the runway,
    in something big
    and bold
    and pink
    you said.
    with glitter, you said.
    you told me that i’d
    have to be in
    the audience,
    and never take my eyes
    off of you.
    but now you’re there
    i’m here.

  31. Instantly I think of bravo! Why? Because I’m obsessed. I am in love with Tabatha, Patty, Brad, Heidi and all those sexy housewives!

  32. Ankles twist in
    elegant straps as feet
    not down a runway
    but four concrete steps,
    riddled with cracked memories
    and the glamour
    of freedom.

    by on 01.20.2012
  33. He settled down to try and sleep, hiding himself as tightly as he could amongst a cluster of old cardboard boxes on the edge of the runway. Away from this, and all around, was flat, expressionless wasteground, with a high wirelink fence all round. In this, the only safe place he could find, and away from the security personnel, he tried to find comfort in the warmth of boxes. From his left, he heard a terrifying scream, growing in volume, and coming out of the dark. It became so loud that his brain shook inside his skull, and the very ground might open up because of it. He was suddenly knocked sideways by an unseen hand, and as he struggled to get upright, a box was thrown up into his face.
    And suddenly, as the scream subsided, the unseen hand vanished, and all was calm again, save for a low, increasingly distant drone of engines.
    He watched a giant, fading black object disappear off to his right. It screeched to a halt almost a mile away.
    It had taught him a valuable lesson. Choose your sleeping quarters with more care.
    This was going to be a long night.

  34. Es ist ein Weglaufweg. Er ist in ständiger Veränderung begriffen. Dahin, wo Menschen nicht mehr weiter wissen, kleine Menschen, Kinder allermeist, bewegt er seinen Anfang. Da kommt er hin, damit sie aufsteigen können. Manchmal nehmen auch andere Kinder die Chance wahr. Solche die nur einen kleinen Streit haben oder einen ganz großen. Aber bestimmt ist er für die wirklich verzweifelten.

    by EliEli on 01.20.2012
  35. I walked. They looked.
    My heart jump-started,
    but I maintained composure.

    They needed me to seem effortless.
    If I didn’t, I might fall.
    From grace.

    And then

  36. Do you see them? Those models? They’re so beautiful from afar. Get closer and you can tell that some of them are sick. Watch them strut down that runway. Does it look like they’re enjoying it?

    by Dawn on 01.20.2012
  37. runway. i’ll be taking a trip next week. 2 hours in the a.m. and 2 hours that night. on the runway, i will plan my day, then on the runway i will rehash my day. my best work is done on the runway.

    by robineh on 01.20.2012
  38. The runway was covered with glitter, sparkles still fell from the over head buckets. However, it was completely deserted except for the body centre stage. Everyone had run in terror but the body remained, dusted with the now brilliant red plastic stars.

  39. On the runway were three jet planes. One was missing a wing. A pilot sat in one that had run out of fuel. Oil was scarce these days, and no mechanic bothered with the old corporate machines anymore. Everything had their own projectile with added engine and choice of oil or alternative energy product.

    The pilot was still wearing his uniform, twisting the braid on his cap. He remembered days with sashaying stewardesses, safety announcements, and blank-eyed passengers. He remembered flying. He remembered power.

    by Belinda Roddie on 01.20.2012
  40. I always wanted to be a runaway, thought it would be dramatic. Was one once. Five years old, and I packed my baby doll crib with all of my pajamas and underwear When I got to the front door, i was met by my mother who opened the door for me and let me out.

    by melanie on 01.20.2012