
October 27th, 2010 | 275 Entries

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275 Entries for “siren”

  1. i think of my father, the big truck, the low rumble, the smell of the tires, the red and the flashing lights. and the siren. my hero wears turnout gear and comes heralded with sirens.

    by Lisa on 10.28.2010
  2. Ambulance. You can hear it, closer, closer. You want it to come quicker, so you can get out of this car. Left shoulder, it hurts, unimaginable pain, bearable, but nothing like you’ve felt before. What will happen? What will happen?

  3. siren testing to see if my fb feed works today…nothing to see here… move along, please… sorry to take up space… woo woo woo woo woo (who are those men with the funny jackets?)

  4. The sirens spoke serenely, yet they spoke so meanly? If I would deem a siren to seem too dream, she would not emerge too cleanly.

    by Scott on 10.28.2010
  5. Is a sexy mythical creature who destroys men with a seductive song of temptation.

    by Pollyanna on 10.28.2010
  6. That time when we were driving around by Grandpa’s apartment, and that fire truck turned the wrong way down the one way street right at us. I had never seen anything so bring, heard anything so loud. I suppose fire trucks can’t go the wrong way, but we awkwardly had to stop, back up, and maneuver around it.

  7. neeeeeeee naaaaaaaw neeeee naaaaaaw
    the noise which can lead to death, tragedy, destruction, lost limbs or terrible wrong doings.
    so wonderful to the ears of a child.

  8. makes a big noise on top of vehicles to get other vehicles out the way.
    also used to warn people that something is happening which they should react to.
    sirens are used mostly for emergencies.

    siren can also be a feminine allure to trap men, like a mermaid attracting sailors.

    by ben on 10.28.2010
  9. once upon a time i was trapped in the water until a siren came to rescue me from near death. it was like a glowing light coming towards me from heaven. it turned out it was the police and i shouldnt have been swimming in the church.

    by andy on 10.28.2010
  10. The siren was wailing in the street. I could hear the sudden scream from nextdoor. Something was wrong. I ran outside my house to find the neighbor covered in blood with a knife in his hand.

  11. The siren blasted through the town as the frightened people ran for their lives. What was it? Where was it? Many had seen the lively, enormous creature drop from the sky, but no one knew the destruction it would cause! Look out!

    by Sandra on 10.28.2010
  12. The siren screeched and the ground shook violently. The walls crumbled around me and the lights fell crashing to the ground. As I cowered under the bed, dust clouds slowly obscured most of my vision. Yet the distinct crude symphony of plane engines, people crying and shouting, gun fire and ear-splitting explosions made it all clear. The enemies had arrived.

    by Rae on 10.28.2010
  13. She is there. I see her. She is waiting. I am on my way. I cannot wait to cross this ocean between us. I am nearing her now. We will become one. We are one. I am nearly there now. I feel her enveloping me in her warmth and love. I am here. I am home. I am loved. I love.

  14. The sirens of Greece, beautiful women, deadly outcomes. When I think of sirens I think of that lustrous temptation, the women ‘they’ wish we were and the warning bells of the disaster that ‘they’ created us to be. We’re black holes with ornate entrances, an inviting exterior with self-destructive interior – if only someone had warned me before I entered myself.

    by Riikka on 10.28.2010
  15. There was no ignoring the siren sound of her voice. He could pick it out of a crowd or, more accurately, it picked him out. Swooshed into his ear canals like ocean waves, sloshing inside his head and slamming his brain and sizzling his frontal cortex like sausage. Umm. Sausage. Did he smell breakfast?

    by gino on 10.28.2010
  16. (continued from “Shore”) A siren blares as someone calls a hospital. I see a man in a suit, dying from the gunshot. The EMS team will have to save him; I’ll make sure he doesn’t get shot again…

  17. the beautiful lullaby lulled me to a comatose state. feeling faint and near paralysis, something inside me woke up and drew me nearer the boats edge. the roaring sea below me made vicious snarling sounds, but through them i could hear the tingling melody. i couldn’t stop myself from plunging toward the splendid siren, and my death

  18. The siren went off and all I could think was what would happen after this is over. The doors start to shut and I wander if I will ever make it inside. My world has suddenly started to flash by at lightning speed. I knew I wouldn’t make it, I knew I’d be here trapped forever in this dark.

    by Unknown on 10.28.2010
  19. She was rather ugly and labouring under the impression she could sing like a siren. The truth of the matter was that her singing was most unsiren-like; she sang like Celine Dion, like the noise a bagful of angry cats would make.

  20. It was an irresistible urge. The sound called to him and he could not keep from going to it. The possibility of seeing death, of seeing pain, of seeing a person in need was impossible for him to avoid.

    by argo on 10.28.2010
  21. I am going to university
    how can I improve my writing
    its very easy
    not to worry oneword is there

    by Tanveer Ahmed on 10.28.2010
  22. It passes through serene valleys and quiet streets, whizzes down lanes filled with nothing, sends flying blossoms that had fallen so sweetly and delicately to the ground. it gets where it’s going. and there exist tears and dirty buildings and fatal catastrophes and pain, pain of loss, …of too much loss. A tornado of noise, made from destruction, from naked emotions forced out, and the eye of this cyclone is empty, but surrounded by those who have to watch. And circling lights bring the most terrible noise, but it’s that wail that will end it. It’s always too late,

    by Garrett4 on 10.28.2010
  23. It must be hard to be one in winter.

    by ebeckett on 10.28.2010
  24. keep in mind. the siren. lock up your heart. she’ll swallow you whole. you’ve been warned. she takes no prisoners…just tally marks. don’t think you can win when you look into her eyes.

  25. its a store that sells womens clothing. not sure why they’d name that a store, since usually sirens are accompanied with either bad news, a fire, an arrest, a dead or mortally wounded person or singing mythological creatures of death. seriously, what the hell? Marketing needs an overhaul.

    by Chris Martin on 10.27.2010
  26. i hear sirens often. i hear i siren now because my head is telling my heart it is doing the wrong thing.. i need to break up with my boyfriend because he treats me like shit. i’m glad i have this siren going off in my head

    by kali on 10.27.2010
  27. sirens are beautiful ladies that live in the water and sing. they are also noises that fire trucks and ambulances make. I always get scared when I hear a siren that I am about to be ran over by a truck charging towards an emergency. would they stop for me or would they go to their previously scheduled emergency? and then would another truck come for me?

    by al on 10.27.2010
  28. echo
    up the hill
    through the valley
    gun shot
    down he goes
    siren goes round
    doppler effect
    overcomes your waning heartbeat

    by Grier King on 10.27.2010
  29. Sirens are like humans, but they have fish delutions… they are kind of boring you know… you just can’t fuck with them… they don’t have vagina! useless animal. useless girl.

    by César González Franco on 10.27.2010
  30. the siren. the siren was in my eyeballs and my earholes. hte siren ouched my brain cells. the siren must stop. i must stop the siren.

    by Mike on 10.27.2010
  31. It’s late. 3am at least. I’m tossing and turning and trying to sleep. A faint siren wails amongst the night. I wonder where it’s headed. I wonder if it’s coming closer or going further away. Hard to discern amongst the other city sounds in the night. I toss. I turn. I’m still awake. It’s gone.

    by CJS on 10.27.2010
  32. She knew he was watching so she smiled coyly at the ground and looked up through her eyelashes. She could feel his heartbeat quickening from across the room, it thudded in her ears and her eyebrows raised slightly, widening her eyes in a way she knew would only add to the effect. This was a game she was more than familiar with. She loved him because his skin was warm and because the muscles in his shoulderblades moved when he walked and because he was a stranger, a blank canvass on which to project whatever personality she wanted.

    by KayKay on 10.27.2010
  33. the siren have hurt my ears as i was tumbling down the stairs…she was still after me and all i could was remain alive.

    by PM on 10.27.2010
  34. its loud and annoying. it warns people. it can be scary! loud!!! really fucking loud!!!!!!!

    by mirelle on 10.27.2010
  35. Ulysses tried holding his hands over his ears. But he knew it was futile. The sound was so haunting, so beautiful. He couldn’t help but be drawn to it. Even in the moments when he tried to block it out, his heart beat faster. He begged his men to lash him to the stern, but they knew their fate would be share by all. They rounded the jutting rock into the cove and saw them, standing atop a mountain. The sound became unbearable yet riveting, painful, yet stirring something so deep within they kept moving forward until the jutting crags threated to overwhelm the ship.

    by Jade on 10.27.2010
  36. sounded throughout the world, blaring the warning that the end was near. somewhere in the dark someone heard it, their heart beating frantically as they ran for the doorway – whether it was to see why the sound was berating them or to escape, I’m not entirely sure, or why the siren was there, only that it was really really bad and it meant that death was coming.

    by erevmore on 10.27.2010
  37. The bank robbers screeched through the beach town, veering around corners, uncaring about the tourists in their flip-flops and water wings, who dove out of the way, lucky to be alive. The police were hot on their tail, so Irving turned the getaway car sharply across the boardwalk onto the beach. Hearing the Sirens screaming louder, he lost control and crashed into the rocks on the shore.

  38. A siren thats what i need. Something that will sound off when im about to do something stupid or wrong. Something to warn me before i make a mistake and get yelled for it.

    by Abandoned on 10.27.2010
  39. I heard the sirens blaring. I couldn’t see the lights just yet, but I had a terrible feeling that I knew where they were coming from. As I ran closer, I realized it was my apartment. I knew that I shouldn’t have left her alone, she was too frail, too fragile. And now, this is all my fault.

    by A. Allison on 10.27.2010
  40. The siren went off as soon as Bridgette picked up the giant diamond.
    “oh great, that’s why jackson didn’t follow me in” she placed the ice like rock into her bag and started to run. she ran down the hallway looking behind there. there was no one there.

    by Jenna on 10.27.2010