
December 30th, 2010 | 298 Entries

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298 Entries for “split”

  1. Millenia in the making, the scale of the workings of the planet are almost incomprehensible; slowly but surely the raft on which we float is splitting and tearing itself into new shapes, like a pre school paper sculpture.

  2. If they had split, would we have been less sad? Would we have been less troubled, less damaged? If they had split, would they have been happier?

  3. Split your attention and energy among too many things and nothing is effective and you can’t change focus that rapidly and that often its not good for you anyway

  4. we were split apart and it hurt like hell

  5. how about that time to split that last piece of cake so that me and my friend had equal pieces? boy i swear that’s physically impossible to do with your hands… though we gave it a shot. one piece was 3/4 bigger than the other so in the end after some bickering, we gave the last piece of cake to my friend’s mom :))

    by A.J. on 12.31.2010
  6. I lost you, thats all
    But it was exactly where I belonged
    like how the moon split from the Earth
    But gravity bounds our hearts to watch from afar.
    We’ve found the proper orbit.

    by joshua manzo on 12.31.2010
  7. Bananas and lips meet with that one thought, though for completely different reasons. Sweet blood mixed with pain, crimson chocolate sauce gushes in the aftermath of a saccharine fisticuffs.

    by Charles on 12.31.2010
  8. duality
    making up your mind
    the boys who love the girls who love to tear apart the couples one at a time.
    The world that loves to rant and hate
    The lies that love to spread
    The hearts that love to hurt and ache inside my useless head.

    by kikumarie on 12.31.2010
  9. Ich muss das Aufsplitten, so geht es leichter zu verstehen. Immer in ganz kleinen Schritten, nur so, nur so werde ich es allein schaffen. Den ich darf hier niemanden fragen, die würden sonst alle denken, dass ich komplett meschugge bin, weil ich das nicht kann und auch noch weine deswegen. Ich darf mich nicht blamieren, sonst ist alles aus. Alles.

    by EliEli on 12.31.2010
  10. There is something wonderful about a banana split. All of those heavenly flavors coming together to make such a fabulous dessert. Chocolate ice cream, vanilla ice cream, strawberry ice cream all nestled on top of a split banana. Then topped with caramel sauce, hot fugdge, strawberry sauce, whip cream and nuts!

  11. I love a banana split. The sheer joy of putting together so many wonderful flavors such as banana, vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, strawberry ice cream, marshmellow, hot fudge, caramel, strawberry sauce, and nuts and whip cream and a cherry on top!

    by A on 12.31.2010
  12. the banana split open with a squelch,m signaling bad fruit and a rotten center
    the wood split with a gushing of sound, breaking in half as if lightning had struck the center and cleaved it into to.

    it split with such intensity and force that the man gasped in shock, staggering back and flinging his hands before his face.

    by Kali on 12.31.2010
  13. it got broken into two pieces and they never saw each other again. i feel so bad for the two. they were meant to be together but it just had to end this way. maybe it’s better off this way. who knows? everyone splits. our souls split from our bodies too.

    by Dunia on 12.31.2010
  14. split
    fuck my time ended

    by fabian on 12.31.2010
  15. a bannana split. going off, let’s split and then just run away. your split pants. how you ripped your pants and it was embarrassig beause it was in front of the boy you like. split ends because that’s what girls do when they are bored. a split fingernail. that was the one time you forgot to put on your protective gloves and grandma had to take your thumb in her wrikled hands and take the gushing blood away you had to tell her that it was your fault that you had taken the grey and rusty knife, dug into the earth and hit your thumb because you had been staring at the ksy

    by Ylan on 12.31.2010
  16. the other day i was going out to the supermarket. on the way there there was a gym
    one of them yoga gyms
    and i watched babies doing the splits

    one thime i was in vietnam
    and i saw as soldiers took babies from their mothers and
    them in half.

    by fabian on 12.31.2010
  17. Lickity split, she said. Let’s go. Off to an adventure somewhere. Where we can be ourselves, where we don’t have to worry what others think. We don’t need to pack. All we need is each other. He smiled and took her hand. Ok, I’m in.

    by Kim on 12.31.2010
  18. I was ten when my parents split. God I hate that term. It sounds like they cut their souls in half. I remember that day like it was yesterday.

    by Ariana on 12.31.2010
  19. Split in two. Two heads are better than one. One is first. First is all that matters. If you’re not first, you’re last. Last place is for losers. Losers get no where in life. This loser needs to get a life. Life has no meaning. We all end in death and chaos. Organized chaos.

  20. The split in her heart was too much to bear. How could he do this? Play with her like a toy and toss her to the side. They were never even together. They had never even kissed. Yet here she was, agonising and missing and hoping and praying. He wasn’t even worth any of it. But that didn’t stop her heart from feeling the way it did, and she couldn’t control it, as much as she wished she could.

    by Autumn on 12.31.2010
  21. legs apart. banana. leave. sexy sexy split. chocolate and whipped cream. leave you. we will leave. don’t leave me. but i gotta split. milkshake. malt. would you like extra caramel sauce on that? i’m sure you do. you always do.

    by Sarah on 12.31.2010
  22. What fell apart?
    It’s aching, whatever it is.

    And glowing. These things tend to have a light of their own.

    I want to make it up to you. Bring you a little close to whole.

  23. Detachment from something I’m already attached to.
    I don’t want things to change. I’m comfortable.
    But that doesn’t matter. They will anyway.

    by Dan on 12.31.2010
  24. you pay for what you get. i just want to sit.
    all i do is sit, leave for nothing in particular, then come back to sit.
    its the single most important thing in my world, and in the history of existence, really.

  25. A banana was found split on the road. Not dirty, just opened. Fresh. Good to eat. But it was decieving because it was lying on the street where it could be dirty. But it wasn’t. It was left for someone special. Someone who would take the time to try it.

    by Avery on 12.31.2010
  26. The two astronauts were spacewalking outside the Veteran, the Space Shuttle’s successor. They were astonished when they bounced against what seemed to be a steel wall, but nothing was there. A moment later, the cloaking device was shut down on the lead ship of the invasion force from planet Zimtrex, revealing twelve thousand warships. Capt. Thompson called over the radio, “Ed? I think we’d better split up. You wait here and find out what they want, and I’ll be in the ship.” With that, he fired his jet pack, entered the portal and locked the hatch.

  27. it was their chinese takeaway place. well. not theirs. the whole street, the whole neighbourhood, the whole nation of insomniacs with the ability to dial a number into the telephone whilst inebriated and alone. but it was theirs, in the simplest of senses.

    his hands fit comfortably in hers, her smile fit comfortably in his, and he remembers everything bathed in afternoon light and a parisian glow that belongs everywhere but there. he remembers the smile that never was, the brow that never furrowed, the apology that never came. he remembers the ending as clean as the chopsticks in his hands, and the splinters in his fingers tell him otherwise.

    by tchaikovsky on 12.31.2010
  28. i really dont think its a good idea to split because you break connections and lose touch with people. its always good to keep in touch with people so nobody gets hurt. splitting atoms is cool though… :D

    by Jamie on 12.31.2010
  29. when you split with someone, it is more often than not codependency and habit that makes you miss them. focus on the bad memories vs. the good when trying to get over someone.
    or, my favorite – fastest way to get over someone is by getting under someone.

  30. Split? I’m not sure. The first thing that comes to mind is a banana split but I’ve never even had one so I can’t really describe that. Another one is “Let’s split.” But what can you say about that?

    by Tyrian on 12.31.2010
  31. i already did this.
    i’m assuming its a one word per day thing….
    i have no idea
    i found this on stumble upon
    but I think i’ll be coming back
    this could definatley help my writing skills
    even if I don’t have any time for spell check during it.
    oh well
    its worth it.

    by Samantha on 12.31.2010
  32. something split them up– something that none of us could really figure out.
    it split them apart and it affected all of us.
    because, the two of them were the glue that held us all apart.
    and now they’re split
    and so are we.

    by Samantha on 12.31.2010
  33. forked in directions unseen by the fog of every muddled day.

    he steps in the doors of split parents who always had the effect of keeping the weather rainy.

    a wandering stare:

    an arguement gone unmatched:

  34. bana splits are really good. one time me and my boyfriend went to the arizona state fair and had “the biggest banana split.” it was big, but it wasnt THAT big. my favorite thing i got that day was one of those crown headband things with the ribbons behind it. that was a good day.

    by thcici on 12.31.2010
  35. it was a cold day in march, and i couldnt keep my head on straight. all i felt was leaves and soil and all i knew was this was home.

    id like to know where this went.

    it was a cold day in march.

    by rene levesque on 12.31.2010
  36. they sat at the diner, sharing a banana split. this was the first time they had seen each other in weeks. the tension sat heavy in the air, both talking about inconsequential things, not getting to the important stuff…like how much they loved each other. neither wanted to admit it but they both knew it.

    by kyla avallone on 12.31.2010
  37. screaming fighting
    kicking punching
    don’t you love me?
    isn’t that enough to keep us all together?
    is this my fault?
    why is this happening if you loved each other to begin with
    every time you scream or fight i feel like i’m falling from a very long cliff
    i love you both
    don’t leave me.

    by lauren on 12.31.2010
  38. My parents are like bananas without Nutella or ice cream or chocolate fudge or all the yummy stuff you can put on top of a banana. My parents are like speckled, bruised, and too ripe bananas. They suck, because they split, just like a banana

  39. we separate.

  40. your mellon in half, blood squirting in the air. your eyes cross and roll into the back of your head. fortunately your in shock and dont feel the pain.

    by MooMaster on 12.30.2010