
August 8th, 2012 | 281 Entries

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281 Entries for “substances”

  1. I World like to go ón stumbleupon

  2. im not sure what this means. is it a good word or is it a bad one. my vocabulary is lacking. it is lost in a flood of words unknown to my head. how can i change this? it ,might as well be dead. am i wrong to not understand?

    by emily on 08.08.2012
  3. sometimes i wonder if we’re no different from drug addicts. we each have our vices, a substance, something we cannot let go of no matter how hard we try .

    by allie on 08.08.2012
  4. The substances melt my mind like chocolate on a hot tin roof. My brain fries, my heart dies, I don’t know which way to turn. Can I move forward, backward? No, I’m completely trapped, my surroundings holding me in my cage.

    by Pamela on 08.08.2012
  5. Substances are things. You can have a sweet substance, which could be juice. You could have a thick substance, which could be blood. You could have a clear substance, which could be water. You are a substance … you.

  6. Who doesn’t like to abuse substances? Who doesn’t like a drink or two or seven? The human mind and body are constantly in flux and made to be altered. Even natural chemicals can be abused; I sometimes spend entire days running and spinning around my living room while listening to loud music, in search of that elusive endorphin natural high.

    by dandan on 08.08.2012
  7. We found illegal substances in his car. But not the typical illegal substances like meth or marijuana or cocaine. As the sergeant lifted the trunk of the car, we all stood there with quizzical expressions and popped up eyebrows at the conglomeration of glass and metal canisters within the vehicle.

    “What are those?” Patrol Officer Taft asked.

    The sergeant lifted up one canister and eyed the symbol. It was alien.

    by Belinda Roddie on 08.08.2012
  8. Things that are in our world and we can use it to do some things. experiences, crazy things, normal things. make ourselves be what we are. liquid things

    by Phil on 08.08.2012
  9. This is food. Sustenance. Pasta, fish, flat iron steak. Then there are the sauces that enhance these foods, like herbs and sauces. The best part is the feelings that form while creating and eating these substances, like satisfaction, fullness, peace, happiness and then sleepiness if it’s a pound of pasta. Cookbooks provide the guidelines to cooking these substances, the beautiful palette of mixtures that create the dish. Ahhhh.

    by Terri on 08.08.2012
  10. She breathed heavily, shaking and shivering form the cold that pinched at her nerves and tightened her skin. Clammy fingers wiped away at the persistant substances that clung to her hand, thick and gooey like some sort of strange paste, refusing to be wiped off by the rough fabric of her denim jeans.

    by Elizabeth on 08.08.2012
  11. субстанция медленно растекалась, обволакивая меня. я сама была всей этой субстанцией, поглощенная сама собой, утопленная в себе. субстанция из моей плоти заливалась мне в рот, в уши, в нос, в глаза, я давилась и впитывала ее. я не стала чьей-то, я съела сама себя.

    by а on 08.08.2012
  12. the substance of the mind is not gray matter, it’s what you fill it with. it’s the circumstances you grow up with, the images you see and the words you’re exposed to. this is the substance you are made of, rather than blood and bodily fluids. remember this.

    by Ryan on 08.08.2012
  13. Since my childhood, I have come across various typef substances. Some have been good while others were bad. It was my decision to choose which one I want to select. My parents always warned me that bad substances might be attractive but is harmful.

  14. Chemicals , or other liquid , solid , or gas stuff . (:
    Illegal , Legal , doesn’t matter (; .
    I don’t know . . . I HAVE WORK IN AN HOUR !!!!! (:
    LET’s SMOKE substances ;) .

    by Ceebae on 08.08.2012
  15. Substances. Noun. plural. More than one thing. Substance can be physical or mental. the physical substance is something we need, but never in excess. The mental kind is just as important.

  16. substances can be al lot of fun. forget all the shit they tell you about your health, blah blah blah. They are serious fun , and we all know it. We aren’t drug addicts because we don’t do it any more. we had fun. We’re over that now.

    by alex on 08.08.2012
  17. There are all kinds of substances in the world. Ones to allow you to have a good time, such as alcohol. Substances such as medicine to help ease your pain. Substances can be good for you, and sometimes they can be catastrophic. Learn to use them right. They could be very beneficial.

    by Lindsey May on 08.08.2012
  18. When I think of substances, i think of science

    by amy on 08.08.2012
  19. Some of the happiest, nicest, most selfless people in the world lack substance. Substance is an underlying message, and ulterior motive, a secret behind the eyes, and this makes someone seem interesting. we so cleverly disguise this as personality… sure he had substance, he had plenty of substance… but then i found out he was sleeping with my best friend.

  20. There are many different types of substances that students become addicted to. Many are very harmful and can cause long lasting effects for the student.

    by Michael Wright on 08.08.2012
  21. The substances were foul and the odors were burning my eyes. I struggled to open the window to clear the air. Blood and other bodily fluids spilled across the kitchen floor. Bottles of chemicals were shattered on the table.

    by Katherine on 08.08.2012
  22. SUbstance abuse is a real problem for this country, although there are many more resources available for people to be able to help themselves and others.

    by Joel Brown on 08.08.2012
  23. I was tempted to take the pills from him. I didn’t find any reason not to do it. Anger? I could handle it plus, I lived on my own so I had no one to hurt. Smaller balls? Only happens if you take them for an extended period of time… And it’s not like I was actually having sex with anyone.

  24. Some of the happiest, nicest, most selfless people in the world lack substance. Substance is an underlying message, and ulterior motive, a secret behind the eyes, and this makes someone seem interesting. we so cleverly disguise this as personality… sure he had substance… But he was also fucking my best friend.

  25. as she rolled down the hill, Alice could fell the oppressive substance loosen and release her from her cage. she was free after so many years, she was free.

  26. When i think of this, i think of substance abuse. which isn’t something to be proud of. whether it’s alcohol, or drugs, cigarettes or something else, people should quit for the safety of others and themselves.

    by Claire on 08.08.2012
  27. makes me think of substance abuse. substances aren’t all bad, but considering my personal experiences with loved one, i tend to attach negative connotations to this word. i feel too much pressure.

  28. Every chemistry experiment begins with different substances. Each is different and unique, but when combined they can make all sorts of crazy concoctions. Each has its own use, but when used together their purpose changes.

    by Sarah on 08.08.2012
  29. substances in the air, float and gather together
    evolution happens and life begins

  30. what makes you what you are and what is within it sort of life watching something and believing it cause its like true. you dont really know what the substance is until you try and discver it but you know thats sort of how life works and your gotta just do it find out whats inside. its all about peace and harmony and through ti you will discover the true substance of something my b

    by Tjay on 08.08.2012
  31. A variety of sticky substances made their way across the floor. The gave off an acrid smell and small puffs of smoke rose from the upturned tubes. Someone had forgotten to put away the chemicals before heading home.

    by BriBri on 08.08.2012
  32. The greasy substances seemed to swallow him up, dragging him down and down until he was sure he could feel the heat of the devil’s tongue on his face. But he wasn’t afraid. A Hunter should die a Hunter’s death. He was proud of who he was. He was a superhero.

    by Kat on 08.08.2012
  33. Substance. Oh, that was what was missing. Substance. Darry lacked even the slightest bit of the stuff. He was self-absorbed and stuck up. Lies. He told lies. He was fake. Not a word left his mouth that wasn’t first fried in an ulterior motive.

  34. Some liquids were sticky. He felt the mixture of soap and water run through his fingers, thinking about how when it dried, it would be sticky. Right now, it was slippery. Huh. Slippery. That was a funny word. He rinsed his hands, shaking a few errant droplets off his hands before turning to the towel.

    by Eleanor Hinkle on 08.08.2012
  35. Substance. Everything in life as we know of is composed of these little tiny inorganic molecules that ultimately make up us. We deal with substance every day, but have you ever wondered what exactly defines the difference between living and nonliving substances? Where does our conscious come from? How did we breathe life into the simple nonliving matter that our bodies are composed of? Life is such a wondrous thing, but it all comes down to the simple substance that makes it up.

  36. i think i learned something about that in class. idk maybe niquel and oxygen and stufff i think its pretty interesting but i didnt really pay attention to classes so… but i think cientists do a great job with em :) hehe

    by Mariana on 08.08.2012
  37. Anything in this world can be considered to be a substance,or any person should be of some substance,Substantial is the word which we try to achieve in our life.

    by SUJESH on 08.08.2012
  38. Too many substances causes a person to lose substance. I person will become shallow if given every object they ask for. Substance abuse. No bueno. They can be used responsibly by anyone, I believe. Just have faith.

    by Liz on 08.08.2012
  39. where’s your substance? You’re looking at me and your mouth is moving and words are coming out but they run cold and flat and fallfallfall. I like you better when you were drunk and high and happyascanbe. Your words are failing but they keep coming fast and we all wish they could stststop.

    by KimKim on 08.08.2012
  40. Substance abuse is bad. When one abuses certain substances, i.e. marijuana or ethonol (contained in alcohol) one is subjecting oneself to the foolishness of dependence and the futility of inefficiancy.

    by Evan on 08.08.2012