
October 27th, 2009 | 692 Entries

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692 Entries for “microphone”

  1. music. song . happy. cord. electronic. band

  2. As soon as the microphone was on…
    Concert, screaming, silence off, people jumping.
    This is where I want to be?
    To late to ask,
    concert is starting.

  3. i love microphones they are awesome they let me sing to the world and everything and shit like that whatever blah blah blah blah blah microphones use magnetism to amplify vocal sound waves and then the audio cable goes out to the processor and then to the amp and it goes BOOM and your voice is like LA LA LA LA LA LA LA to the whole stadium and its awesome hahahahaha OH NOES IM RUNNING OUT OF TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! die die die die die die die microphones are sweet they let you be

  4. microphones are sometimes fuzzy, sometimes not. I’m not sure how that helps the sound, how it supposedly makes wind not make the sound all buzzy? Right? That’s what it does? I wish my little camera had a little fuzzy thing on the mic so it won’t mess up in the wind.

  5. THe microphone in her hand, as her head was turned down towards it with eyes closed, was cold and heavy. Her mouth was slightly open in anticipation of her song, her lips wet and shining from the gloss. There was no way she would spoil tonight, she was ready. Her heart started to slow and she raised her hand to indicate to the drummer to start the beat.

    teka cideon
  6. under it the world is blown up when really our lives are so small.

  7. I used to use a microphone when I worked at public radio. It was the first job I ever had and will remain in my mind as the best job I’ve ever had. I liked working on the radio because I could speak to thousands of people, via a microphone, from the comfort of a tiny control room. Usually, I would wear pajamas, but don’t tell my boss

  8. A microphone doesn’t really hear what you say, but imagine if it could. Would it report back to others? Would it offer an opinion?

    What if you told a microphone a secret? Would it keep the secret? Or would it post it on facebook? You better make sure you know before you buy one.

  9. I used to be so attached to the microphone. I reveled in the chance to rule the microphone. Now I can’t see myself stepping in front of one. The microphone used to be a source of power and creativity for me, but now it just scares me. Someday I hope I can hold the same regard for the microphone as I used to.

  10. sweaty hands, big crowd.
    looking down from the stage
    worried if your voice will even work
    the lights dim
    they call your name
    and your voice rings loud and clear

  11. sailing on the winds of sound a single thing to make hearts sink and worlds go round, a device-like devil who makes thousands hear the shrill and bass so warm and clear, a complete

  12. sing it back bring it back to me
    i will surender i dont know the lines
    moloko isnt my cup of tea
    do you love me the way i love you
    yeah motherfucker
    leave me love me
