
November 23rd, 2009 | 832 Entries

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832 Entries for “spotlight”

  1. I like being in the spotlight when I feel confident about a subject that I am talking about. I like watching people that I like being in the spotlight and I try to make them feel comfortable. I like watching how people’s personality’s change under a spotlight and see if it changes for the better

  2. drama, theatre acting fear nervous speaches nido dan moldovan hayworth high point college hannah decisions crazy annoying scary snakes eat bugs gross creepy clowns left 4 dead 2 guns machine gun shot gun

  3. “put your hands up your in the spot light” the cop said. ” ok i give in” the robber stated and he let the cops take him away.

  4. it’s all on me,
    and all over you.
    the truth demands
    the stage you stand
    and you’ll give
    and you’ll pay
    but somehow
    you’ll never go away

    Josh Miller
  5. lorielo i love lorie lorie lorie lorie javy melie ale bbito laura elena martinez moreno

  6. s

  7. in the limelight, all eyes upon me. I don’t know what to do, where to go… I feel the clock running… I am feeling the reigns tighten…

  8. cow bright area error time space how why is there earth light house tom cruise titanic boat sinking helicopter “what is love”

  9. its a motherfucking spotlight man.

  10. this page shines the spotlight on stream of consciousness writing, which is never something i’ve been good at. on stage, in front of thousands, or hundreds, or dozens, or even millions, if the stage is big enough, the Spotlight is what helps you enlighten.

    So in a lot of ways, what’s more important? you or the light on you? I guess it’s mostly in how ya look at it.

  11. means to be in the center of all things and somewhat alive it feels good and invigorating sometimes scary for some people but i feel refreshing i love it.

    lauren carroll
  12. because it reminds me of mute math
    ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ahahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    the spotlight is on!

    don’t stop believin’
    hold on to that feeeeeeeeeeeeling

    apparently theres a submit button.

    heather josh and ashlee
  13. a very good store where you can buy maerial and sowing stuff just in edgwater but wold have to go to on a saturday because it is pretty far to drive and takes a lot of time. it is also a light used to see things in the dark

  14. l;kkfd fdgkmfgdmg fdgkmkldgmf dfkgmldg fdgkdmlgml dkmgdkmgkdmc dfgmdsmf; xm;ldf;lksf dskmkskf; ksdf;slkf;ln sfm;sf sdf;sd klfggdhfk sdjfhks dsjfks dfkjsfjs jfdskdjfkjs sdjfhksjhdfkjs sdjfkjhkfq

  15. It’s like a spotlight shines upon you – I saw you from all the way across the campus quad.

  16. the spotlight is something we all want and there is nothing better then to be in it, for as long as it takes to be something better than who we are, the light of a thousand monsters burning for eternity, and so on and so forth, that is the spotlight baby

    cary lee babcock
  17. something that puts you as the center of attention. If it is not you it is some object or way of being. It aims to make an item more present but actually hides more than it reveals.

  18. I hope one day to truly have the spotlight. Not in the way I was in high school, with piccolo solos and as Daffodil Princess. But a truly worthwhile spotlight, where people look to me to see something epic and awesome and totally world-changing. Why don’t our famous celebrities ever use their power and spotlight for good?

  19. nothing

  20. there’s no place in the spotlight for me.
    i prefer to be just outside of it,
    seems safer in the dark,
    don’t you think?

  21. me I love being in th espotlight. shining star. bright, funny light of heart star sun

  22. Spotlight. That’s what my job was. Spotlight. The most important unimportant job in the entire musical. I sit for FOUR HOURS, waiting for my cue, turn on the light, fuck up, and then do it all again.

    Musical was okay.

    My assignment sucked ass.

  23. Spotlight. That’s what my job was. Spotlight. The most important unimportant job in the entire musical. I sit for FOUR HOURS, waiting for my cue, turn on the light, fuck up, and then do it all again.

    Musical was okay.

    My assignment sucked ass.

  24. A spotlight lit the stage and the performers appeared as if they had been there all along. It grazed each one individually, until it reached the center of attention. She was lovely in all fashions and decked to the gills with finery for show.

  25. some people love to be in the spotlight. those poeple suck it hard. on the reg.

  26. The spolight is on. You’re one of us now. Each of us posesses the single, almighty spotlight of life. The one, shining, ultimate light that exist, exists upon each living human.

  27. the light that touches my face, even when i don’t want it to. It covers everything, even my sadness.

    kassie koller
  28. i always want to be in the spotlight. sometimes it gets very hot under stage lights. i don’t like sweating under such hot lights, but i love to be on the stage. i once operated a spotlight. it was very hot, and difficult to operate. some people say it’s bad to be in the spotlight all the time, but i love it a lot.

  29. Lights, camera, action. All eyes on me. This is my time this is my destiny, This is where I belong and its not even on the stage. But its where I feel the best. Now all I have to do is find it.

    Adrianna Ford
  30. I miss it.

    Katie A.
  31. In a certain corner of her mind there is a name, a face–his. Always highlighted…always bright beneath a spotlight.

  32. a spotlight is a light in spot
