It was virtually impossible for her to forget his face. To look at the way he smiled at her was the only thing that had given her real butterflies since she had stupid crushes on boys in middle school. This was the first MAN she’d seen since she hit her 20s, there were lots of boys-he was an exception.
virtual world. like… sims. yes, sims would be a virtual world. i used to play sims. but now i don’t. i don’t know why. i think it’s because my computer will die if i play it. yeah, i think that’s why i don’t play sims anymore. :D meow meow meow meow.
Virtual world, like Habbo blaah fuck dip shit mothercocksuckermangetafuckingjoborleavethisshittycountryyoudumbpeaceofshitMAN!!
many people like to meet each other by virtual means. It’s not always the safest way, but it is very adventurous to meet someone you met before on the net. There are many ways of virtual interaction.
I’d love to learn how to become a virtual assistant and work online for a company. I prefer a job as proof reader because I can spell correctly and have always been able to see mistakes in publications.
fast and easy
We live in a material world and I am a virtual world. But not realy. I’m a boy, on the INternet, the crazy Internet, which has everything in the entire world encapsulated in easy-to-swallow virtual pill format. Download a video of monkeys jumping through flaming hula hoops.
The virtual world has taken over. some may say its bad, we dont do things for ourselves anymore. some may say its good, we have ways to contact people without seeing them in person such as virtual video chat.
Virtual remidns me of a virtual world, a different experience or environment where thoughts and creativity roam. Virtuality facilitates exploration through imagination and technological possibilities. Some virtual is imaginary, but infinite.
Alex w
i want to be a virtual assistant and get a job as a copyreader. I really think I could do a great job at it and I love to be challenged by a new assignment
i want to be on the computer. i will chat live and i am also able to use my webcam. macbooks are my favorite type of laptop. if i could go to outer space i would. star trek would be an awesome world to experience. it’s what i think about when i see virtual. the world needs more virtual things.
the first thing that ….that comes to my mind when i do think of the one word word is just that…the word word.The word that seems to be so simple yet is the reason that we are able to express communicate talk emote the very basis of humanity is based on that one word. The word. Seems implausible but its this here word thats making me reach out to you,and the fact that i CAN says a lot.
I find it virtually impossible to understand why the
Jan Moir is still allowed to write for the daily mail or any other “paper.”
television, computers, screens, fake, games, not real, fun, online, internet
unreal raelity like computer stuff, not something you can touch or feel but something you can see. virtual is fantasy or something created with the imagination used for entertainment or education. virtual is an alternate universe
how much of our lives are now virtual? what happened to touch and smell, that fresh intimecy of meeting a new person with personal insights no one else could glean. surely that should not be lost or diminished by virtual ease. give me raw, real painful face to face.
digital computer internet software hardware
just like real like some people
Virtually I have no idea what to say about virtual. What does it mean? I have heard it used in context of computer type things, but other than that? Virtual reality, does that mean not really real? Lots of questions and no answers. Is anyone going to read this? More questions and no more answers.
Virtually Lost
reality this world is a virtual reality . no one knows where we are or who we are or hwo we got here but the world is a virtual reality that’s for sure. this physical world is not the real world. we’re here for uknown reasons made by unknown substance. what can we do but try to figure it out?
alexandra marzella
its virtual, but true, all we’ve shared is a few words on msn but i know they are filled with love and truth, its virtual, but its authentic, its love
um a thing that isnt really there and is kinda make up
it’s not what you see. it/s not what we think is real. its just a way to re-imagine the world inside a shell. the bitter question is, aint we inside a shell also? who is virtual? what is virtual if not life itself?
Raul Kuk
Reality, The opposite of what I live daily, something not real but created by science and technology. virtual reality. walking into a world of computers and lines and angles with no resemblence of
reality. It’s not real, it’s just virtual. All the relationships I’ve had in the last month have been virtual, no interaction with real people… That is sad.
unknown reality in another form make believe
It was virtually impossible for her to forget his face. To look at the way he smiled at her was the only thing that had given her real butterflies since she had stupid crushes on boys in middle school. This was the first MAN she’d seen since she hit her 20s, there were lots of boys-he was an exception.
virtual world. like… sims. yes, sims would be a virtual world. i used to play sims. but now i don’t. i don’t know why. i think it’s because my computer will die if i play it. yeah, i think that’s why i don’t play sims anymore. :D meow meow meow meow.
Virtual world, like Habbo blaah fuck dip shit mothercocksuckermangetafuckingjoborleavethisshittycountryyoudumbpeaceofshitMAN!!
many people like to meet each other by virtual means. It’s not always the safest way, but it is very adventurous to meet someone you met before on the net. There are many ways of virtual interaction.
I’d love to learn how to become a virtual assistant and work online for a company. I prefer a job as proof reader because I can spell correctly and have always been able to see mistakes in publications.
fast and easy
We live in a material world and I am a virtual world. But not realy. I’m a boy, on the INternet, the crazy Internet, which has everything in the entire world encapsulated in easy-to-swallow virtual pill format. Download a video of monkeys jumping through flaming hula hoops.
The virtual world has taken over. some may say its bad, we dont do things for ourselves anymore. some may say its good, we have ways to contact people without seeing them in person such as virtual video chat.
Virtual remidns me of a virtual world, a different experience or environment where thoughts and creativity roam. Virtuality facilitates exploration through imagination and technological possibilities. Some virtual is imaginary, but infinite.
i want to be a virtual assistant and get a job as a copyreader. I really think I could do a great job at it and I love to be challenged by a new assignment
i want to be on the computer. i will chat live and i am also able to use my webcam. macbooks are my favorite type of laptop. if i could go to outer space i would. star trek would be an awesome world to experience. it’s what i think about when i see virtual. the world needs more virtual things.
the first thing that ….that comes to my mind when i do think of the one word word is just that…the word word.The word that seems to be so simple yet is the reason that we are able to express communicate talk emote the very basis of humanity is based on that one word. The word. Seems implausible but its this here word thats making me reach out to you,and the fact that i CAN says a lot.
I find it virtually impossible to understand why the
Jan Moir is still allowed to write for the daily mail or any other “paper.”
television, computers, screens, fake, games, not real, fun, online, internet
unreal raelity like computer stuff, not something you can touch or feel but something you can see. virtual is fantasy or something created with the imagination used for entertainment or education. virtual is an alternate universe
how much of our lives are now virtual? what happened to touch and smell, that fresh intimecy of meeting a new person with personal insights no one else could glean. surely that should not be lost or diminished by virtual ease. give me raw, real painful face to face.
digital computer internet software hardware
just like real like some people
Virtually I have no idea what to say about virtual. What does it mean? I have heard it used in context of computer type things, but other than that? Virtual reality, does that mean not really real? Lots of questions and no answers. Is anyone going to read this? More questions and no more answers.
reality this world is a virtual reality . no one knows where we are or who we are or hwo we got here but the world is a virtual reality that’s for sure. this physical world is not the real world. we’re here for uknown reasons made by unknown substance. what can we do but try to figure it out?
its virtual, but true, all we’ve shared is a few words on msn but i know they are filled with love and truth, its virtual, but its authentic, its love
um a thing that isnt really there and is kinda make up
it’s not what you see. it/s not what we think is real. its just a way to re-imagine the world inside a shell. the bitter question is, aint we inside a shell also? who is virtual? what is virtual if not life itself?
Reality, The opposite of what I live daily, something not real but created by science and technology. virtual reality. walking into a world of computers and lines and angles with no resemblence of
reality. It’s not real, it’s just virtual. All the relationships I’ve had in the last month have been virtual, no interaction with real people… That is sad.