
June 9th, 2023 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “focus”

  1. Bazen bir konuya odaklanmamamak gerçek “odak” olabiliyor. Tıpkı herhangi bir resme bakmak için yakınında değil de bir adım geride durmak gibi.

    Aksu Onurluer
  2. only in one attention in one subject or topic
    giving full effort, and ideas to the given topic
    no distraction
    only one

  3. I was struck by the number of eyeglass cleaners I owned. A metaphor, perhaps? My quest for clarity amid the buffoonery of life.

  4. The matador’s gaze locked. The crowd faded. Only him and the bull. Clarity. Purpose. One move. Life or death. In the arena, a man finds what he seeks

  5. my brain is like a pinball machine with thoughts bouncing everywhere! if focusing was a game, I’d lose like a motherfucker

  6. An aperture narrowing, colors growing vivid, the whispers of her psyche crescendoed into symphonic clarity.

  7. willing my mind to sharpen, like the proverbial pencil that’s never sharp enough to jot down life’s absurdities. the brain is a soup, and a stray noodle keeps obscuring the clarity.
