
September 14th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “crescendo”

  1. the waves rise and crash against the shore. sea foam, green and blue and white, sprays forth from the ocean’s mouth. it gets more intense as time passes, more urgent, more desperate. the rising crescendo of an angry ocean.

  2. The rain started with a sharp wind and then a soft pattering on the leaves. Then a sound of thunder and the increased, a crescendo of sound amplified by the crashing of the rain on the tin roof, to the point where those of us inside the room could not hear each speak, or even hear ourselves think.

  3. estou crescendo para os lados, derrubando paredes, não posso parar, alcanço o leste e o oeste, vou de encontro ao mar, derrubo montanhas e não mais me encontro, desmancho meus braços, desfaço meus dedos, na areia e no vento.

    Juliana Perazzolo