
November 17th, 2023 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “lilt”

  1. It was a merry mood. The sun was shining, and the grass was growing. Harvey had a lilt in his voice and we tramped along the hillside. At times there was a lilt in my step. But it was a joyous expedition.

  2. the gentle rise and fall of the lilting cadence that brought the song to life. sweet and soft and with the barest hint of the wildness that the world presents. everything beautiful and ugly and calming and terrifying and everything in between.

  3. The man started on the stage prepared to give a speech. As he placed his elbows on the podium, the voice that was so recently strong and confident fell short and feeble. The rising and falling of his voice left little for the audience to hear or appreciate. His lilt made his commanding speech come off as fickle and noise. He lost the competition.

  4. The woman waited next to her motorcycle, looking at her cell phone and then looking around anxiously. She called a number on the phone, and although I could not hear the words, I could tell by the lilt of her voice that she was waiting for someone and feeling irritated.. The bushes next to her moved and a man walked out.
