
November 19th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “mystique”

  1. Not feminine, but definitely on the feline side. Something about the unconscious shimmy of the shoulders; the long, rangy torso; the way she slunk along the wall at the edge of the dance floor and hunched glowering in the corner like an ambush predator, hyperfocused and ready to pounce.

  2. Not particularly feminine, but definitely on the feline side. Something in the unconscious shimmy of the shoulders; the long, rangy torso; the way she slunk along the wall a leap’s distance from the dance floor and hunched glowering in the corner like an ambush predator, hyperfocused and ready to pounce.

    Lady Courtaire
  3. He didn’t want to believe the mystique that the company was building up in their advertising. However, when he used the deodorant, he found that cats sniffed the air around him, then at the end of the day, 50 felines were at his door. He had hoped that women would follow him, not cats. But he learned that he should be grateful for the smallest attention so he started to feed them.
