
November 27th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “shimmer”

  1. From the corner of my eye I catch the shimmer of iridescent blue cloth reflected in the mirrored walls, like the stunning sunlit flash of a blue morpho butterfly’s ethereal sapphire wing.

  2. They were walking in the dark forest. “Do you know where we are?” He asked her. “I haven’t the slightest idea,” she replied. She thought it would be best to turn back but they didn’t know the path. Then they saw a shimmer of light through the trees. “Good,” he said and started to run, leaving her behind.

  3. With wonder, I followed the gentle shimmer as it rose into the air. The space between my self and the unknowable universe shrank in that moment, and I was enveloped into everything.