
May 16th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “turtle”

  1. To love you was to watch my heart slowly emerge from its shell
    as a turtle does
    with unsure but determined motion
    towards a world unknown and dangerous.
    To love you was to watch my heart slowly emerge from its shell
    only to get crushed
    shell and its content
    by expectations of a just world.
    “Just because your heart is kind
    doesn’t mean the world will be kind to you”,
    you said.

  2. The turtle goes slowly, heartbeat steady, surrounded by hard bone, rabbit’s heart goes too quickly, rushing through life till it burst, but turtle keeps going, steady and calm as it glides through the water

  3. “Come on. It’s time to go.” Chan stood in front of the closet, trying to pick out the skirt that she would wear today. At the Buddhist ceremony, she knew that boys from her school would be there. “Come on, you’re as slow as a turtle. We’ll miss the ceremony.”

  4. I wouldn’t want to live with my house on my back. I like being able to leave and return home.