
May 19th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “whistle”

  1. I can not whistle. I’ve never been able to do it. The four-year-olds in my class can whistle and do not understand how I can make to adulthood without this accomplishment. I purse my lips like a fish, blow, and still nothing. I also can not blow up balloons. I think the two are related. I can twist balloon animals, though.

  2. Kathy heard the whistle and looked around. This was usually how Pham called his cat, and she was always surprised to see the cat go running to him. He picked the cat up, gave it a treat, and then carried it in to the house.

  3. My dad used to whistle. The 7 dwarves said to whistle while you work. I can’t whistle. Some can