
May 20th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “crystal”

  1. Crystal clear, cold glass water, fingers numb, building a dam at the bottom of the spring, flip-flops left at the edge, every time we try, every return it’s gone and we try again, laughing, we’ve managed to bring it up to our ankles, a mother and daughter bring their laundry to scrub furiously and an old woman bathes, water brings us together even if laughter is the only language we share.

  2. Bright shiny and always looks beautiful. Always sharp and bright. Appealing to the eye and creates desire to want it. Reflects light and shines around the room.

  3. The crystal at the center of the ship, provided the power to move the ship through the dimensions. One moment, they were above Earth and next, they were in the deepest space, looking out on blackness with a few stairs twinkling in the night.
