
May 30th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “whim”

  1. To act on impulse but actually using intuitive knowing. It sounds flighty but it actually is often when I am connected to my inner knowing, my clear intelligence.

  2. To act on impulse but actually using intuitive knowing.

  3. The ideas flit through my brain and scatter themselves through my home. I have cuttings in water, yarn half-crocheted, an embroidery hoop with a needle hanging by a thread, paper soaking to be paper-mache, papermache bowls already finished, a tote bag almost finished, bottles of painting waiting so I don’t forget, a box of catalogs to be cut up and folding into magazines, earring blanks, homemade onion skin ink, but always I am learning.

  4. On a whim, she entered a street she had never walked down before. The buildings were different than those of the main street, some of the windows showcased items that she had never seen.
