
June 4th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “raindrop”

  1. Little pitter patters filling the air in a lour chorus, soaking every bit of earth not shielding by foliage. He stood out admist such rainfall, watching each drop dripping from his hair as if they were the only things he could focus on anymore.

  2. Drop, drop, such a small thing hurtling through the sky, splashing in puddles, reflecting the red lights in a night market, or racing down a window for a sleepy child coming back through the woods from Grandma’s house, neck nestled in the seatbelt, forehead on the cold glass

  3. there was a raindrop that fell from the sky into my eye. what, i screamed. how!! I look up and a raindrop falls into my eye?! It’s like the sky is gifting me with its nectar, cascading a bullseye shot right into my retina. Suddenly I can see. I can see clearer than I have ever been able to see.

  4. It’s a tiny bit of a whole lot life important part of our planet. You can drown in it and it can save your life. It can spoil your mood and it can bring you hope for the future.

    Zlatina Zheynova