
July 11th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “grace”

  1. In all the time he had stayed by his side, he had learned grace. Not within the stone walls of his childhood, but at the side of stigma was where he understood true goodness, kindness, compassion, and holiness.

  2. Garden of grace, ( it’s been a long time since we posted, a long time since the world widget was busy showing all the countries that were reading about our adventures, there I’m frozen still in college and my sisters are not grown up and married, but I search it up now and again, searching for moments long gone, a searchable journey in a land far away, sometimes it feels like just a little bit ago, sometimes it feels like a story someone read to me as a child, but I search it again and I know

  3. She had the good grace not to argue with him, as he was insulting her in front of her co-workers. She just smiled and turned away, trying to deal with her own reaction to him. She felt such fires within her chest, and vowed revenge at a later date.

  4. grace is that indescribable quality we use to explain away our jealousy for those more confident, beautiful, intelligent and charismatic than we.

    swans, therefore, are about as graceful as a sack of potatoes.

  5. Your highness and lady you’re so generous for letting me borrow your library. Can I come see you tomorrow? I will return with fresh, ripe fruit and a hundred poems and thick linen sheets for you to use as tablecloths
