
August 2nd, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “birthday”

  1. My birthday is on 16th February. I have a strange relationship with birthdays. I sometimes like them, and sometimes don’t. I like to earn gifts during my birthday. I still remember my neighbor bought me a keyboard.

    Darshit Tanna
  2. It’s amazing how much emphasis is put on something that we all had nothing to do with.

  3. The toddler’s second birthday was celebrated with great cheer. His father had returned from his overseas study and there was this box with a cake in it. He still didn’t quite understand the occasion, but he squealed and held his arms out in joy.

  4. Isn’t that funny, that only a few hours ago you were in my womb? Your father is a lamb, my darling, and the cord of your birth is a sickle. I felt it open me in swathes, in wide and disinterested sweeps of the wrist, and it didn’t matter if I kicked or brayed. Your mother is a stall horse, my dear, locked into her pen and mewing.

  5. I used to get really excited about my birthday. But that’s because I would get a lot of gifts and attention. But now as an adult, hardly anyone remembers anymore (much less gets me any gifts). Because of that, I no longer care about my birthday.